Just joined so can post reviews later


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2024
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Hi, I was reading this forum for some time, but didn't register account until today, as I didn't originally plan to post anything, but now I have warning about some supplier and going thru order from another one, pretty new supplier with no reviews.
So, I would like to share with you my experiences here.
Hi, I was reading this forum for some time, but didn't register account until today, as I didn't originally plan to post anything, but now I have warning about some supplier and going thru order from another one, pretty new supplier with no reviews.
So, I would like to share with you my experiences here.
Welcome, and do please share your experiences!
I will! That's the reason I register account because I think forum members here should helping each other to protect against scammers and find a good reliable vendors. Myself, I am watching posts about orders from Fiona, as she gave me so far the best prices for Sema, but her responses are very slow, it takes days to get answer from her and reviews so far not so good too. So please, other members keep sharing your experiences. Thanks a lot, great community here.
I will! That's the reason I register account because I think forum members here should helping each other to protect against scammers and find a good reliable vendors. Myself, I am watching posts about orders from Fiona, as she gave me so far the best prices for Sema, but her responses are very slow, it takes days to get answer from her and reviews so far not so good too. So please, other members keep sharing your experiences. Thanks a lot, great community here.
Honestly, lots of warnings on here about buying based on best price. You might want to buy based on best reviews, COA's, and service...

I just ordered from Aminos research because I'm new and it seemed like the best option.. not to mention the B1G1 sale currently being offered...

But hope to get in on a group buy from QSC in a few months. Not trying to push vendors on you, just saying all my research and time spent in this forum has led me down this path. You are certainly free to buy from whomever you want.

Lots of good info in here!
Thanks Chef, I am very glad for any word of advice and shared experience, as are other members here I guess. With the QSC - did you get in touch with someone from there already, or you just plan for the future? If yes, can you share contact?
I did go with SRY because they publish COA (but I understand there is no batch number or any other ID) and their communication was very fast and smooth and their shipping fees lower compared to others, not the lowest price for the product itself however, but on the low side.
Another vendor im in touch is Rachel from heibei lianfu, anyone can share their experiences with them?
btw. my parcel is "out for delivery" exactly 1 week after payment thru Alibaba (instant local bank transfer)
Thanks Chef, I am very glad for any word of advice and shared experience, as are other members here I guess. With the QSC - did you get in touch with someone from there already, or you just plan for the future? If yes, can you share contact?
I did go with SRY because they publish COA (but I understand there is no batch number or any other ID) and their communication was very fast and smooth and their shipping fees lower compared to others, not the lowest price for the product itself however, but on the low side.
Another vendor im in touch is Rachel from heibei lianfu, anyone can share their experiences with them?
QSC has quite a few posts here and posted their email, Whatsapp #, price lists, US warehouse inventory, promotions, etc Their # changed recently, so read threads to the end. Terry seems to be the "boss" and has 3-4 agents to handle the orders. Several members, including the founder/admin knows Terry and several members have ordered from QSC... They also have a discord server and posted an invite link to that. I have not personally been in touch or ordered, but just from everything I've read and the other members I've talked to, QSC seems the way to go.

As for Sry, there is a very suspicious thread where like 4 new members came in and made 1 post saying Sry is great, then the admin chimed in. You could tell the posts were all made by someone(s) who have English as a second language, and if you look through new member intro's, you'll see where Lucy sniped a lot of them, specifically the ones who said they don't know where to start. It all just seems out of the ordinary, desperate, and suspicious. Anyone can post a COA, there are plenty of issues with COA's being altered, etc.

I'm a bit over the top suspicious of everything, so don't base anything on what I say, read for yourself. The whole idea here is that you do due diligence in your research, don't buy based on price, because they take PayPal/credit card, or any number of other reasons that don't add up to quality/safe/pure peptides with a valid COA. Chromate COA's seem to be questionable, with Janoshik and MZ labs being the (highly) preferred testing options.

This is all based on my research and my understanding of what I've read, mostly here in this forum but also from talking to people on FB, Reddit, discord, peppys and another forum, as well as members here.

I'm only a couple weeks into my research, so I'm definitely not experienced. I am highly skeptical and a bit OCD. So far, most of the conclusions I've drawn line up with others, but there are things I find highly concerning that others seem to brush off, so I don't want to lead you astray.... Look through the threads in the vendors section, testing sections, do some keyword searches, etc
I just received the parcel from SRY, and yes I am aware of some issues around them (I read all the posts), their COA which I verified its theirs - verification on janoshik website and later ask them send me an email from the address which was written on the report, but yes there is no batch number, so they can publish only the best result they get. I just went with my "gut feeling" that its just a new vendor trying very hard to get new customers. We will see soon, my testing order was in fact a "micro group buy" ;) vials will be shared among a few people and tested only by comparing to "nocebo", simply we will see our results after 1-2months of using it. In the meantime I hope other people will come out with their experiences and perhaps fresh independent tests on pepys or somewhere will show up.

with the contacts here in forum, it could be organized in a better way, for example make some sticky thread with latest updates on vendors, their contacts, latest COAs, reviews ... its not easy to read thru multiple threads and try to find where is the latest and best contact. For new users there is actually a lot of text to read thru, but thanks Chef for the tip.

