Nexaph testing

Just so we're clear about what my specific concerns are, I'm not all that worried about the fact that Nexaph has a bad batch. I am worried about the how and why behind that result.

We're not going to get a better answer to this then we've already gotten from him, and at the end of the day it doesn't change much. Whether it was histidine or a new lyophilization process, he skipped QA.
i'm not hopeful we'll get an answer either, but there's an impression being held by some folks (more so on the other forum) that cain has came here hat in hand and addressed our concerns when in reality he keeps sidestepping this key point and instead planting his flag on other, less important fields of battle. so i'm happy to keep hammering it home and rephrasing until he gives a straight up response.

i also love how spamming a bunch of future vendor coa's is somehow relevant to this discussion, like at all, lmao. come on guys, forget about that one singular issue that i've yet to address! look at all these OTHER times where it tested good!
I think Cain's transparency is giving us a view to "how the sausage is made".

I am currently reviewing hundreds of test results posted on a popular peptide testing site. EVERY vendor has bad batches that either fail purity or mass, every single vendor. None of them are getting this level of scrutiny, because they would not provide the level of response and interaction that we are getting from Cain. From many, you would have a hard time getting replacement vials for a failed test. "You sent to Trust Pointe? We only accept results from Jano." I have seen this actual response from one of the CN vendors. Nexaph is sending replacements automatically.

This is the gray market and the inputs required (raws, filler, vials, stoppers, crimps) all introduce risks to the final product.

As customers the best thing we can do is test and try to hold vendors accountable for issues with quality. Plus, publicly call them out when they don't address the issue.
To be fair, until recently, that was Cains response as well when a Tirz came back under purity. It was even in his 99% gurantee disclaimer.

I think he just recently started utilizing trustpointe with the 3rd party tests.

With that said, your point stands. They all fail.

Cains history is why people give him more shit than everyone else. Cain knows that and he's trying to do everything he can to deliver to his customers to rid himself of the early days. I understand that, most should. I give cain business and I also question him when necessary (albeit no where near the witch hunt that occurs on peppys and here)

I have a simple rule for nexaph (as I do all vendors). I won't use it until I see a vendor test and a 3rd party one i was involved in. It's people using vials willy nilly that get them in with the nexaph reta and the sry t60/t45
Just so we're clear about what my specific concerns are, I'm not all that worried about the fact that Nexaph has a bad batch. I am worried about the how and why behind that result.
I understand that and I think the response that we received is probably all that we are going to get. I also think this is a ton more info than most CN providers would share. What would Tracy say? My guess is there would be crickets.
I understand that and I think the response that we received is probably all that we are going to get. I also think this is a ton more info than most CN providers would share. What would Tracy say? My guess is there would be crickets.

I don't buy from QSC for that very reason and probably never will despite how popular they are

You get the treatment you accept, and if we constantly overlook the same problems they'll keep coming up.
Sorry, but what the fuck is wrong with this dude? Running a profitable peptide business isn't rocket science. You buy product from a reputable manufacturer or distributor, pay for some tests to confirm quantity (and where relevant sterility), then sell for cost + profit to people with some nice stickers on it.

That's the ENTIRE business model.

There's no need to do all of this weird shit. Cain appears to be an actual pathological liar

Anyway, someone should probably let the folks on the other forum know. Probably not me since I think the gator may be mad at me. @DwightTheDelight, @milos, @Bacchus, you all are in good standing. Any one of you want to take one for the team?

Yeah but he still tried it which is a problem on its own.
I will never order from Nexaph again
i'm not hopeful we'll get an answer either, but there's an impression being held by some folks (more so on the other forum) that cain has came here hat in hand and addressed our concerns when in reality he keeps sidestepping this key point and instead planting his flag on other, less important fields of battle. so i'm happy to keep hammering it home and rephrasing until he gives a straight up response.

i also love how spamming a bunch of future vendor coa's is somehow relevant to this discussion, like at all, lmao. come on guys, forget about that one singular issue that i've yet to address! look at all these OTHER times where it tested good!
This is an excellent description of what is happening here, although I don’t see it changing even when called out so clearly
So it seems there is still some confusion regarding the histidine with the reta issue. Ill give a timeline of what happened so we are all clear.

