Dionysos spreadsheet

I don't blame him for removing it. You guys are new and don't know the history of the spreadsheet. See the polls in the forum? See who made the polls? The sheet was made from data submitted by all of the members here. WE submitted the data. If I collected the data and put it in a usable format and received the same kind of drama that is being posted, it would be a cold day before I would do another let alone share it. The talks of being a shill and the data being incorrect needs to stop. It is the experience of the people that submitted the info when purchasing from those sites.

Edited to add: These are also fly by night places and the quality and even being a source changes overnight. The sheet also stated to use at your own risk and to do your OWN research
It's unfortunate that the spreadsheet is gone. Dionysos got a lot of unwarranted and unfair flak lately. First his reddit account got banned, which sucked because he was steering a lot of redditors towards a better way. He maintained a US vendors spreadsheet and various documents on bac water and dosing protocols. When he got banned, there were quite a few posts on reddit along the lines of "where did the guy with the spreadsheets go?". Then when tirz came off the shortage list and this site was flooded with panicking compound pharma customers, he started getting crapped on over the spreadsheet. I always thought it was ridiculous to make any fuss about his spreadsheet considering there's a vendor space at the bottom of this forum where they have free reign to openly advertise their contact information, pricing, telegram/pepchat/discord channels, etc. There aren't any secrets around here, this isn't Peppys where you have to contribute to the community for a while before you can openly talk sources. And before someone comes at me with "fight club", there's no rule saying you can't mention Peppys. If anything, his spreadsheet was a great resource for determining which vendors were verified scammers and crooks and now newbies have lost it. Which may be why I'm seeing such an uptick in posts here and in other places asking if anyone has heard of (insert random overseas vendor name).
Do you know anyone who received bunk product, got scammed or got very sick from their products? Do they take months to deliver while not being responsive?

No? Then I guess they could be considered rather safe options.

The majority of people in the market for these medicines, do not want to do research- they want to pay and receive a solution that works. So if they pick a vendor you personally don’t like, but that delivers product with the correct active ingredient from a spreadsheet instead of playing Russian roulette with facebook vendors - I’d say that’s a good thing.

It really doesn’t matter that you think they are stupid or want to force them to do research- they will not, they are not interested.

So the list definitely served a purpose and helped a lot of people - if you so strongly disagree, why don’t you make your own list with the best and safest vendors on top? 🤷‍♂️

There is no perfect vendor, and the spreadsheet is not an official resource - just an opinion, why all the hate? 🙃
I love you.♥️
People misunderstand the main value of Dio's spreadsheet. It isn't in fact about the most positively portrayed vendors at the top. Rather the primary value it had was steering folks AWAY from true scammers.

Hypothetical Contrived Example: Imagine a person who gets here with no background info. In my hypothetical, for easy numbers pretend there's 20 active vendors. 5 are "try to steal your card info or crypto scammers", 5 are "steal your money scammers", "3 are subpar fills or purity vendors", 7 are different degrees of good (anything from best vendor ever to amopure situation where most folks are happy but some are burned). The person who just arrives here doesn't know what's up. They'd have to read many many threads scouring here and other locations to actually learn about all of them. They probably don't realize the risks and aren't really on their guard. So in my silly hypothetical without his spreadsheet they have a 10/20 chance of a very bad experience and a 3/20 chance of a mediocre experience. Dio's sheet cuts most of those away. So maybe now they only bother considering 8 out of 20 of the vendors and their worst case scenario is a slight underfill or the amopure situation, a massive upgrade.

The numbers are probably much messier than 20 vendors, but I argue the picture I portray is reasonably representative of the noobie experience.
This is me! I am that person! I am immensely grateful for the research that has been done before I came along. I don’t want anyone to have to find out “the hard way” about any vendors but if people have experiences to share (particularly bad ones) I want to hear about them. Unfortunately, I have a job and a family so scrolling back through this forum to its inception for every anecdote is just not feasible. My research is ongoing but like, it was nice to have a jumping off point.
All the hate, was a reference to the general negativity towards someone sharing a list based on their opinion.

Attempting to bully… Wait, bullying the creator into removing the list does in my book warrant the phrase “all the hate”.

