Anyone else experiencing Allodynia (skin sensitivity) while on Tirzepatide? Please share your experiences?


Jul 27, 2024
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I’m near the end of my 9th month on Tirzepatide. Never went above 5.0 mg. I’ve lost 45lbs and all my health metrics have returned to normal levels, like BP, A1c, lipids, cognition, etc. Switched from branded Mounjaro to compounded Tirz. in July. All along the way I have experienced Allodynia (skin sensitivity). I’ve had only a couple of periods where it subsided. It’s generally always there. Sometimes the whole envelope of my body and sometimes spot areas like my upper arms or my flanks or fingers. It’s tolerable, so it never threatened my commitment to the medication…in fact, I’ve learned to use it as an indication that I know the meds are working. I’m just curious about other people’s experiences with this side effect. Also if anyone has a clue about how to subdue it.
Yes, a bit similar. 8th month and at 3.5mg per week. Down 51 pounds and at target weight. Some itching on stomach and calves, treated with 1% hydrocortisone cream. If this is the price I pay for a healthy weight that's OK with me.
Yep! Sure do! I’ve been on a low dose of tirz only increasing .5mg from the start and have started to have allodynia the past few weeks. To me it feels like a buzzing under the skin and goosebumps at the weirdest times. At first I was totally freaked out and worried it was a histamine reaction that would get worse but have since noticed it is its own situation. I find that an antihistamine, workouts and sauna seem to ease it the most for me.
Interested to hear any other remedies folks have found.
Yes. Frequently. Usually on my hands or feet, and usually for just a couple days post-injection. But I don't get it with every injection. I had a particularly bad episode on my right hand about a month ago. This morning I felt it on a foot but it's gone already. Really random
I get it randomly on my arm, patches feel a little sunburntish to the touch. I don't really think much about it to be honest. Week 25.
Yes! Feels like burning/nerve pain for me - like what shingles felt like. Usually the first few days after my dose. No idea what causes it and wish I had a solution.
Not on tirz alone. Only when I tried to stack Reta. Anything over 2.5 mg Reta gave me such uncomfortable skin sensitivity, like any sensation of clothes or wind touching my skin was super uncomfortable like sand paper, and recurring goose bumps, chills.

As soon as I stop Reta, it goes away within the week.

My biggest side with Tirz is fatigue. It feels like when I was weaning off high doses of Prednisone. That was approaching complete exhaustion.

I also get injection site reactions, huge red itchy welts that take a week to go away and leave discoloration of the skin once they "resolve," but that's manageable with a daily Claritin.
Not with Tirze but with Reta it's almost unbearable sometimes for me, just clothes rubbing on me is not pleasant.
wife had it with sema.

felt like a sunburn... any light touch would trigger an "ouch". It went away on its own... I stopped using the affected arm as her injection arm for a while.
Not on tirz alone. Only when I tried to stack Reta. Anything over 2.5 mg Reta gave me such uncomfortable skin sensitivity, like any sensation of clothes or wind touching my skin was super uncomfortable like sand paper, and recurring goose bumps, chills.

As soon as I stop Reta, it goes away within the week.

My biggest side with Tirz is fatigue. It feels like when I was weaning off high doses of Prednisone. That was approaching complete exhaustion.

I also get injection site reactions, huge red itchy welts that take a week to go away and leave discoloration of the skin once they "resolve," but that's manageable with a daily Claritin.

im on 15mg tirz and dexamethasone (6x strength of prednisone) for vitiligo that just came out of nowhere

idk how i get out of bed every day lmao
im on 15mg tirz and dexamethasone (6x strength of prednisone) for vitiligo that just came out of nowhere

