For those of you who were referred here via a redditor....

I think Nexa is the happy medium for most people. Massively cheaper than name or compound, ten vials for about double the price of Skye etc's one. And they take credit cards, which is a huge barrier to entry.
They could be if they stopped doing stupid shit and hiding things until they get caught. No i'm not going to go into detail. Multiple examples have been discussed on the subject at length.
They could be if they stopped doing stupid shit and hiding things until they get caught. No i'm not going to go into detail. Multiple examples have been discussed on the subject at length.
The stupid shit I've seen doesn't outweigh their ease and value for people who are new, but I'm not going to claim I've seen all of the things that have been done. I just think they're a better use of your money than Skye while you're figuring out CN vendors. Nothing I say should ever be taken as if I know what I'm talking about, it says new user right next to my name.
I'm not a Taylor Swift fan. I don't listen to her music. The best I can say about her music is that I don't find it annoying. I have no desire to see any of her concerts. Even if she wasn't wealthy and famous, I'm pretty sure she'd never talk to me. With all that said, I don't actually care about Taylor Swift one way or the other. I hope she has a nice life, but I think that about almost everyone. I just don't get the point of hating her. I understand hating (or loving) Kamala or DJT, or both, much better, because what they'd do as President would probably affect your life. Pesonally, I think you have a crush on Taylor and are afraid to admit it.
I hope she accepts my request.


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Who's Gator?

There's a new sheet in town... well not new.. but I just learned about it.

Thank you for this!! Has your spreadsheet replaced Dionysis’—he provided to me a few months ago on Reddit, but apparently it’s inaccessible even on this forum now. Didn’t want to bother him with DM…
Thank you for this!! Has your spreadsheet replaced Dionysis’—he provided to me a few months ago on Reddit, but apparently it’s inaccessible even on this forum now. Didn’t want to bother him with DM…
No, dionysos still has a speadsheet but you need to join his own forum in order to get it. Once there, you must make several posts before you can see it. It's kind of a pain. And then some folks say that we're not supposed to post the link to the new forum because dionysos doesn't want people to do so; I haven't confirmed that with dionysos.
No, dionysos still has a speadsheet but you need to join his own forum in order to get it. Once there, you must make several posts before you can see it. It's kind of a pain. And then some folks say that we're not supposed to post the link to the new forum because dionysos doesn't want people to do so; I haven't confirmed that with dionysos.

No, dionysos still has a speadsheet but you need to join his own forum in order to get it. Once there, you must make several posts before you can see it. It's kind of a pain. And then some folks say that we're not supposed to post the link to the new forum because dionysos doesn't want people to do so; I haven't confirmed that with dionysos.
Oh….so that’s where he disappeared to! I was to thankful when he replied to me on Reddit and referred me here.

Does he invite select people to his private forum, or is it open to anyone here interested in joining? I’m a nosey bitch, so curious who/ what drove him away. 👀
WTF! I feel like a total boomer now 😱 Thanks for saving my ass. Guess I was so excited to find peptide pals that I rushed through when signing up.
From what I've seen it's either a bug, or people's auto fill being overzealous. Don't know if a consensus was made.
Oh….so that’s where he disappeared to! I was to thankful when he replied to me on Reddit and referred me here.

Does he invite select people to his private forum, or is it open to anyone here interested in joining? I’m a nosey bitch, so curious who/ what drove him away. 👀
Anyone can join. I think he was just trying to control the rush of new members while he was still setting everything up, but I could be mistaken. At the very least there's nothing to stop you from signing up, it's not like new members are being rejected.
Just wanted to let y'all know that I caught a reddit ban for sharing this forum link in PMs last night. So, I am unable to respond to messages over there. I feel so bad that people are thinking I'm ignoring them.
No good deed goes unpunished, amiright?
Anyway, enjoy this wonderful forum...I'm so glad this place exists for us 💖
I'm here after a Reddit ban also 🤭
I'm here after a Reddit ban also 🤭
I've been here for a while now, but I'm on day #2 of a reddit ban for sharing a link to another subreddit and mentioning the current street price of tirz. I feel like reddit is cracking down hard right now. I'm done helping people there.

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