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Dirty delete 😡
I reread your original comment and saw I had read “compliments” and “complaints” so decided my response didn’t make sense. But since you replied to it that quickly I went ahead and undeleted.

Nah, I don’t have that much power. I guess i could write some script to delete every new message (i can delete on an individual level but I can’t set up new site-wide permissions like that) which would achieve a muting effect but ain’t nobody got time for that.
I reread your original comment and saw I had read “compliments” and “complaints” so decided my response didn’t make sense. But since you replied to it that quickly I went ahead and undeleted.

Nah, I don’t have that much power. I guess i could write some script to delete every new message which would achieve a muting effect but ain’t nobody got time for that.
To be fair, I'm not sure TUK is getting many compliments right now, it was just a very weird joke.
Update as promised. Second order was paid early on 18th and arrived today, 22nd, at noon. Amazing - China to Scotland in 4 days 😁 I don't need it just now so don't intend testing until nearer the time. I'll just pack it for the freezer. Having a stash makes me feel less anxious. I administered my 3rd jab on Thursday. No issues to report, exactly the same in every way I can discern as the mounjaro kwickpen. I know the UK is a heck of a lot cheaper than USA but still- what a shock to be spending so little!
To be fair, I'm not sure TUK is getting many compliments right now, it was just a very weird joke.

Shush! It was a freaking great joke. A perfect joke, in fact.

(But in this madly-rushing world of imperfect little humans, I knew even the most brilliant of readers (that's you, dear @exploitedworkerbee) could easily misread that last word as its expected opposite. And now, I'm most likely adding to the confusion for the next generation of readers. You're welcome 😁)
I just ordered my first order with Nexaph. Not sure what to expect, but it was a pre order to be shipped this week. I’ll keep ya posted.
Nexaph is for my money & peace of mind the best. Never been let down. But extra $ but seriously worth it IMO. To the pt where I’m not sure I’d buy from anywhere else.

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