1. Sent samples in to Jano, samples include Tesamorelin 10mg, TB4 10mg, Reta 12mg, Tirz 15mg all in the same package.
2. Janoshik receives samples and tests them. Analysis conducted on October 17th.
3. On October 18th Janoshik sends me test results of all 4, 3 of them had purity issues. He also sent me information on the low purity stating
Hello my friend,

the major impurities in some of the samples elute early and I am thinking maybe you have started using some new filler or something? "

4. I replied to Jano stating that histidine was used with Tesamorelin and TB4 and may have been used with Retatrutide as well. If i send you a sample of the histidine, can you test it against the samples and see if that might be why?
5. He obliged to test the histidine against the samples and inform me.
6. I announced in the Telegram group on October 18th "
We received our test report today for the Reta 12mg. We noticed that the purity was below 99%. We contacted Jano to get clarity on why this may have happened and he informed us the impurity may be from a filler/excipient we used. We are sending him a sample of the excipient (histidine) to test separately and to recalculate the purity.
If purity after re calculation is still below 99%, we will reship the Reta 12mg to everyone who purchased it."
7. Retest came back, histidine was detected in Tesamorelin and TB4 but was not detected in Retatrutide.
8. I informed telegram group that histidine wasn't the issue and the reta still came back below purity, i set a schedule for the re ship of the product.

All in all, i was too hasty in announcing that the impurity may have been histidine when in fact it was never even used with the Retatrutide. But i wanted to inform everyone that there was an issue with that reta batch asap as soon as i found out so people can make an informed decision on if they should use it or not.

The test reports that were sent:


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ill crosspost from the other forum to over here as well:

I don't know what more you want? At that point in time i thought we had used histidine and that is what was causing the low purity.
i guess this "i thought" part is whats throwing me off here. how exactly do you confidently state in your own telegram chat that you used it (histidine) as a buffer with reta to stop the degradation only to find out later after jano testing that it actually was never used? how does this happen? like walk me through it i'm willing to listen. was the package of mannitol mislabeled as histidine in the facility or something? like, help me out here.
ill crosspost from the other forum to over here as well:

i guess this "i thought" part is whats throwing me off here. how exactly do you confidently state in your own telegram chat that you used it (histidine) as a buffer with reta to stop the degradation only to find out later after jano testing that it actually was never used? how does this happen? like walk me through it i'm willing to listen. was the package of mannitol mislabeled as histidine in the facility or something? like, help me out here.
Thanks for pushing this in the other forum, devyn. I know it's not easy to have a go against so many dissenting opinions, but I appreciate you doing that the same way I appreciate Cain coming in here to explain. Neither are particularly easy. I hope this continues to happen.

I feel fairly satisfied with his final response in gator land, are you feeling the same or am I missing something?
Thanks for pushing this in the other forum, devyn. I know it's not easy to have a go against so many dissenting opinions, but I appreciate you doing that the same way I appreciate Cain coming in here to explain. Neither are particularly easy. I hope this continues to happen.

I feel fairly satisfied with his final response in gator land, are you feeling the same or am I missing something?
I couldn't find his response in gator land. Granted, I was afraid of getting bitten and only stayed there for a short time. It seems to me that Cain makes too much of an effort to explain things when he should say something to the effect of "I'm just a reseller" or "I bought a powder. I thought it was fine. I didn't understand that I should have asked what additives it contains before I stuck it in vials. Now I ask." Cain would do better if he didn't answer so many questions that results in Cain getting caught trying to falsely portray himself as a manufacturer. Cain does receive much criticism that likely has to do with his history.

I couldn't find his response in gator land. Granted, I was afraid of getting bitten and only stayed there for a short time. It seems to me that Cain makes too much of an effort to explain things when he should say something to the effect of "I'm just a reseller" or "I bought a powder. I thought it was fine. I didn't understand that I should have asked what additives it contains before I stuck it in vials. Now I ask." Cain would do better if he didn't answer so many questions that results in Cain getting caught trying to falsely portray himself as a manufacturer. Cain does receive much criticism that likely has to do with his history.

Specifically these two were what I was referring to.

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I couldn't find his response in gator land. Granted, I was afraid of getting bitten and only stayed there for a short time. It seems to me that Cain makes too much of an effort to explain things when he should say something to the effect of "I'm just a reseller" or "I bought a powder. I thought it was fine. I didn't understand that I should have asked what additives it contains before I stuck it in vials. Now I ask." Cain would do better if he didn't answer so many questions that results in Cain getting caught trying to falsely portray himself as a manufacturer. Cain does receive much criticism that likely has to do with his history.

