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  1. exploitedworkerbee

    Sterilizing injection pen cartridges

    Pressure causes the stoppers to pop out. You re-insert them while still packaged. I haven’t actually done this personally but this is my understanding of it
  2. exploitedworkerbee

    Nexaph First Purchase - Tirzepatide

    This is what discussion looks like. Would you find it superior to lock threads like this after the review is posted so there is no discussion, just the review? Leave the discussion to the specific vendor discussion thread, until a better system can be implemented?
  3. exploitedworkerbee

    Nexaph First Purchase - Tirzepatide

    No. Some system to consolidate this stuff will get put in place when Zippity has the capacity to figure it out. For now unfortunately review posts like this in the general discussion areas are the only way to do it with how the site is structured. It’s on his radar as something that needs...
  4. exploitedworkerbee


    I wouldn’t buy something I expected to be under 97%, but let’s just say I’ve found myself with much lower and it makes the rotation in certain situations. Like @mostlydamp I look at it more as a reflection of manufacturing expertise, it’s not like the portion of the purity figure that isn’t the...
  5. exploitedworkerbee

    First time ordering feeling anxious

    Even if you’re not scammed in the sense that your money is stolen (this is unlikely), you’re not in the clear if they send you the kit. The problem you’re going to have is that because you’ve ordered from a random unknown vendor you have no frame of reference to determine if what you’ve received...
  6. exploitedworkerbee

    Nexaph First Purchase - Retatrutide

    I’m not afraid of a little drama, I’m a mall cop after all and mall copping can be a bore, but when it gets to battles over “your vs you’re” it is time to find a new, funner, more interesting fight to pick. I can’t imagine grammar policing is going to be a sufficient rage outlet for you to...
  7. exploitedworkerbee

    Nexaph First Purchase - Retatrutide

    fyi I’ll be nuking any more interpersonal conflict between members in this thread moving forward. No warnings or big pronouncements, let’s just get back on the rails please. I’m not a member and vendors aren’t members so please don’t hesitate to attack us all you want. But leave each other...
  8. exploitedworkerbee

    Research Lab section

    Just so yall know you aren't intentionally being ignored. This type of site architecture stuff is all up to zippity, who is very slammed with real life stuff for the coming months. For now the reality is probably going to be that we work with the site as it is until he is able to dedicate some...
  9. exploitedworkerbee

    Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (QSC)

    Thanks for clarifying. Apparently there is some confusion around it for those last few, I’ll share this with the people that raised the concern.
  10. exploitedworkerbee

    Average GB Markup

    Oh it’s profitable for sure.
  11. exploitedworkerbee

    Average GB Markup

    You’re going to have a hard time getting any gb operators to disclose their margin.
  12. exploitedworkerbee

    Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (QSC)

    @Qingdao Sigma looks like your post here clearly says reship for under 99% purity, but the post-testing showed lower purity on the tesamorelin -- are you honoring the reship commitment? i've heard mixed messages on this from members so thought it best to go straight to the source. Your...
  13. exploitedworkerbee

    Nexaph First Purchase - Retatrutide

    Thanks. I stopped following this thread so missed it, will get caught up and figure out course of action. Edit: ok I’ve issued a couple of warnings (political content and trolling behavior) but not removing any content - appreciate it if y’all can let the interpersonal grievances drop, and...
  14. exploitedworkerbee

    Greetings from Isadora

    @ZippityDooDah is a busy guy. Please remain patient and he will get to your request when he can.
  15. exploitedworkerbee

    What do you expect from a vendor?

    To answer the top line of your question, what I expect from a vendor is simply provide clarity on what they are committing to, and a track record that makes be believe they will deliver on those commitments. That gives me what I need to make an informed decision in an environment of endless...
  16. exploitedworkerbee

    What do you expect from a vendor?

    Regarding testing groups, good ones are structured in a way where it is not possible to reliably do that because the sample is chosen at random from all participating members. It would have to be all shills for that to work. Bad testing groups don’t have this check in place. to say I am paid by...
  17. exploitedworkerbee

    Nexaph First Purchase - Retatrutide

    Happy to stand corrected on this. I presume that the failed sterility test would have been accompanied by a fill/purity test so that almost certainly exists somewhere, but other than that I’m not aware of any 3rd party testing (admittedly I haven’t looked for it)
  18. exploitedworkerbee

    Nexaph First Purchase - Retatrutide

    Sorry, there aren’t any. Just a whole lot of noise.
  19. exploitedworkerbee

    Nexaph First Purchase - Retatrutide

    Yikes that’s a lot of vitriol for correcting a dishonest person from a company with no track record on words they put in someone else’s mouth, which is especially rich considering how many words you put in mine (I don’t think I’ve ever even mentioned that I was related to that server before for...
  20. exploitedworkerbee

    Nexaph First Purchase - Retatrutide

    Sorry you don’t get to speak on behalf of PTDS admins. I was an admin so can attest, they’re not fans of vendors on their platform (where vendors are not allowed) using it under alt accounts. Undeclared vendor is bannable, and an offense they take extremely seriously. So no you’re surely not...
  21. exploitedworkerbee

    Nexaph First Purchase - Retatrutide

    Yes I used the wrong term, I’ll correct it in the comment. Failed sterility, not contamination
  22. exploitedworkerbee

    Retatrutide's effect on alcohol cravings?

