Search results

  1. ZippityDooDah

    Tirz Price Tracker October

    Avoid. It's just another one of the countless Cantides brands.
  2. ZippityDooDah

    Nexaph First Purchase - Retatrutide

    Examples of this violent toxicity? People disagreeing about things is neither toxic nor violent, and for folks new to the internet one of the most common pastimes is for people to disagree; often strongly. The most important thing to remember when anyone comes across anything they don't agree...
  3. ZippityDooDah

    Nexaph First Purchase - Retatrutide

    To expand a little on what EWB said, when I created this forum I wanted a place for free and open discussion with minimal moderation to allow information and conversations to develop organically and I still think the vast majority of content here reflects that spirit. The unfortunate nature of...
  4. ZippityDooDah

    Nexaph First Purchase - Retatrutide

    For the record nobody is prohibiting anyone from posting their list, so any change in the availability is entirely up to the individual member. I will however reiterate previous posts I've made strongly suggesting that any "list" should be used solely as a starting point for people to begin...
  5. ZippityDooDah

    AOD 9604

    No. Ideally the solution should be buffered to reconstitute at the desired pH with normal BAC or sterile water. Adjusting pH is a chemical process, not a mechanical one like filtering. Many people have figured out how to adjust the pH of their BAC water with acetic acid on their own, but it's...
  6. ZippityDooDah

    AOD 9604

    Many suppliers have started providing special BAC water with some acetic acid to lower the pH to avoid reconstitution problems with AOD as since late last year it seems like the raw producers and/or suppliers are failing to properly buffer the solution for proper pH prior to lyophilization.
  7. ZippityDooDah

    Thought about QYC/Shanxi Qianyecao Biotechnology

    Never heard of them, which in today's world of pop-up resellers and scammers isn't a surprise. What surprises me is that with at least a dozen well-known and reasonably reputable Chinese suppliers out there why people still feel it's worth experimenting with ones that nobody has ever heard of...
  8. ZippityDooDah

    For those of you who were referred here via a redditor....

    Relax, no reason for anyone to get all bent out of shape over any of this shit.
  9. ZippityDooDah

    For those of you who were referred here via a redditor....

    Correct, there isn't any prohibition. I suggested/requested at some point giving some thought to where the link was shared to help attract mostly nice and thoughtful people, and didn't want anyone spamming any other venues with links, but otherwise folks can share as they see fit.
  10. ZippityDooDah

    Combining GLP-1 medication with behavior modification

    This. Two things I discovered within the first couple of weeks on tirzep: 1. I lost both the desire for alcohol as well as a high tolerance for it built up over 40 years, and 2. Having to "force" myself to eat just seemed to naturally cause my food choices to become more focused on protein and...
  11. ZippityDooDah

    Ability to Report Own Posts

    The simplest one is that there are time limits as to how long a user can edit or delete a post after it's made, so if that time has expired and someone really regrets something they said or they realize there was an error they'd like to correct it provides a means to do so.
  12. ZippityDooDah


    Disclaimer has been edited to include an admonition to be cautious about trusting anyone's "list" of vendors and to maintain a vigilant approach to due diligence.
  13. ZippityDooDah


    In order to simplify supplier/vendor posts and communications we are implementing the following new rules: 1. All suppliers/vendors are limited to ONE MAIN THREAD to share product information, price lists, ordering info, test results, etc. This is pretty much the same way things work on other...
  14. ZippityDooDah

    Nexaph First Purchase - Retatrutide

    Y'all need to calm the fuck down. I made EWB and a couple of other folks mods here due to my limited availability and intermittent internet access through the rest of the year (along with a fair amount of frustration at the non-stop fracturing of the peptide enthusiast community and an insane...
  15. ZippityDooDah

    SRY Tirz 30 mg Promotion

    @Shanghai Senria users have reported that the test report you posted was altered and not the genuine original. Altering/falsifying/forging test results is unacceptable from any vendor or supplier. Please explain yourself. For those interested, this is the original unaltered report: The link to...
  16. ZippityDooDah

    Amo R10 Test Results

    Courtesy of @runawayjim123
  17. ZippityDooDah

    Vendor Connection Cleanup/Consolidation?

    Still trying to figure out the best way to manage it all. I wanted to be similar to how Meso works but have a little more flexibility for the vendors to be able to communicate promotions and such without them getting lost in a dedicated thread. Nothing is going to change for the time being so...
  18. ZippityDooDah

    Play nice

    I'm currently out of the country and have been having and will continue to have frequent periods without interwebz access so I'm going to trust everyone to behave and play nice. I've promoted a couple of people I trust to be moderators (most don't even know it lol) just in case I get kidnapped...
  19. ZippityDooDah

    QSC Nightmare $670 5 weeks saying they not received Payment

    OP reports this issue was resolved amicably with QSC (was dealing with a different rep, not Tracy) so I'm going to close this thread to further discussion.
  20. ZippityDooDah

    I'm going to shoot for losing 100 pounds in 6 months

    It is something I do manually and completely at random.
  21. ZippityDooDah

    QSC bad experience ordering tirzepatide

    There's no "list". Once you receive your order, if you can't figure it out on your own (it's pretty easy) you just email the reps and they'll tell you how to identify what's what.
  22. ZippityDooDah

    QSC Nightmare $670 5 weeks saying they not received Payment

    Sounds like you may have uncovered part of the problem. By using two different communications methods for the same order you were likely communicating with more than one rep so one is still awaiting payment via WhatsApp and the other sees a payment via email (with a prohibited comment in it)...
  23. ZippityDooDah

    GLP1 groups and pages getting Zucced?

