Where is everyone from.

yep and they are still the best "collection" of rides in the USA, been almost everywhere in the states and there are some places with 1 or 2 coasters better than the top at cedar point, but overall cedar point is amazing
Nice! Haven't been on a coaster in 15 years. 3 spine surgeries = no more coasters for this guy. Enjoy them while you can!
North Florida aka hell, as I’m sure anyone in the southern states can attest to. And it rains here in the summer every afternoon for about 30 min…just enough to turn the air into a liquid. You know how those Uncle Ben’s “boil-in-bag” rice things work? It’s kinda like that around here, but we’re the rice.
Bahahahaha...I'm a Florida native..I laughed and laughed reading this....same time every day..down pour..and so humid you drown taking in a breath 🤣🤣
Born in the bowels of the Bronx Back when tha Grand Concourse was inhabited by the 12 tribes .Before they ran to Coop City and left the borough to burn.Lived in Alphabet City during my CbGB phase Now reside in the beautiful city of Yonkers NY by the gorgeous Hudson River I watch the sun set over the Palisades everynight
I was sentenced to Dallas without benefit of parole about 31 years ago, Dawg.

By birth and my first 35 years of residence I am a Louisiana boy. I was born in New Orleans and lived there until I moved to London.

After 10 years living in Central London I returned to the US and lived in Washington DC for a few years. Then came incarceration in this dry, hot, dull food desert surrounded by Tessicans...

Cocodrie and I suffer here.
Sweet I'm in DC now....20 years plus between Maryland too

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