I follow pepys and watching some discords too, but its not so straightforward to simply identify "the best" vendor and find the latest contact, I am maybe too old school but I really like straight-to-the-point sticky threads and vendor whitelist/blacklist as for example dredd is using, if someone of you know that forum

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-29 at 11.16.26_9ec80427.jpg
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QSC has quite a few posts here and posted their email, Whatsapp #, price lists, US warehouse inventory, promotions, etc Their # changed recently, so read threads to the end. Terry seems to be the "boss" and has 3-4 agents to handle the orders. Several members, including the founder/admin knows Terry and several members have ordered from QSC...
sorry I just realized Tracy was the first I contacted and got answer from "Irene", its really confusing so many vendors with so many similar names etc. ... However they told me they don't have stock of Sema 5mg atm. which was the product I was looking for as a 1st order from new suppliers (new to me) and was also quoted shipping fees USD65 to Malaysia only! its something what I personally feel like a cheating when I know the shipping fee is in fact max. USD5
But since they are s trusted and having consistent test results I will try negotiate testing order from them, once got stock. Maybe I try get direct contact Tracy, since 1) it sounds weird China warehouse dont have stock and 2) USD65 shipping to Malaysia is totally crazy some considered their product prices are high already too
As I said, its not easy to navigate and find a "best" vendor
with the contacts here in forum, it could be organized in a better way, for example make some sticky thread with latest updates on vendors, their contacts, latest COAs, reviews ... ...its not easy to navigate and find a "best" vendor
@milos Thank you for your very generous sharing of your experience with peptide suppliers.
Reporting of vendor performance is the biggest addition of value in this forum.

I agree with your comments about needing a better, more centralized and compact way to track vendor performance data; I've made similar suggestions myself.

HOW to do it is the question milos! What format, what forum, what data? Who can update it? Who edits, compiles, publishes it?
HOW to do it is the question milos! What format, what forum, what data? Who can update it? Who edits, compiles, publishes it?
I am well aware it must be done by a trusted independent member only (admin) and it involves some work and time which maybe admin doesn't have. Create sticky post on the front page "vendors list" and list there every active or discussed vendor here, provide basic info, background, latest contact details as email, phone number, discord etc. followed by pricelists and followed by latest COAs links or just short text details; and maybe add some star rating based on users input - but its the most difficult and complicated part and at the same time admin clearly stated that he doesn't wants to endorse any vendor, which I fully understand and respect... but at least keep short list with complete vendors list and their latest contact details + some blacklist for proven scammers can be acceptable. I think vendors will not change their contact everyday, so maybe once per week update - it should not take much time. Right now letting them themself posting under their own thread everyday seems almost like a spam and hard to read thru so many posts for new users
Completely agree. May I DM you?
of course can!
maybe we can help admin compile the list, together with input from vendors themself providing latest info (contact + price list) and just pass it to the admin to verify that there is no fake info etc. and post it into the special thread
but its something only admin can decide, if wants to have a "vendor info list" or how to call it (english is obviously not my native language), we as new members are not and can not be trusted
btw. we should also create some standard / unique code names for each vendor so no more confusion between similar names
@milos I created a poll using the actual company names of all vendors I could find that visit the forum. Also requested names of those people were using that were not on my list

I don’t think it wise to use an assigned code for vendors. There are already multiple names for each of them.

Have you voted yet?
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It would be great if those names (or their abbreviations) could be four letters and that way we can use them in the search engine.
I had the same thought and asked Zippy about this... It's the same issue on ecig forums.

As a workaround, try searching, for example, Sry* or QSC*

Or, if there was something specific you saw and are looking for again from a member, try going to their profile and look under recent activity to see their posts.
btw. we should also create some standard / unique code names for each vendor so no more confusion between similar names
I "believe" the issue lies in them using their region at the beginning of their name. I saw a post about this somewhere.

Also, this unique name probably would need to be coordinated and agreed upon across many platforms/sites to have any real meaning/help...

But I hear you and totally agree that it's difficult, time consuming, and would be easier to have a "trusted/not trusted list. Ive lost track of the hours spent, and most people don't have 20-30 hours a week to put into it.

If I'm not mistaken, I believe the admins perspective is that everyone should do their own research and not rely on a list. Vendors reputations vary and change over time, so being responsible for giving bad advice serms to be a concern.

I don't think this forum is much more than a year old, and may be entirely run/moderated by one person. Having a few trusted moderators might help. Or maybe put certain people in charge of certain sections.. I dunno.. Im not exactly an expert in forum administration and am new to all of this, but try to share what Ive learned.... Even though my understanding might be wrong or skewed.

need to look for this poll
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