Alright, let’s talk poop

I bought one of these for the first time in my life. I haven't worked up the nerve to use it yet. I'm keeping it behind glass, just in case.

When I first started I got backed up. I drank a bottle of magnesium citrate. The next day I was completely empty. I work on getting in more fiber and water and haven’t had any other issues
The struggle is becoming real.

For first time in my life, I’m consistently inconsistent.

Trying to increase water and fiber intake, but not the best at that.

What are y’all finding success with? Miralax? Fiber pills?

I love salad packs, the nice ones with like cabbage and kale at Trader Joes. I roast chicken breast and add 6oz on top of a salad pack. Lots of fiber, some greens and protein.
Yep, agree with the Mag O7. 1 capsule if your struggling, 3 if your dealing with turtles. If they’re too big for you to swallow, open the capsule and mix in with some applesauce. I haven’t had any issues with constipation since I started using it.
This is for women, support your perineum if you’re having a constipation movement. Trust me. Just put some TP on your hand and hold the perineum down and toward rectum so it doesn’t bulge. I already have a mild prolapse and it’s worsened w constipation. If I had known to do this suppirt move, also called “splinting,” I might have been able to avoid it!
Splinting is necessary for women with prolapse sometimes ... keep your bowels soft!! btw If you ever want that prolapse fixed I work for some great surgeons :)

anywho ... I hand this out to patients with bowel issues ... here ya go
Controlling Constipation & Diarrhea

Bowel problems of constipation and/or loose stools can be a factor in bladder control problems. When the rectum is full of stool, it may disturb the bladder and cause the sensation of urgency and frequency.

Normalize stool consistency: the optimal goal for stool consistency is a formed soft stool. Hard stools are difficult to evacuate. Leakage is less likely if stools are not loose or mushy.

Establish a regular time for elimination: your goal is to establish a routine and predictable time for elimination. Planning your program to be done after meals allows you to take advantage of the gastro-colic reflex (wave-like movements which propel the fecal material through the colon to the rectum), which occurs 20-30 minutes after a meal, especially in the morning when colonic activity is the greatest. Bowel urges indicate that your colon is producing propulsive contractions to eliminate the waste. If urges are ignored, this activity ceases and fecal material is stored, making elimination more difficult the next time.

Stimulate emptying on a regular basis: a stimulus of some kind may be needed to help empty your rectum. The stimulus works by creating peristalsis or wave-like movements of the colon. A meal or warm drinks (coffee, tea, prune or pear juice) may be effective. A general exercise program helps to increase bowel motility.

The term constipation can refer to symptoms of infrequent or difficult evacuation (bowel movement), including small, hard or lumpy stools, straining, a feeling of incomplete evacuation, excessive time spent on the toilet, or the need to manually facilitate stool passage. Constipation may be caused by many medical conditions and medications, inadequate dietary fiber and fluid intake, and decreased physical activity.


These are poorly or non-absorbed substances that promote bowel evacuation by drawing water into the intestine (osmotic retention of fluid) and stimulating peristalsis (intestinal motility).

Magnesium salts: "Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Oxide" (capsules). Use with caution if elderly, cardiac failure, and renal failure.
Milk of Magnesia: "Phillips" (liquid)
Side effects: gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, abdominal cramps.

Dosing: Magnesium Oxide: 250-500 mg at bedtime daily
Magnesium Citrate: 300-500 mg at bedtime daily
Milk of Magnesia: 1-2 tablespoons at bedtime daily; may be diluted with a small amount of water; should be followed by 8 ounces of water.
Preferred flavors are wild cherry, and strawberry.

Polyethylene Glycol (PEG): "MiraLax", "GlycoLax" (powder, mix in liquid)
Side effects: abdominal bloating, cramping, diarrhea, gas, and nausea.

17 grams of powder (~ 1 heaping tablespoon) dissolved in
8 oz water, once daily; adjust dose up or down as needed for normal
stool consistency

Glycerin suppositories: Promote defecation by stimulating evacuation by drawing water rapidly into the gut, lubricate the stool and ease evacuation.
Side effects: diarrhea, cramping, rectal irritation, and nausea

Dosing: 1 suppository 1-2 times daily

Surface acting agents for short-term use to avoid straining during defecation: acute anal discomfort, after pelvic/rectal surgery; works by altering surface tension of stool, allowing more water to enter.

Docusate: "Surfak, DSS, Colace" (pills)
Side effects: diarrhea, abdominal cramping.

Dosing: Surfak 240 mg 1-2 tablets /day.
DSS/Colace 100mg 1-4 tablets/day
Taken with a full glass of water.


Upon awakening, insert a Glycerin Suppository into rectum.
Drink a cup of hot water, tea or coffee.
Eat breakfast
Allow for the time to move bowels within 15-30 minutes; walk around while waiting if needed.
Fiber supplement 1 to 3 times/day
Osmotic laxative daily in evening.
Adequate water intake of 6 to 8 cups daily

TREATMENTS TO AVOID: unless specifically recommended by your health care provider.
Stimulant laxatives: Senna "Ex-lax, Senokot"; Bisacodyl "Correctol, Doxidan, Ducolax, Enemas

When fluid intake is inadequate, the stool becomes hard due to the amount of water that is reabsorbed in the large intestine, and transport time through the intestines is slowed. A minimum of 4-6 cups (32-48 oz) of water daily should be consumed; not to exceed 8-10 cups (64-80 oz).