Seems like too many words were used...

Too many words used before sale. Before testing. After testing. Now. Then.

The root cause is overuse of words.

Is my Reta part of the compromised batch or no? Just catching up on this thread but I’m a Customer and haven’t been following lately. Just wondering. Thx!


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Thanks for pushing this in the other forum, devyn. I know it's not easy to have a go against so many dissenting opinions, but I appreciate you doing that the same way I appreciate Cain coming in here to explain. Neither are particularly easy. I hope this continues to happen.

I feel fairly satisfied with his final response in gator land, are you feeling the same or am I missing something?
i knew nexa was more liked in gatorland but i had no idea the situation was this dire. it's some lord of the flies shit over there and they're all chanting "cain! cain! cain! while circling around a campfire with animal skin and face paint on. absolute cult like behavior.

my decision for future ordering from nexa is made, as i don't feel comfortable with cain's decision making and risk/reward matrix. this idea that you "thought" you might've used histidine as a buffer for the reta because you used it with two other peptides you sent in? meh, i'll give him credit for FINALLY addressing the point that we all wanted addressed. but i don't think the answer does anything to restore confidence in buying/trusting anything. maybe my standards are to high, but not knowing what fillers you put into your product? meh, that's a bridge too far for me to believe.

idk if it's enough for me to throw out my current batch. i'm assuming (hoping) cain learned his lesson from this debacle. i was never super worried about getting super sick from this stuff to begin with. my issue was with cain himself and the differing stories that he was providing to different platforms at any given moment. that's the part that scares me most. i'll probably just prioritize my nexa t30 last and hope i hit goal weight/switch to reta before i decide if i wanna take it or not.
idk if it's enough for me to throw out my current batch. i'm assuming (hoping) cain learned his lesson from this debacle. i was never super worried about getting super sick from this stuff to begin with.

This is what I was trying to figure out as well. It got a little messy and took a while to get that specific answer, but I think we did get an answer that is kind of understandable - jumping the gun, assuming something that wasn't correct, and then not immediately correcting the mistake. I think I'll be open to taking the replacement batch that was sent, but toss the original.
Seems like too many words were used...

Too many words used before sale. Before testing. After testing. Now. Then.

The root cause is overuse of words.

View attachment 3977
i knew nexa was more liked in gatorland but i had no idea the situation was this dire. it's some lord of the flies shit over there and they're all chanting "cain! cain! cain! while circling around a campfire with animal skin and face paint on. absolute cult like behavior.

my decision for future ordering from nexa is made, as i don't feel comfortable with cain's decision making and risk/reward matrix. this idea that you "thought" you might've used histidine as a buffer for the reta because you used it with two other peptides you sent in? meh, i'll give him credit for FINALLY addressing the point that we all wanted addressed. but i don't think the answer does anything to restore confidence in buying/trusting anything. maybe my standards are to high, but not knowing what fillers you put into your product? meh, that's a bridge too far for me to believe.

idk if it's enough for me to throw out my current batch. i'm assuming (hoping) cain learned his lesson from this debacle. i was never super worried about getting super sick from this stuff to begin with. my issue was with cain himself and the differing stories that he was providing to different platforms at any given moment. that's the part that scares me most. i'll probably just prioritize my nexa t30 last and hope i hit goal weight/switch to reta before i decide if i wanna take it or not.
I like gatorland. Alligator has specific opinions. They're not the be all and end all. I do trust that he (1) is a smart guy and (2) says what he says because he sincerely believes it. I tend to believe that what you buy from Nexaph is relatively safe and that folks tend to be harder on Cain. With that said, Cain has been caught lying and doing other deceptive things. While he is a safe from gators and crocodiles, I don't plan on trying to save him if anything else attacks him.
This is what I was trying to figure out as well. It got a little messy and took a while to get that specific answer, but I think we did get an answer that is kind of understandable - jumping the gun, assuming something that wasn't correct, and then not immediately correcting the mistake. I think I'll be open to taking the replacement batch that was sent, but toss the original.
before tossing it, i would try selling it at a discount to one of the willing cain disciples. they can't get enough of it, lol.
before tossing it, i would try selling it at a discount to one of the willing cain disciples. they can't get enough of it, lol.
It's being replaced for free anyway. May as well, someone will be happy to have it, the only issue seems to be that it's degraded a bit. Other people will keep testing it, and name brand only requires 97% purity. If it degrades slowly enough someone will want it.

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