Nexaph First Purchase - Retatrutide

Just to put a fine point on it since your response was mealy mouthed, you have not received any discounts from this vendor? You have paid full price for everything you've received from SPC/Nexa/EZ Pens? I ask because people can tell themselves that discounts don't qualify as compensation, hoping to get an answer that doesn't leave so much room for interpretation.

No, I don't get compensation of any type from any peptide vendor. One of the reasons I assume gonk made me a mod here is he knows that. Most peptide vendors find me quite disagreeable in fact because I'm pretty good at sniffing out the sketchy ones.

All of your comments are so full of vitriol and anger it is hard to take you seriously.

Honestly, did something personal happen between you and SNP? Why such double standards for different vendors? Who made you an expert at "sniffing out sketchy ones"? You "assume" they made you a mod for that reason, but what is the real one? Are you friends with shared benefits?

And yes, one main rule of science is that it is impossible to prove a negative. Can you prove us you have never bought peps in GBs/sales/discounts? Can you prove us you are not affiliated with a specific vendor? Can you prove us there are no unicorns in your backyard? Seriously, are you like 15?
Just to put a fine point on it since your response was mealy mouthed, you have not received any discounts from this vendor? You have paid full price for everything you've received from SPC/Nexa/EZ Pens? I ask because people can tell themselves that discounts don't qualify as compensation, hoping to get an answer that doesn't leave so much room for interpretation.

No, I don't get compensation of any type from any peptide vendor. One of the reasons I assume gonk made me a mod here is he knows that. Most peptide vendors find me quite disagreeable in fact because I'm pretty good at sniffing out the sketchy ones.
Not really too good as a sniffer if you suspect me, Bee, or with good reading comprehension either it seems.
" I do not accept compensation of any kind related to peptides.

To the literate among us that is understood to mean discounts, payment in kind, preferential treatment, considerations of value, money, cash...
Understand it now?

Back to my question since you are not plain and sincere in your speech:
Do you accept compensation of any kind from peptides?
That would include the terms I just listed above AND income from moderating forums, managing group buys, reselling peptides for profit, and maintaining a network of influencer-resellers in the US or elsewhere.
All of your comments are so full of vitriol and anger it is hard to take you seriously.

Honestly, did something personal happen between you and SNP? Why such double standards for different vendors? Who made you an expert at "sniffing out sketchy ones"? You "assume" they made you a mod for that reason, but what is the real one? Are you friends with shared benefits?

And yes, one main rule of science is that it is impossible to prove a negative. Can you prove us you have never bought peps in GBs/sales/discounts? Can you prove us you are not affiliated with a specific vendor? Can you prove us there are no unicorns in your backyard? Seriously, are you like 15?
Y'all are doing a whole lot of reading between the lines. I didn't ask anyone to prove anything. I asked whether a suspiciously gushing series of reviews was the result of some form of specific types of compensation, and then a follow up question about it when the response was wordy and potentially open to the type of backtracking that I've watched happen again and again. @dionysos answered the questions and I take the answers at face value. Do you think it would be a better forum if the mods don't ask any questions about the motivations behind seriously over the top reviews? I've seen that forum, it's called facebook, and its jam packed with shillery. I'm sorry you find the sausage making distasteful, but this is how you get a forum where you might actually be able to trust a little bit of what you read.

@dionysos thanks for entertaining my questions and offering a clear response. I'll leave it there.
Y'all are doing a whole lot of reading between the lines. I didn't ask anyone to prove anything. I asked whether a suspiciously gushing series of reviews was the result of some form of specific types of compensation, and then a follow up question about it when the response was wordy and potentially open to the type of backtracking that I've watched happen again and again. @dionysos answered the questions and I take the answers at face value. Do you think it would be a better forum if the mods don't ask any questions about the motivations behind seriously over the top reviews? I've seen that forum, it's called facebook, and its jam packed with shillery. I'm sorry you find the sausage making distasteful, but this is how you get a forum where you might actually be able to trust a little bit of what you read.

@dionysos thanks for entertaining my questions and offering a clear response. I'll leave it there.
Wise. But you still haven't answered my "Fair Question". A clear response from you please
a few months ago, Dionysos did a very favorable review on amopure reta and it was appreciated. I ordered a few things as a result, and it worked out well. I trust his opinion and judgement as do others.

just my opinion. If this Nexaph is a fraud, they're certainly putting a lot of effort into it. Each vile appears to be labeled and very professional looking. I guess there is some history i'm not up on.
a few months ago, Dionysos did a very favorable review on amopure reta and it was appreciated. I ordered a few things as a result, and it worked out well. I trust his opinion and judgement as do others.

just my opinion. If this Nexaph is a fraud, they're certainly putting a lot of effort into it. Each vile appears to be labeled and very professional looking. I guess there is some history i'm not up on.
Apparently it is the Loooooooonnnnnnngggggggg con.
At least as far as I can tell from my own purchase from Nexaph AND EVERYONE else on here who has ACTUALLY purchased from them...They are professional with great customer service and quick delivery of what seems to be exactly what is ordered and great pricing!

And to save all the back and forth accusations I will go ahead and add a disclaimer to my signature also...Though when I get tired of seeing it I may delete it even if no one has seen fit to give me a SPECIAL deal that NO ONE else gets! 😂 😂 😂 But I promise if they do I will post that here in the forum ;)
Apparently it is the Loooooooonnnnnnngggggggg con.

