whats your weight loss stack?


Oct 16, 2024
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United States
Hello i was wondering what your weight loss stack is to achieve your weight loss like i was told Tirzepatide, Tesofensine, and 5-amino 1MQ. Stacked would make a amazing weight loss stack, wanted others opinions
Tirz 5.5 months down 45 lbs. Started at 2.5 then at 5 ever since. No plans to increase until I stall or noise comes back. Did cycle in SS31 and Mots not sure if it helped with weight but did add energy.
I did tirz for 3-ish months, found Reta and on that currently with a mix of ss31/mots-c, nad+ and lipo c.
Currently on Tirz since June (Sema before that from March) with 37 pound loss so far.
Have stacked AOD (cycled off 3 weeks ago) and loved it.
Have been researching Tesa and Ipa for the past 3 weeks and have seen a great reduction in abdominal fat. Really phenomenal.
I added Tesofensine this past week and bam! The weight is melting off and there’s been great energy.
I also add a very low dose of Reta mid week for energy and appetite suppression - but from what I’ve seen from the Teso I will probably d/c the Reta.
Currently on Tirz since June (Sema before that from March) with 37 pound loss so far.
Have stacked AOD (cycled off 3 weeks ago) and loved it.
Have been researching Tesa and Ipa for the past 3 weeks and have seen a great reduction in abdominal fat. Really phenomenal.
I added Tesofensine this past week and bam! The weight is melting off and there’s been great energy.
I also add a very low dose of Reta mid week for energy and appetite suppression - but from what I’ve seen from the Teso I will probably d/c the Reta.
Can I ask your dosages on
