So far I have done 0.2mg last Monday then 3 days later another 0.3mg then about 8 hrs ago 0.75mg (I did not dare go straight to 1mg week 2 on this). In between I did my T6mg/5day. With C's longer half life I should by now be allergic to food, but weirdly the opposite is true. The net effect: greater sensitivity to cold (T effect but heightened) and greater hunger than I would normally feel on T alone. I am totally baffled frankly, given how many people have had huge responses to C on much lower doses. This batch is from Nexa and I am certain tests out well (theirs is quality), and in fact was slightly over-filled so if anything I (and my appetite) should be on our knees by now. I cannot fathom how my response is so at odds with everyone else. I am going to give it another week, and I suppose I could go past 1mg this week but that is not the intention here and I never intended to race up Cagri. Might recon a new vial from a different second batch just to see (got 2 because I expected to be on this for a little while). Meanwhile I am wondering if anyone has 'gone backwards' in appetite on T + C? Anyone gone backwards then 'forwards' (to suppression) doing this stack? Very weird...