Dionysos spreadsheet

Thank you. I used to love it here- and now it’s like a Dystopian Hell!😞
It’s sad that you, and by the looks of it several others feel this way.

I think it’s just a natural result of more users coming in, it’s easier to instigate a conflict with users you don’t recognise. So the discussions will automatically become less respectful with more users around.

I guess it also increases the likelihood of someone having an issue with something being said when more people read each post.

Try to ignore the posts that clearly create conflict and focus on the nice ones. The introduction section is usually full of nice people 😁
I was lucky enough to stumble across this forum in the beginning of my research. I have tried to understand discord, peppy’s and telegraph but honestly find this forum much easier to navigate and understand. I don’t have the time to dig and read every discussion on every platform. I personally appreciated all that Dionysus added to the community. His spreadsheets were just another part of the research and his opinion of each vendor. I’m very sad at the negative vibe this forum has taken lately. Though I haven’t been part of it for that long I’d say a definite turn in discussion has happened. I was reading a multipage rant just yesterday. We are all here to learn and make our own educated decisions. Dionysus was a valued member with positive and constructive posts. I’m sad to see him not being part of it as much and If he is reading I would love a link to his spreadsheet again. Here is to hoping we can all play nice in the sandbox.
I agree with you about discord and peppy's. For the life of me, they're a chaotic mess. I haven't gone to telegraph because I imagine it'll just be more of the same.
I’m very sad at the negative vibe this forum has taken lately. Though I haven’t been part of it for that long I’d say a definite turn in discussion has happened. I was reading a multipage rant just yesterday. We are all here to learn and make our own educated decisions. Dionysus was a valued member with positive and constructive posts. I’m sad to see him not being part of it as much and If he is reading I would love a link to his spreadsheet again. Here is to hoping we can all play nice in the sandbox.

I would message Dionysus, it sounds like he is still updating it and it is still live.

I agree with most of what you wrote. I've been a participant in some extremely toxic communities, so I'll say that this one isn't nearly as toxic as it could be. Maybe it's because most of us are overweight and just need some help.

People are human. Shit happens. Get over it. Move on.

And just remember. People are too wrapped up in themselves to care about anyone else.

This video does a good job of illustrating the illusion of the spotlight effect. It's only a few minutes long. A good reminder that no one really gives a shit.

I guess these conversations are inevitable. I would ask that when we have them we keep in mind that the person who created these resources - and many many others - is a person who was doing their best to protect the health and safety of a very vulnerable community.

He seems quieter these days but he's still here, so please think of Dionysus before you start throwing around insults.
Honestly when I read the shit talk on Dionysus the only person that comes out smelling like shit is the shit talker not Dionysus.
I would message Dionysus, it sounds like he is still updating it and it is still live.

I agree with most of what you wrote. I've been a participant in some extremely toxic communities, so I'll say that this one isn't nearly as toxic as it could be. Maybe it's because most of us are overweight and just need some help.

People are human. Shit happens. Get over it. Move on.

And just remember. People are too wrapped up in themselves to care about anyone else.

This video does a good job of illustrating the illusion of the spotlight effect. It's only a few minutes long. A good reminder that no one really gives a shit.

Great video! And a reminder that I wasted WAY too much time reading that rant thread yesterday. There are so many great souls here on this wonderful journey to being healthy. We have so much to give one another. All of the support and knowledge here is so greatly appreciated by me and many others. That is why I will keep coming back. I’ll just skip over the negative next time. Thanks Brentm for the reminder.
I just started Tirz on 7/29 with brand name but insurance continued to throw hoops to jump through and I think they have cut me off for good. I then switched to compound and knew the FDA was going to take it off the shortage list. So I started researching the gray market and found this forum and other sources of information with a plan to stock up while its available.

I found Dionysus' US/INTL lists days before he took them down. I read through many of the posts he used to create it and update it and thought, what a massive amount of work and great contribution to the community.

Then I saw researchers giving him negative feedback on accuracy and other information, basically ungrateful idiots bitching about the list and I thought WTF? He is giving us a gift, how can these morons not realize that. I never thought it was the gray market bible and headed the disclaimers he included on the lists.

After 100 or more hours of research I ultimately chose to spread my orders over multiple vendors both in the US and China to hedge my bets. This is driving up my testing costs as I can't just test one vial from a big order that would most likely be from the same batch, but its what i felt was the most conservative route to take.