AFAICT, their sins are a cover story that they're a Chinese-based factory or supplier. Sold reconstituted peptides with an invalid expiration date. Also sold counterfeit pens that were pharma-branded labels. Oh and they failed a sterility test.

My experience was similar to yours. Professional, quick shipping. Have yet to receive the product but I believe it'll be comparable to other products.

As for the fake identity or cosplaying a Chinese-based company. I don't really know how deep that rabbit hole goes. Every vendor on here is cosplaying a cute asian chick named Rebecca or Karen. How is their sin different?

Counterfeit pens... not sure about that... if they knew they were counterfeit but sold them as genuine I'd have an exception. Are these pens normally available in genuine form?

Sterility test.... I mean hopefully it's not being swept off the floor and weighed and sold. But I keep my expectations low so I'm not disappointed. I just want the product to work and be at the advertised strength. Hopefully no one gets an infection.
I saw @Cain_SPC Posted this today on their Telegram...
"We had some issues with Tesamorelin and TB results today. The cap colors on Tesa and TB where switched. So whoever recieved orange cap Tesamorelin, its actually TB4. Anyone with this issue, please contact me and ill be happy to send you a replacement when we get the batch remade."

It looks like this was a handful of people but I think it is important that people here are aware of it. Sorry if this is already posted but I didn't see it if it is. Perhaps Cain could comment on this here or make a note in his vendor section. Not sure if everyone who ordered this has been made aware yet ?

I really do believe in posting both positive and negatives when I see them.

Cain also says they are in the process of notifying everyone affected who bought in the last few weeks.
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I saw Cain Posted this today on their Telegram...
"We had some issues with Tesamorelin and TB results today. The cap colors on Tesa and TB where switched. So whoever recieved orange cap Tesamorelin, its actually TB4. Anyone with this issue, please contact me and ill be happy to send you a replacement when we get the batch remade."

It looks like this was a handful of people but I think it is important that people here are aware of it. Sorry if this is already posted but I didn't see it if it is. Perhaps Cain could comment on this here or make a note in his vendor section. Not sure if everyone who ordered this has been made aware yet ?

I really do believe in posting both positive and negatives when I see them.

Cain also says they are in the process of notifying everyone affected who bought in the last few weeks.
Pep when you want someone to take notice you enter @ plus their username. Like this: @Cain_SPC
@dionysos @dionysos 👈🤷‍♂️:ROFLMAO: So this should get me 2x the notice right?

Added an @ to original post to make sure @Cain_SPC sees it 👈(See I CAN learn!)

Damn...I was copy/pasting and didn't see that...although to be fair I probably forget to add the @ half the time if I look back at my posts🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
As for the fake identity or cosplaying a Chinese-based company. I don't really know how deep that rabbit hole goes. Every vendor on here is cosplaying a cute asian chick named Rebecca or Karen. How is their sin different?
I think there is a big difference between a pseudonym (which we all use) and a known member of the community inventing an alternate identity. Those aren't the same thing.

As far as I can tell the counterfeit pens were knowingly being sold as counterfeit, but the connection to Cain is more tenuous. The proof was another person who is a likely (but not verified) participant in spc.

I highly doubt we'll see cain around here again and I would imagine asking these questions on his telegram would earn you a quick boot.
I think there is a big difference between a pseudonym (which we all use) and a known member of the community inventing an alternate identity. Those aren't the same thing.

These are just shades of gray. The vendors reselling on are completely fake identities. I'd lay odds that person calling you "dear" or "honey" is a male cosplaying as a female.

As for Cain. I suppose it would depend on the motivation for inventing a profile to resell peptides. If it was to insulate themselves from the obv potential legal issues is one thing. If it's to bury bad history it's another.

As far as I can tell the counterfeit pens were knowingly being sold as counterfeit, but the connection to Cain is more tenuous. The proof was another person who is a likely (but not verified) participant in spc.

There's obviously some history I am not aware of. If you buy a counterfeit pen knowing it's a counterfeit, what's the problem there?

I don't have a horse in this race. Cain seemed fine to me. Responsive. Ordering was easy. Less money than other state-side resellers. And I get my stuff on Saturday.

I'm not sure what I'd ask Cain on Telegram tbh. He did react to a post on this or another thread, so he's obviously listening. I'm not sure why he'd be scared away besides a mod calling him a grifter and locking his thread.

But what the heck do I know?
I saw @Cain_SPC Posted this today on their Telegram...
"We had some issues with Tesamorelin and TB results today. The cap colors on Tesa and TB where switched. So whoever recieved orange cap Tesamorelin, its actually TB4. Anyone with this issue, please contact me and ill be happy to send you a replacement when we get the batch remade."

It looks like this was a handful of people but I think it is important that people here are aware of it. Sorry if this is already posted but I didn't see it if it is. Perhaps Cain could comment on this here or make a note in his vendor section. Not sure if everyone who ordered this has been made aware yet ?

I really do believe in posting both positive and negatives when I see them.

Cain also says they are in the process of notifying everyone affected who bought in the last few weeks.

I read through the SNAFU and Cain's response. He did exactly what you'd hope for in that situation. Sounds like the issue affected a small number of shipments.

But he owned up to it. Didn't display any bad behavior toward the customers who were clearly upset. Promised to fix it.

Proof is in the pudding. Hope it gets settled in a way that everyone is pleased with.