I tweaked the PH


Sep 8, 2024
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United States
Total chem noob that graduated without honors from Reddit university. Bought acetic acid for my cagri to fend off the evil oligomers and fibrils from invading my brains. Tested cagri first with just Amazon bac water at around 6 PH reconstituted. Got it down to 4.5 PH after 0.4ml of acetic acid / 1ml bac. So took almost half the amount of bac to knock the ph down to the 4’s. Just shot it. Didnt die. That’s my story.
Whats the point though? All the other stuff doesn't work anymore?
Did you use both regular bac water and acetic acid together? Or did you just reconstitute the entire vial with acetic acid bac water?
Also which pH testing kit would you recommend? Sorry Im fairly new to cagri!
I’ll admit I took the FUD bait and did this as well. Added acetic acid solution to bac for a ph of 4-5 and reconstituted with that. I had some 2.5ml bac water vials so the .5ml of acetic acid solution was just right. No sting or anything. Tested using standard litmus paper.
I don't want to admit what I did but it's sort of funny so I will. I decided to add 5 units of vinegar to 195 units of back to lower the pH. The acid in vinegar is acetic acid.

Vial immediately went cloudy and the Internet says that means the peptides denatured (unfolded) and went into suspension.

So don't use vinegar in place of acetic acid!
My questions are...

Do the oligomers already exist in the lyophilized solution or do they only occur after time in the adverse pH conditions?

Does injecting it into your thigh reduce the risk of those pesky oligomers getting to gray matter (as opposed to your arm which is closer to your head)? I suppose once they hit a main highway, it's fat city for oligomers.
I mean, I *eventually* passed Chem lab and even Organic Chem lab (2nd time's the charm!)...I'm not a dummy but I know my limitations so I will just take the sting from all my peptides. NAD+ and cagri, GHK-Cu blend, I don't like it but I can take it!
I dont know anything outside of the fact that my ph is now 4.5 instead of 6.

I reconstituted with bac then added the acetic acid. Should I have added the acetic acid to the bac then reconstituted or is this the same effect regardless of the order? (Not sure if like binding the peptides happens or something and the acetic acid doesn’t work after the fact).

Also not sure if the ph needs to be set in the powder before reconstituted so maybe none of this even matters. Can a legit chemist chime in on these two things?

Also, regarding the thigh injection lol… why not go a step further and just shoot it into your foot man. No way oligomers are gonna make that trek lol.
I don't want to admit what I did but it's sort of funny so I will. I decided to add 5 units of vinegar to 195 units of back to lower the pH. The acid in vinegar is acetic acid.

Vial immediately went cloudy and the Internet says that means the peptides denatured (unfolded) and went into suspension.

So don't use vinegar in place of acetic acid!
damn dude you were going to inject vinegar subq 😱 that's hardcore
What you could do is this
Use the same insulin syringe and draw out 2.5ml of regular bac water
Pull back the plunger to create air bubbles
Wipe the needle pin with alcohol pad
Wipe AA bottle with alcohol and draw out 0.5ml in the same syringe
Flick the syringe around to mix the two solutions together (suck and push plunger to do this)
Test the solution
But what I read cagri likes pH of 3.5 to 4 max
Should we not be better off to draw 2ml of BAC water and 0.5ml of AA?
I think that would be closer to 3.5pH
Sure it might sting a little but thats what the research shows is the optimal pH for cagri

Also may I ask what ph testing kits you guys use?
What you could do is this
Use the same insulin syringe and draw out 2.5ml of regular bac water
Pull back the plunger to create air bubbles
Wipe the needle pin with alcohol pad
Wipe AA bottle with alcohol and draw out 0.5ml in the same syringe
Flick the syringe around to mix the two solutions together (suck and push plunger to do this)
Test the solution
But what I read cagri likes pH of 3.5 to 4 max
Should we not be better off to draw 2ml of BAC water and 0.5ml of AA?
I think that would be closer to 3.5pH
Sure it might sting a little but thats what the research shows is the optimal pH for cagri

Also may I ask what ph testing kits you guys use?
Yea that would work too. I use ph strips from Amazon that was recommended by someone on peppys but all the disposable strips are basically the same just some with wider ranges. Mine only went down to 4 PH on the color chart and I was somewhere between 4 and 4.5 at the end. Surprisingly there was no sting at all for me btw.

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