idk how i get out of bed every day lmao
Well as I remember, I didn't. Only to use the bathroom. I was fine while taking prednisone, just weaning off was hellish. I hope you don't have to endure it!
I’m near the end of my 9th month on Tirzepatide. Never went above 5.0 mg. I’ve lost 45lbs and all my health metrics have returned to normal levels, like BP, A1c, lipids, cognition, etc. Switched from branded Mounjaro to compounded Tirz. in July. All along the way I have experienced Allodynia (skin sensitivity). I’ve had only a couple of periods where it subsided. It’s generally always there. Sometimes the whole envelope of my body and sometimes spot areas like my upper arms or my flanks or fingers. It’s tolerable, so it never threatened my commitment to the medication…in fact, I’ve learned to use it as an indication that I know the meds are working. I’m just curious about other people’s experiences with this side effect. Also if anyone has a clue about how to subdue it.
Nice to hear others have experienced the same. I first tried compounded semaglutides and got allodynia. My clinic thought it could be the additives so I switched to one in sterile water and still got it. Finally switched to compounded tirzepatides and now ramped up to 10 mg and allodynia is back. For me mostly on forearms, thighs and stomach. Worst 2-3 days post injection. I’ve been wondering if a daily oral may be a better option. Antihistamines or hydrocortisone cream don’t seem to make much of a difference. Tolerable but I don’t think I can increase dosage from here if doctor suggests. I’m hoping a few more weeks at this level and maybe side affects will lessen or I’ll become more used to it and tolerate better.
Been on Tirz for 9 months. I had ISR's from Glow cycle last year, while on Tirz. With more Bac water 20-30u), Glow ISR went down to almost nothing. Then I began to get ISR from my Sept 2024 Q.S.C Tirz 50mg Jano #46748 (pale orange cap). No issues when I used my Tirz 15mg batch. Tried scientific approach with filtering, Hospira bac, to isolate possible cause. No fix. Tirz50 ISR's were getting worst with each vial, real annoyance, red, swollen for one week, and from last week, bruises. Please note that with the 100+ different pinning of Glow, Tirz, Cagri, Reta, and others, I never bruised, even when a drop of blood came out (my early pinning days). The tirz 50 itches like a real bad mosquito sting. And now, with my fresh batch of Nexaph Tirz, no skin reaction at all, using same bac water batch as the bad tirz. All my peps are in a cube freezer -20F. After reviewing my recon method, I conclude its the Tirz50mg itself. I am throwing the Q.S.C. 50mg batch out today as the swelling and bruising is unnerving.
With all the shenanigans with these questionable vendors, also threw out a bunch of Reta and Tirz today. I’ll rather pay premium prices for good quality products going forward.
Been on Tirz for 9 months. I had ISR's from Glow cycle last year, while on Tirz. With more Bac water 20-30u), Glow ISR went down to almost nothing. Then I began to get ISR from my Sept 2024 Q.S.C Tirz 50mg Jano #46748 (pale orange cap). No issues when I used my Tirz 15mg batch. Tried scientific approach with filtering, Hospira bac, to isolate possible cause. No fix. Tirz50 ISR's were getting worst with each vial, real annoyance, red, swollen for one week, and from last week, bruises. Please note that with the 100+ different pinning of Glow, Tirz, Cagri, Reta, and others, I never bruised, even when a drop of blood came out (my early pinning days). The tirz 50 itches like a real bad mosquito sting. And now, with my fresh batch of Nexaph Tirz, no skin reaction at all, using same bac water batch as the bad tirz. All my peps are in a cube freezer -20F. After reviewing my recon method, I conclude its the Tirz50mg itself. I am throwing the Q.S.C. 50mg batch out today as the swelling and bruising is unnerving.

ISRs tend to be person-specific.

There are B/S/T groups you can sell partial kits on.
ISRs tend to be person-specific.

There are B/S/T groups you can sell partial kits on.
Please explain person-specific? 3 recon'd Tirz vials, side by side tests, one from each kit. Two vials are fine, the other cause ISR. All 3 use mannitol filler, 99%+ pure. What is the variable? not me. Same skin all around. From the same vendor, one is fine and one is 'bad'. I pin every 5 days so is quick to see the reaction and compare between kits. Vial from my new kit made it easy to confirm the Tirz50 was bad. The 3 other previous kits from QSC were fine. Just pointing out that ISR's can be caused by a bad product, not always the human. No way I am going to pass bad vials to others, even for free. That's cruel.
Please explain person-specific? 3 recon'd Tirz vials, side by side tests, one from each kit. Two vials are fine, the other cause ISR. All 3 use mannitol filler, 99%+ pure. What is the variable? not me. Same skin all around. From the same vendor, one is fine and one is 'bad'. I pin every 5 days so is quick to see the reaction and compare between kits. Vial from my new kit made it easy to confirm the Tirz50 was bad. The 3 other previous kits from QSC were fine. Just pointing out that ISR's can be caused by a bad product, not always the human. No way I am going to pass bad vials to others, even for free. That's cruel.

How do you know it's mannitol?

Person-specific=varies from person-to-person.

I get a nasty tumor bump from PGB NAD+ and others don't. What's the difference? People.

IDC though if you toss it.

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