    Oxygen thieves.
  24. ZippityDooDah

    QSC Nightmare $670 5 weeks saying they not received Payment

    Have you obtained the MT103 from your bank to confirm the transfer was fully processed and received by the correct account and isn't just floating out there lost in the SWIFT cloud? FWIW banks can't "check" the recipient name and account number when initiating a wire transfer, they have to wait...
  25. ZippityDooDah

    Experiences with SRY?

    I referred a coworker's wife to SRY Lucy a couple of months ago because they offered some products that a lot of the other Chinese don't plus they took Alipay which was about the only way she was going to be able to figure things out. Suffice it to say, if SRY tells you that they don't have...
  26. ZippityDooDah

    how do the raw powders work?

    You stole my answer. The other popular suggestion is boofing it. I had to Google that. You may not want to.
  27. ZippityDooDah

    Shipping to testing facility

    The lab will give you very specific shipping instructions including which carrier to use.
  28. ZippityDooDah

    GLP1 groups and pages getting Zucced?

    My SWAG is that if this was prompted by communication or action from big pharma they probably need to refine what the searches will return so in the meanwhile they're just blocking all results completely.
  29. ZippityDooDah

    GLP1 groups and pages getting Zucced?

    Honestly I think this is probably going to do more good than bad (at least for a little while). There are a lot of very stupid people on Facebook who have no business shooting up research chemicals, never mind all the scammers and thieves. "How much bacteria water do I mix with my 5 megamunchkin...
  30. ZippityDooDah


    It's pretty much a guarantee that Discord has logs of every server anyone has ever joined, even if only for 30 seconds, along with a vast amount of other information. It's likely near zero effort for their algorithms and AI to figure out who is doing what where, I imagine they have some triggers...
  31. ZippityDooDah

    If a peptide vail does not hold vacuum and is pressure neutral

    No, this was in a Discord discussion several months ago. I'm not sure which server, it may be one of the ones that got nuked.
  32. ZippityDooDah

    If a peptide vail does not hold vacuum and is pressure neutral

    IMHO a lack of vacuum means almost nothing, except that perhaps the technician forgot to select vacuum sealing in the lyophilizer's PLC. FWIW, this is Jano's take on the subject:
  33. ZippityDooDah

    QSC bad experience ordering tirzepatide

    Again, that's just "the way" with most of the Chinese suppliers. There are usually more options, but it often requires doing a song and dance to get there (and this isn't unique to UGL's, I deal with it buying plastics and machinery from China frequently). There are big differences between...
  34. ZippityDooDah

    QSC bad experience ordering tirzepatide

    I think a lot of people forget to take into account the delays between an order being "placed", payment, verification, etc., plus the 12-15 hour time difference between China and folks in the Americas. Depending on timing (other countries have weekends and holidays too), for some orders it could...
  35. ZippityDooDah

    buy sell trade section

    This has been something I've been struggling with since first launching the forum. Ideally I agree that it would be a great benefit for everyone to have a B/S/T section. Unfortunately there have been SO MANY scammers ripping people off on other platforms that I've been weary of offering that...
  36. ZippityDooDah

    QSC bad experience ordering tirzepatide

    Y'all need to chill out a little. Tracy is Tracy and while his "unique" style isn't for everyone, he gets the job done and despite occasional snafus like this situation where an item unexpectedly went out-of-stock in the middle of the ordering process the vast majority of customers get what they...
  37. ZippityDooDah

    Do y’all test every time you order? re: Amopure stinging

    There have been numerous tests done, including for TFA which is the "evil solvent" everybody panics about, along with heavy metals, endotoxins, and countless other concerns and the end result is always the same: nothing to worry about. Remember that the 2-3 companies synthesizing the raw...
  38. ZippityDooDah

    Retatrutide Purchase from AmoPeptide

    Sadly, lately, it usually does. Lots of less-than-honorable people out there trying to take people's money.
  39. ZippityDooDah

    Reconstituting agent for Cagrilintide

    Unfortunately the pH of whatever is being used to reconstitute cag is not necessarily going to have the desired effect depending on what buffers may have been used to control pH prior to lyophilization. Best bet is to use BAC, test the pH, and then try to adjust as necessary with acetic acid...