Any heavy lifters out there??

Competitive BBer and BB fan here lol
Found this place to because im going to throw Reta into my contest prep
I’m a competitive bodybuilding fan 🤣 that made sense when I said it to myself. I got into Reta because all the bodybuilding podcasts starting talking about it. And I was having a hard time getting diet together. Glad I did.
Dang. Was hoping I found another bodybuilding fan that could discuss it with me. I know no one that has as much an interest and follows it as I do. I begging for BB friends. 🤣
Do you mean bodybuilding as in training for competitions? Or using gear and semi-obsessively focusing on ways to gain muscle/ strength while cutting fat beyond what is considered reasonable for our “age?”

I know the MESO forum is full of bodybuilders, but it’s really hard to weed through the bro sarcasm posts to understand what’s serious advice there 🤪
Do you mean bodybuilding as in training for competitions? Or using gear and semi-obsessively focusing on ways to gain muscle/ strength while cutting fat beyond what is considered reasonable for our “age?”

I know the MESO forum is full of bodybuilders, but it’s really hard to weed through the bro sarcasm posts to understand what’s serious advice there 🤪
Yea. The sport of bodybuilding. Competitions. I’m on other forums. Can not stand Meso. One time one of my forums got over run by a group of meso guys that got kicked off. And they were the worst of the worst.
Yea. The sport of bodybuilding. Competitions. I’m on other forums. Can not stand Meso. One time one of my forums got over run by a group of meso guys that got kicked off. And they were the worst of the worst.
Ok, glad to know I’m not the only one who doesn’t “get it” when reading there. I’ll have to venture outside of here, Reddit, and preppy’s for more bodybuilding (pro-gear fitness) communities. No Facebook though! 😝 Maybe I’m overlooking a helpful subreddit, though, if you have a recommendation there.
Do you mean bodybuilding as in training for competitions? Or using gear and semi-obsessively focusing on ways to gain muscle/ strength while cutting fat beyond what is considered reasonable for our “age?”

I know the MESO forum is full of bodybuilders, but it’s really hard to weed through the bro sarcasm posts to understand what’s serious advice there 🤪
Meso is trash. That’s the first thing. If you still are on boards, and very few are. You aren’t posting on that bullshit forum lol I rep for a lab on a couple different forums but my main one is ProM. At least that’s where I started.

But comp BB, as in I’m like 20 weeks out and just started prep. Probably do 2 shows this year.
Meso is trash. That’s the first thing. If you still are on boards, and very few are. You aren’t posting on that bullshit forum lol I rep for a lab on a couple different forums but my main one is ProM. At least that’s where I started.

But comp BB, as in I’m like 20 weeks out and just started prep. Probably do 2 shows this year.
Nice. NPC shows?? Or are you pro?? I used to rep for one too. With my new job just had to stop two years ago. Wish I could keep doing it.
Ok, glad to know I’m not the only one who doesn’t “get it” when reading there. I’ll have to venture outside of here, Reddit, and preppy’s for more bodybuilding (pro-gear fitness) communities. No Facebook though! 😝 Maybe I’m overlooking a helpful subreddit, though, if you have a recommendation there.
What is preppys?? I keep seeing that.
Nice. NPC shows?? Or are you pro?? I used to rep for one too. With my new job just had to stop two years ago. Wish I could keep doing it.
No pro card, just npc. A regional show in June and then USAs come July. Been a long offseason and I’m the biggest I’ve ever been so I’m soo ready to cut and slim down lol

Ok, glad to know I’m not the only one who doesn’t “get it” when reading there. I’ll have to venture outside of here, Reddit, and preppy’s for more bodybuilding (pro-gear fitness) communities. No Facebook though! 😝 Maybe I’m overlooking a helpful subreddit, though, if you have a recommendation there.
Nah you’re right. Reddit is bad lol equal to Meso in some regards. If you just want basic info, ask questions and learn some new shit, ASF (anabolicsteroidforum) is good. ProM has some smart guys. Lots of high level discussions and good content. But they can be a rough crowd when asking basic shit lol lotsss of well know Pros and coaches were brought up there. Basically alll of my foundational coaching info I learned from that place (and working with coaches of course)
No pro card, just npc. A regional show in June and then USAs come July. Been a long offseason and I’m the biggest I’ve ever been so I’m soo ready to cut and slim down lol

