There's more burn here than even the worst Amopure batch of Tirz 

No no, that was not directed at you. I’m sorry it appeared that way because of me quoting you. It was directed at the thread generally, and an individual specifically who has been warned about trolling in a dm as well.If you're accusing me of trolling or simping for anyone, you should read the thread again.
Thanks for the suggestion!Time to touch some grass, folks.
I bought several items and do plan to test at least 2 of them. When I get the results I'll post them on the forum. I figure it's a sort of spot check. I was in on the Amopure testing but had been using Skye and AR products so far after compound. I never gave a thought about purity or sterility with any of them. Now you guys have me doubting everybody which I guess is the more prudent way to operate.btw. does anyone plan to send some vial from nexa for 3rd party test to check how good these "linked COAs on sticker" really are? because its the only thing that matters, at least to me.
For me (a new person, who should be taken with a bucket of salt as what I do know about the pep world could fit on the head of a pin, and what I don't know could fill a room), I treated Dionysus' lists as a reference point. I would still do my own research on each individual on that list, going through one by one and reading about other people's experiences before deciding for myself. I did not take the list at face value, and quite frankly, anyone who does deserves what they get. We can't dumb everything down for the slowest learner....Probably my last post before I go dormant for a bit.
I've been thinking a lot about how @dionysos 's vendor lists are critical resources for anyone who hasn't yet found a vendor to work with, but it is true that they don't directly give weight to certain topics that people who are like @Tyrone Biggums and @exploitedworkerbee will care a lot about, and their perspective isn't an unusual one.
Do you think it would be possible to create a modified version of the list based on a five star system? Any vendor that delivers reliable and safe products would get a 3 stars. Customer service and communication is worth 1 star, as is transparency and trustworthiness. It removes the good egg/bad egg dichotomy present in the current system and allows for a bit more nuance. It also ensures that the vendors who do everything right receive acknowledgement for their exceptional business practices. Is that something you would be open to experimenting with @dionysos? Would you like this better @exploitedworkerbee
Dang, I like you, Snail. Well said.For me (a new person, who should be taken with a bucket of salt as what I do know about the pep world could fit on the head of a pin, and what I don't know could fill a room), I treated Dionysus' lists as a reference point. I would still do my own research on each individual on that list, going through one by one and reading about other people's experiences before deciding for myself. I did not take the list at face value, and quite frankly, anyone who does deserves what they get. We can't dumb everything down for the slowest learner....
In theory this would be really helpful for new people looking for comfort. But in practice, I think this would just discourage people from doing their own research. Besides...who decides who gets the trusted vendor badge? Zippity doesn't even make personal endorsements...I feel like a trusted vendor badge would be seen as an endorsement, which this forum generally tries to avoid.Another possible solution is to consolidate vendor reviews. Perhaps giving each Vendor their own sub forums where there could be a section for "Offerings" and "Customer Reviews"
@dionysos is one person doing the reviews. A Michelin star system will still reflect that one person's experience. And given that he's a well-known character will likely get preferential treatment which skews the results.
The solution might be something more of a "Trusted Vendor" badge that is earned by vendors over time and by customer satisfaction rate.
I don't think the requirement to become a Forum Vendor is a very high bar to meet. I could be wrong.
In theory this would be really helpful for new people looking for comfort. But in practice, I think this would just discourage people from doing their own research. Besides...who decides who gets the trusted vendor badge? Zippity doesn't even make personal endorsements...I feel like a trusted vendor badge would be seen as an endorsement, which this forum generally tries to avoid.
I think the Vendor designation is just supposed to signify "this person has a potential financial interest in the things they might be talking about". I'm not strongly for or against and would defer to the will of the group/Mods. Like I said, I could see the benefit, but also the drawback... and again, I'm very new...just sharing my view point.I think that simply giving them a Forum Vendor badge extends a certain amount of endorsement. I must have missed the disclaimer to the contrary.
A system like this would put some skin in the game for the vendors. There's already an overseas markets doing this exact forum setup and it's been working for years.
I'm not sure it would discourage end users from doing their own research anymore than the Alligator's list already does. It does require some energy from moderators to vet vendors and possibly mediate to resolve issues. Issue warnings and pull badges when appropriate. It does have the ability to centralize reviews which would make DYOR easier and less arduous than it is currently.
But if the status quo is working, then my feelings aren't hurt if my suggestion is ignored.
The upside is crowd sourcing the reviews. Vendors who have some skin in the game and hold their Trusted Vendor badge in high regard and work tirelessly to avoid issues with moderators and customers.
I've seen it work. It's not prefect, but it's an option.
It definitely is not an endorsement of any sort. Literally the first pinned post on the vendor connection section, titled IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER!!!, says (bolded and underlined): any vendor represented or mentioned anywhere on this platform is not endorsed by GLP-1 ForumI think that simply giving them a Forum Vendor badge extends a certain amount of endorsement. I must have missed the disclaimer to the contrary.
It definitely is not an endorsement of any sort. Literally the first pinned post on the vendor connection section, titled IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER!!!, says (bolded and underlined): any vendor represented or mentioned anywhere on this platform is not endorsed by GLP-1 Forum
All good, happy to have the chance to mention it in a popular thread so others who might have missed it understand that the tag isn’t an endorsementI see that now.
I admit to frequently skimming and skipping fine, or in this case "bold and underlined" print. I'm sure I did read it at some point.
Should be required reading before the list unfurls tbh. Maybe with tap back.
I’m assuming your knee replacement is on the horizon. If so, good luck, stay well, and mend quickly!Probably my last post before I go dormant for a bit.
I’m assuming your knee replacement is on the horizon. If so, good luck, stay well, and mend quickly!
I ended up purchasing some lipo-c from them because they were the only verified vendor I could find that sold vitamins. Still looking for a lab that can do the required testing.
I confused you with someone else here who is having a knee replacement - think it’s PepOhio. Well, I hope your lab results are a pleasant surprise!No knee replacement for me but I appreciate the well wishes. I've got plenty of health stuff going on.