Now, I’m not saying that any of these vendors is the perfect choice (they may or may not be, I don’t know them).

And I’d be very interested to know how you made the connection that it’s marked up QSC products. There is more than a couple labs lyophilising product (not a ton though, since it does carry some risk for them - they are happier selling raws).

And the amount of raw sources is also increasing. I find it interesting how many people have become experts on the Chinese peptide supply chain lately 🤷‍♂️

Point being, it’s a bit of a stretch claiming that a vendor is reselling another vendors product.

It is not that difficult to find a lab that produces custom batches on order. Now, finding one that does that and also has their own raw production, is challenging- but becoming easier. The next question then is the quality and consistency in production for a new raw manufacturer.

That said, I will not claim to be the absolute authority on the situation. I know my small corner of the market and what I’m told by others.

What I can agree on is that it’s a messy market with a lot of shit going on.

But at the end of the day, I don’t see why there is a need to disparage the list Dino made. It has definitely helped a lot of people get over the threshold and start their journey.

I find that list infinitely safer than soliciting vendors on facebook, though it sure isn’t perfect 🤷‍♂️

My point of view might be different as a vendor. But the reality is that a lot of people opt for grey market peptides without the willingness to do research - so any nudge in the right direction is better than nothing.

I can say for sure that the majority has no interest in doing research and will go for the first option they feel might be safe
I love…you!
I second Nexaph! I was really impressed with the ease of purchase, shipping was super quick and very professional. I had only previously purchased compound and was nervous to take this leap into "grey", but im now so glad I did!
Me too, I have ordered 5 good times from Nexaph and have good experience each time, his customer service and the ease of ordering at his website is great, he's very responsive when you have issues, I have no complaints whatsoever 😀
I guess these conversations are inevitable. I would ask that when we have them we keep in mind that the person who created these resources - and many many others - is a person who was doing their best to protect the health and safety of a very vulnerable community.

He seems quieter these days but he's still here, so please think of Dionysus before you start throwing around insults.
I guess these conversations are inevitable. I would ask that when we have them we keep in mind that the person who created these resources - and many many others - is a person who was doing their best to protect the health and safety of a very vulnerable community.

He seems quieter these days but he's still here, so please think of Dionysus before you start throwing around insults.
@exploitedworkerbee phrased it rather well in another post.

Feel free to harass mods and vendors, but play nice with other members 👍
I would consider the stinging and gelling issues with amo as receiving bad/harmful product. They were ranked highest "safe to buy" for a while and last I checked, still on the top of the list despite everything. Nexa is...fine if you are incapable of crypto I guess. It's (most likely) marked up qsc product sold by a dishonest person, and as with any domestic source, one extra step away from the manufacturer. They've been out of stock for a while though.

I am aware that the spreadsheet is not an official resource and that it's just an opinion. My opinion is that it is a bad resource. Your opinion is that my opinion is wrong. We all have our opinions and that's great. It's not "all the hate" to express a two sentence opinion that it isn't good.

The gray market is a dodgy ass place filled with shills, cons, and liars. Any community hoping to do well in it is going to need to develop a critical culture and avoid fandoms and sacred cows.

Also from what I recall each section of the sheet was in alphabetical order. That's why Amo was at the top...
Also from what I recall each section of the sheet was in alphabetical order. That's why Amo was at the top...
i think part of the problem is that people seem to get too enthusiastic too fast about new vendors before they've had time to show what theyre made of. this 100% happened with Amo and Nexa, but others with whom this happened are ZLZ, HYT, henan tengmao, the list goes on.

That spreadsheet was pushing judgements about vendors that had no proven record, which was then swallowed by new folks who didn't understand that fact, and the result is a lot of people with badly stinging tirz in their fridges (it could have been worse). The first post about Nexaph on this site was on September 12 -- 6 weeks ago, There is zero rational reason for people to be as dedicated as they are considering the amount of time they've been in business, but when they have been given the impression that authoritative sources have given the approval, this is what happens.
I guess these conversations are inevitable. I would ask that when we have them we keep in mind that the person who created these resources - and many many others - is a person who was doing their best to protect the health and safety of a very vulnerable community.