Nah you’re right. Reddit is bad lol equal to Meso in some regards. If you just want basic info, ask questions and learn some new shit, ASF (anabolicsteroidforum) is good. ProM has some smart guys. Lots of high level discussions and good content. But they can be a rough crowd when asking basic shit lol lotsss of well know Pros and coaches were brought up there. Basically alll of my foundational coaching info I learned from that place (and working with coaches of course)
Ok great to know there are more fitness/gear-focused forums aside from MESO. I will check these out. Hopefully plenty of female users as well. Finding sources for “optimal” hormone, thyroid, and blood marker levels vs. “recommended” is quite the journey.
Super jealous @Theotherone55 I never had the appetite of discipline food wise to get anywhere near 3 bills.
It’s very much an eating game man. Progressively…over years and years. “Oh I wanna be 220.” Then “I wanna be 220 with abs.” It keeps going year after year and do it long enough you’re a very large person. Very much a genetics thing too.

And I was always a lifter, just enjoyed training which almost is a necessity to make the years go by quick. Did PL first and then made the switch to BBing.
I’m a competitive bodybuilding fan 🤣 that made sense when I said it to myself. I got into Reta because all the bodybuilding podcasts starting talking about it. And I was having a hard time getting diet together. Glad I did.
Lol same. Steve been talking about them a long time. I felt like I was seeing no progress at all woth my diet for a while so after lots and lots of research I was finally ready to try Reta. The sides and results balance finally looked right for me. Btw, not a BB, I've been training for nearly 20yr though. No cycles, but I follow a few of the BB community guys as well as wellnes and health types.

First thing I was gonna say about your initial post was check all your blocks first. Sleep, macros, meal timing and carb timing, hydration, electrolyte balance. Seems like you got it so far. But if you didn't I would have said look at methylene blue and/or low dose caffeine if the above didn't address it.
Lol same. Steve been talking about them a long time. I felt like I was seeing no progress at all woth my diet for a while so after lots and lots of research I was finally ready to try Reta. The sides and results balance finally looked right for me. Btw, not a BB, I've been training for nearly 20yr though. No cycles, but I follow a few of the BB community guys as well as wellnes and health types.

First thing I was gonna say about your initial post was check all your blocks first. Sleep, macros, meal timing and carb timing, hydration, electrolyte balance. Seems like you got it so far. But if you didn't I would have said look at methylene blue and/or low dose caffeine if the above didn't address it.
I was taking mb for a little while. After I got hurt and was out of work I stopped. I’m gonna get back on it. I got some mots-c on the way to help with some fatigue. I’ve been getting better workouts making sure to eat right before working out. Also added in some highly branches cyclic dextrin.
I was taking mb for a little while. After I got hurt and was out of work I stopped. I’m gonna get back on it. I got some mots-c on the way to help with some fatigue. I’ve been getting better workouts making sure to eat right before working out. Also added in some highly branches cyclic dextrin.

I started taking the MB to prevent and possible adohenia that may arise from high doses of bpc/tb500. I ran it for a week before the healing protocol and I felt a difference, no caffeine even, so I hung onto it. As for fat loss, idk, im not sure on that one lol.

I haven't messed with dex/malto/wms or any of the new fangled carbs in years. Steel cut oats and/or dates are my go to for years now. Love some oats.

Part of the reason I chose Reta was no fatigue sides were reported so I haven't looked at mots-c. I use to run a lot of citrulline in my pwo, with cm, salt, mg, k, and glycerol for extended heavy resistance workouts. It's basically a water holding stack, it made a difference pushing into the 2hr territory. I don't train that way any longer though.

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