Glow Protocol enhancing weight loss?

I understand! I’m a pharmacist and most people on glp1s will lose hair. Like I said thankfully I had a lot to start with and mine had really not been noticeable. But MANY of my patients have really suffered from this side effect. Not enough to give up the beneficial weight loss! It’ll come back! Plenty of protein and collagen supplements help
Good to know it will come back because the last few days AAARGGHH. Do your patients use something to help or just have to deal with it? I'm also ticked off because I have been religious about using collagen peptides, hair complex peptides, eating about 150 grams of protein every day and now this!! 😳
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Good to know it will come back because the last few days AAARGGHH. Do your patients use something to help or just have to deal with it? I'm also ticked off because I have been religious about using collagen peptides, hair complex peptides, eating about 150 grams of protein every day and now this!! 😳
That helps but according to the dermatologists, once you start losing you have to go through the cycle
That helps but according to the dermatologists, once you start losing you have to go through the cycle
Both upsetting and good to know, about just having to go through the cycle. So glad yours is growing again - despite the crazy-making wisps!
Lots of folks say the hair loss is from rapid weight loss and that doesn’t help, but if you read the package insert on Mounjaro or Zepbound the side effect of hair loss is listed. Definitely is caused from the drug itself. Have talked to dermatologists and they have told me that you have to go through the whole process of loss before regrowth begins. Takes up to a year. Thank goodness I had a lot of hair to begin with because I’ve lost a lot. But a year post Tirz and mine is coming back! Little wisps are actually driving me crazy! 😂
Thank you for this most informative post about hair loss! That answers the question..... FINALLY.
Update on the zinc: I have recently seen info on another big server from one of the expert/mods that zinc supplements won't bind to the copper so they are essentially useless to take in conjunction with the Glow Protocol, but that the zinc isn't needed because you won't get copper toxicity from.the protocol. Have also seen that people are doing the protocol repeatedly without taking zinc and their blood tests showed zinc and copper levels were just fine. One user takes zinc and his daily glow protocol is 5mg daily of GHK-cu plus the other peps, and he's been doing it for quite a long time (a couple of years I think I recall) and is fine at that high mg of the GHK-cu, though watching out in case his nails gain a blue tinge, which has not happened. I'm glowing and taking zinc and started with 10 mg of zinc in advance and increased it to 30mg when I started the protocol, and just started taking 50mg per the protocol, and maybe it's the zinc or maybe it's the protocol - though only 10 days in - or maybe it's the IGK hair product I started using out of fear - but my hair, which hasn't fallen out at all since starting tirz, did seem to be dropping off my head at a rate that I noticed and then was scared by, and then I started the zinc and the protocol and the hair product, and my hair is staying rooted again. Sadly, I have no way to determine what is making the difference. Research is rarely straight forward.
@MingHenry, what is the IGK hair product you're using? I use their dry shampoo and smoothing spray. I love their products!
I've just started using other of their products and got an email about this one and really really like it - been using it just a week or two - it's Hair Density Scalp Treatment. Use at night. Plus hair is so soft! Not inexpensive and they don't give much, 2.1 oz, which surprises me because their products aren't as pricey as others, but I found a place having a sale on it and bought more. Image Beauty is the place.
Hello fellow glow user it wouldn't help weight-loss from anything I have ever read or heard. But yes on the inflammation aspect.
I would put $$ on the whoosh though 😊
Please make sure you are eating zinc filled foods.
I bragged I hadn't lost any hair during my weight-loss. Then had so much on my hands in the shower...realized I had not been eating my zinc filled foods..🤦‍♀️
What changes in your skin have you noticed since using Glow? I saw that it doesn’t cause skin lightening which I am tempted to get gluthathione for
Good to know it will come back because the last few days AAARGGHH. Do your patients use something to help or just have to deal with it? I'm also ticked off because I have been religious about using collagen peptides, hair complex peptides, eating about 150 grams of protein every day and now this!! 😳
How are you doing now?

Costco has the best price on minoxidil 5%. I am only using it after I wash my hair. It has stopped falling out. I went through a period a few months ago that I was literally losing clumps of hair. It started to scare me so I went to my NP. We started thyroid meds as my numbers were a bit high and she suggested using the minoxidil...
How are you doing now?

Costco has the best price on minoxidil 5%. I am only using it after I wash my hair. It has stopped falling out. I went through a period a few months ago that I was literally losing clumps of hair. It started to scare me so I went to my NP. We started thyroid meds as my numbers were a bit high and she suggested using the minoxidil...
Doing great!! I think the combo of glow at 2mg GHK-cu plus the zinc plus the IGK product I found stopped the hair loss entirely. It wasn't much loss but it did start suddenly and now seems to have stopped. I've been using glow subq for more than 6 weeks - started at 1mg went up over time to 2mg and am now trying a cycle at a higher ghk-cu level, have a Morning Glow™ of GHK-cu, bpc157 and tb500 and an Evening Glow ™ of GHK-cu, BPC157, TB 500, and KPV. Made 2 glows because yesterday I found the KPV definitely will work for sleep but not so great at 8am!

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