Thanks for all of your help Dionysus,, from a fellow DFW researcher, and also thanks to everyone else in this community that continue to provide meaningful contributions.
i think part of the problem is that people seem to get too enthusiastic too fast about new vendors before they've had time to show what theyre made of. this 100% happened with Amo and Nexa, but others with whom this happened are ZLZ, HYT, henan tengmao, the list goes on.

That spreadsheet was pushing judgements about vendors that had no proven record, which was then swallowed by new folks who didn't understand that fact, and the result is a lot of people with badly stinging tirz in their fridges (it could have been worse). The first post about Nexaph on this site was on September 12 -- 6 weeks ago, There is zero rational reason for people to be as dedicated as they are considering the amount of time they've been in business, but when they have been given the impression that authoritative sources have given the approval, this is what happens.
While this logic logics.

It stops logic-ing when you see people use the Introduction section for posts like:

“Yo, where can I buy terz??”

Then sit back and wait for a nice Chinese “girl” to message them.

These people are probably better off with some burning amopure tirz.

NB: Do not miss-read this and think I’m calling people stupid or looking down on anyone. It’s just a matter of priorities, topic knowledge and interest in the topic.

“This stuff solves the problem I want to solve, people say this vendor is cool, that’s good enough for me, LFG”

There is no way this person is reading hundreds of posts.

But I choose to believe that most people would fall into the category of trust, but spend 5-10min with the search function and google to verify.

So, that group being led astray so to say, would probably not be better off without the spreadsheet.

Edit: spelling
I was lucky enough to stumble across this forum in the beginning of my research. I have tried to understand discord, peppy’s and telegraph but honestly find this forum much easier to navigate and understand. I don’t have the time to dig and read every discussion on every platform. I personally appreciated all that Dionysus added to the community. His spreadsheets were just another part of the research and his opinion of each vendor. I’m very sad at the negative vibe this forum has taken lately. Though I haven’t been part of it for that long I’d say a definite turn in discussion has happened. I was reading a multipage rant just yesterday. We are all here to learn and make our own educated decisions. Dionysus was a valued member with positive and constructive posts. I’m sad to see him not being part of it as much and If he is reading I would love a link to his spreadsheet again. Here is to hoping we can all play nice in the sandbox.
I really really appreciated the spreadsheet when I first started researching, because it helped provide a pathway through some of the time-consuming noise. People have different levels of resources. Time, intelligence/health literacy, money, etc. No one coming in can know how deep is deep enough to go to verify that a vendor is the "right" one (time/literacy), only some people can afford to go test every batch they buy independently to verify that their decision was "correct" (money), etc. Harm reduction shouldn't just be for people who can afford it in all of these ways. You're not better or worse if you can do these things easily, you're just better resourced.

For me the spreadsheet offered a jumping off point for people coming in who may have had fewer resources to at least have a safer baseline. Not as gospel or a stand-in for individual risk mitigation and decision-making, but a baseline. I do understand trying to compel people to do their own research, but I'm with Bacchus in that the people who are going to are going to and the people who aren't aren't -- and maybe not because they are entitled or something but because they can't (health literacy) or can't (time) afford to. I did but the spreadsheet definitely helped make it so I could (and at least helped me have leads to find ways to mitigate my still existing issue which is inability to afford independent testing, so I can at least find and research vendors who might have third-party testing).
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I found the spreadsheet within the first day I joined (I was reading a lot of back threads) and REALLY appreciated someone creating such a resource. I too didn't think it was the Grey Market Bible. I am sorry for Dionysus that he was attacked for trying to be helpful. As I always say at work -- no good deed goes unpunished.

Thank you Dionysus! I really do appreciate all of your posts.
Snap! Did I miss the “Dionysos” 20% OFF promo code for Limitless or PeptideSciences on the PDF, or whatever brands those YouTubers are affiliated with? (That’s sarcasm.) They criticize buying kits from China, yet they all do it themselves.

A simple Google Image search for “Tesamorelin” could have given me 100+ sources. Dionysos' guide is a great additional resource in the sea of information, helping you get an idea about prices, products, and more (DYOR).

At the top of the page, it clearly states, "THIS GUIDE DOES NOT REPLACE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY FOR DOING YOUR OWN RESEARCH, RELYING ON YOUR OWN JUDGMENT, OR MAKING YOUR OWN CHOICE." If someone can’t read that, they probably shouldn’t be handling syringes.

Ultimately, when you go down the peptide rabbit hole, you'll likely end up buying kits from China, with vendors using Janoshik's tests and bypassing the 500-1200% markups from research websites. But nobody if forcing you to do so.