    I’m sorry, I know this isn’t what you asked, but have you considered going to an AA meeting? I’m in recovery, haven’t drank in over a decade, haven’t been to a meeting in a long time, but in the early days of getting sober it was super helpful if just as free group therapy with people who you...
  23. exploitedworkerbee

    Nexaph First Purchase - Retatrutide

    Yeah, at this moment all we have to go on is vendor testing which doesn’t mean anything (see my recent post about that) and demonstrated dishonesty. The limited third party testing there was just showed non-sterile product. It’ll take some time but no reason third party testing can’t end up...
  24. exploitedworkerbee

    Nexaph First Purchase - Retatrutide

    There are lots of peptide suppliers on this site that i won’t buy from personally for ethical or risk reasons. I consider SPC one of those. However Glp1forum isn’t in the business of screening vendors for people, it’s in the business of providing a platform for people to access information to...
  25. exploitedworkerbee

    Will peptide Tirz go away?

    Nothing to be ashamed about ordering domestic, we are all weighing our own level of comfort and risk as we feel our way along. I anticipate the more visible (so more trustworthy in that they have a track record) online sellers of tirz will be knocked out by Lilly lawyers, leaving a big space...
  26. exploitedworkerbee

    Don’t trust vendor tests

    I can’t speak for all testing groups but the one I know well does release bad/dangerous test results publicly immediately upon receiving them.
  27. exploitedworkerbee

    Don’t trust vendor tests

    The system doesn’t work without it. sadly, like it or not, people are generally driven by self-interest (including vendors, which was the topic at hand). Enabling access to testing for $10-$15 is a pretty big social good, I’d argue, even if it means those tests aren’t given out freely. The...
  28. exploitedworkerbee

    Don’t trust vendor tests

    Why would you pay into a test that you know is going to be provided to you for free? You pay into it because you get something you otherwise would not. It’s not a charity. If Walmart gave away their goods for free would you pay? No. But guess what — the result is no more Walmart because nobody...
  29. exploitedworkerbee

    Don’t trust vendor tests

    Regular people pay for those tests with their hard earned dollars. Some servers are protective of the results because if you release them for free that removes the incentive to pay into the tests.
  30. exploitedworkerbee

    Don’t trust vendor tests

    “The test was delayed” translates to “test came back bad so sending a vial from a known good batch in order to get the report I need”
  31. exploitedworkerbee

    Don’t trust vendor tests

    A couple of vendors on this very site call me shit for brains, so I’m having a very different experience than you
  32. exploitedworkerbee

    Fitomics Research Labs Discount Blood Testing

    I don’t know if this is correlation or causation but I brought donuts for the labcorp people when I went in 3 days ago (it was a good vibes kinda day) and my labs were ready this morning. Several of the tests had 7 day estimates. Last time it look 8 days. Who knows what power the office staff...
  33. exploitedworkerbee

    Don’t trust vendor tests

    It seems like this point has been totally lost around here so I felt compelled to put a fine point on it: vendor tests are a marketing tool and should not be trusted any more than claims made in a commercial. A vendor will not release a bad test to the public, you only see the good ones...
  34. exploitedworkerbee

    Things You Said You’ll Never Do

    It’s not necessarily a red flag. To me it’s a market like any other, flooded with vendors all trying to figure out their competitive advantage. If your plan is to put marketing dollars into a website as your competitive advantage you’re probably not the right vendor for me. I make my purchasing...
  35. exploitedworkerbee

    Fitomics Research Labs Discount Blood Testing

    Apologies for not realizing there were turnaround times listed, didn’t mean to ask you to do the legwork for me
  36. exploitedworkerbee

    Fitomics Research Labs Discount Blood Testing

    Any idea if igf1 is a quick or slow test?
  37. exploitedworkerbee

    Fitomics Research Labs Discount Blood Testing

    If you get a bunch of stuff done you end up waiting for the slowest result to come back before you get the whole batch, and some stuff has a single lab that processes that type of test. This happened to me last time, i believe i got my results on Day 8.
  38. exploitedworkerbee

    CNBC's "Ozempic underworld: Inside the black market of obesity drugs"

    Testing groups count as post-purchase testing. Lots and lots of people are doing that, or at the very least seeing the results of those tests out in the wild.
  39. exploitedworkerbee

    CNBC's "Ozempic underworld: Inside the black market of obesity drugs"

    gooooooooooob morning! I’m going to go through the last few pages and nuke any comments that are overtly political (per the rules), leave in the debate about the man-hating whatever (I just got up and haven’t read it all but I gather it’s just personalities clashing on the internet which is part...
  40. exploitedworkerbee

    CNBC's "Ozempic underworld: Inside the black market of obesity drugs"

    Bad news, friend: you think you’re set until fomo sets in. You haven’t stocked up for 2 years, you’ve started your hoard.