He seems quieter these days but he's still here, so please think of Dionysus before you start throwing around insults.
This exactly, I was typing my own reply as I saw yours. I've only been an official member of the forum for a couple of months. I hope that in the future if I try to help people with a resource like his, maybe they would try to at least involve me in the discussion of whether it's a good one or not instead of talk this way.

And nobody made anybody look at the damn thing. If we are all about believing what internet strangers say...well then let me tell you about an amazing deal! You just have to transfer a large sum into my crypto wallet first.
i think part of the problem is that people seem to get too enthusiastic too fast about new vendors before they've had time to show what theyre made of. this 100% happened with Amo and Nexa, but others with whom this happened are ZLZ, HYT, henan tengmao, the list goes on.

That spreadsheet was pushing judgements about vendors that had no proven record, which was then swallowed by new folks who didn't understand that fact, and the result is a lot of people with badly stinging tirz in their fridges (it could have been worse). The first post about Nexaph on this site was on September 12 -- 6 weeks ago, There is zero rational reason for people to be as dedicated as they are considering the amount of time they've been in business, but when they have been given the impression that authoritative sources have given the approval, this is what happens.

I think I mentioned this in the other thread but I'm convinced that part of the issue here is competing value systems, and the fact that we don't all have the same risk tolerance or definition of what makes a "good" vendor. We have different needs and seem to care about different things.

I still think a less controversial v2 would rate vendors in multiple discreet areas where there is less likely to be disagreement. I can't see us ever agreeing about which vendors are okay to use and which ones should be avoided, but I think we can all agree about whether a vendor's shipping is fast or slow, whether their customer service is good or bad, whether they regularly underfill or overfill. Once people have information across all of those data points, they can make the decision that's most right for them.
I think I mentioned this in the other thread but I'm convinced that part of the issue here is competing value systems, and the fact that we don't all have the same risk tolerance or definition of what makes a "good" vendor. We have different needs and seem to care about different things.

I still think a less controversial v2 would rate vendors in multiple discreet areas where there is less likely to be disagreement. I can't see us ever agreeing about which vendors are okay to use and which ones should be avoided, but I think we can all agree about whether a vendor's shipping is fast or slow, whether their customer service is good or bad, whether they regularly underfill or overfill. Once people have information across all of those data points, they can make the decision that's most right for them.
Challenge accepted, I’ll have a gpt agent troll the sitemap here and google for a couple days. Then come up with a list.

Chatgpt can’t be claimed to be biased 😂

Edit: Bacchus may or may not be the undisputed most awesome vendor though, but that’s up to chatgpt 😇
Challenge accepted, I’ll have a gpt agent troll the sitemap here and google for a couple days. Then come up with a list.

Chatgpt can’t be claimed to be biased 😂

I think that's a great idea and would love for you to eventually share your methodology. I think there are other valuable insights to be gained from analyzing forum posts, and it's one of the things on my to-do list.
I don't blame him for removing it. You guys are new and don't know the history of the spreadsheet. See the polls in the forum? See who made the polls? The sheet was made from data submitted by all of the members here. WE submitted the data. If I collected the data and put it in a usable format and received the same kind of drama that is being posted, it would be a cold day before I would do another let alone share it. The talks of being a shill and the data being incorrect needs to stop. It is the experience of the people that submitted the info when purchasing from those sites.

Edited to add: These are also fly by night places and the quality and even being a source changes overnight. The sheet also stated to use at your own risk and to do your OWN research
Thank you. I used to love it here- and now it’s like a Dystopian Hell!😞
I was lucky enough to stumble across this forum in the beginning of my research. I have tried to understand discord, peppy’s and telegraph but honestly find this forum much easier to navigate and understand. I don’t have the time to dig and read every discussion on every platform. I personally appreciated all that Dionysus added to the community. His spreadsheets were just another part of the research and his opinion of each vendor. I’m very sad at the negative vibe this forum has taken lately. Though I haven’t been part of it for that long I’d say a definite turn in discussion has happened. I was reading a multipage rant just yesterday. We are all here to learn and make our own educated decisions. Dionysus was a valued member with positive and constructive posts. I’m sad to see him not being part of it as much and If he is reading I would love a link to his spreadsheet again. Here is to hoping we can all play nice in the sandbox.