Products containing beneficial bacteria that aid in digestion, reducing gas, normalizing stool consistency.
Options of food based or supplements. (To be taken or eaten daily)

Yogurt with live bacterial cultures: brands such as Activia, Nancy's, Greek style yogurts;
Align tablets, Probiotic "Perles", these supplements are room temperature stable;
Lactobacillus liquid or capsules, many of which need to be kept refrigerated.


Dietary fiber refers to the parts of plant foods that humans are unable to digest. Fiber adds bulk to the stool, eliminates excess fluids and promotes more frequent and regular movements. The recommended amount of dietary fiber is 20 to 35 grams of fiber per day. The typical American diet contains only 10-15 grams of fiber per day. Most people should add 10-15 more grams to their diet in the form of high-fiber foods such as whole grains, legumes, fresh fruits and vegetables. Over the counter fiber supplements are also available. When you add fiber to your diet, it is also important that you drink enough fluids.


One cup of high fiber cereal every day. Read labels!!
½ to 1 cup of prune juice; or several stewed prunes every day, followed by a cup of hot water or tea.
2 cups fruits and 2 ½ cups vegetables plus 6-8 oz high fiber grains daily.
Fiber supplements

Fiber-One cereal - 1 cup = 14 gram fiber
All-Bran cereal - 1/2 cup = 10 gram fiber
Bran Buds cereal - ½ cup = 10 gram fiber
Cooked oatmeal - 1 cup = 10 gram fiber
Garbanzo beans - 1 cup = 12 gram fiber
Kidney beans - 1 cup = 19 gram fiber
Dried figs - 3 = 10 gram fiber

\\Reference: Bowel Function and Dietary Fiber

NAFC: National Association for Continence:, 1-800-BLADDER.
International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD),, 1-888-964-2001
National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse,, 1-800-891-5389
DASH Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
Nutrition Education Services/Oregon Dairy Council,
"Bowel Function and Dietary Fiber" ,
Get you some Oxytocin and inject about 300mcg. Then be ready. lol

Or snack on some sugar free gummy bears and prepare for war with your bowels. Be home alone for the aftermath.
One time I was keto and kept craving sweets. So I found Russell Stover sugar free chocolates. I ate the entire bag at work. I will never make that mistake again. And I’m the type that can only go at home. What a nightmare, literally. So if you need to. Try that. 🤣🤣🤣 won’t disappoint.
One time I was keto and kept craving sweets. So I found Russell Stover sugar free chocolates. I ate the entire bag at work. I will never make that mistake again. And I’m the type that can only go at home. What a nightmare, literally. So if you need to. Try that. 🤣🤣🤣 won’t disappoint.
Thatll do it! lol thats enough of a clean out for a colonoscopy
For the Mag07 users, would it be a good idea to take it as a proactive measure even if you aren't fully backed up? Or only use as needed?
The struggle is becoming real.

For first time in my life, I’m consistently inconsistent.

Trying to increase water and fiber intake, but not the best at that.

What are y’all finding success with? Miralax? Fiber pills?

RS has Severe constipation due to weight loss and tirz. Tried everything but RS went back to miralax but to actually work have to take a double dose.
For the Mag07 users, would it be a good idea to take it as a proactive measure even if you aren't fully backed up? Or only use as needed?
That's the last thing you want to do with a laxative. With laxatives, there is a danger that you'll only be able to go to the bathroom with them if you use them too much.
The struggle is becoming real.

For first time in my life, I’m consistently inconsistent.

Trying to increase water and fiber intake, but not the best at that.

What are y’all finding success with? Miralax? Fiber pills?

Don't go up in dose quickly. My first few months I was constipated. After five months on tirzepatide, constipation is not an issue. I currently take 5 mg. I know some folks advocate for Metamucil. For me, Metamucil didn't help me. Miralax did. I only used Miralaxwhen the constipation got bad. Another popular choice, prunes, also did nothing for me. I do regularly use fiber gummi bears. I started taking probiotic capsules when constipation was bad. Although my constipation is now gone, I don't know whether the probiotic capsules helped or not.
The struggle is becoming real.

For first time in my life, I’m consistently inconsistent.

Trying to increase water and fiber intake, but not the best at that.

What are y’all finding success with? Miralax? Fiber pills?

I like Mag07. That seems to help get things moving. Also lots of water and a good electrolyte powder to mix in. I use micro ingredients.
For the Mag07 users, would it be a good idea to take it as a proactive measure even if you aren't fully backed up? Or only use as needed?
I like to use it once or twice a week. Normally the night before an off day that I don't plan on being out and about. I don't like to poo but the mag07 poos are very nice!
Reta has cured my Tirz constipation. Now I have the polar opposite problem. Trying to decide if it's a deal breaker as it's disturbing my sleep and causing anxiety at work. Or maybe I have a lengthy bout of food poisoning? 1.5mg Reta stack with 8mg Tirz.

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