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Dirty delete 😡
I reread your original comment and saw I had read “compliments” and “complaints” so decided my response didn’t make sense. But since you replied to it that quickly I went ahead and undeleted.

Nah, I don’t have that much power. I guess i could write some script to delete every new message (i can delete on an individual level but I can’t set up new site-wide permissions like that) which would achieve a muting effect but ain’t nobody got time for that.
I reread your original comment and saw I had read “compliments” and “complaints” so decided my response didn’t make sense. But since you replied to it that quickly I went ahead and undeleted.

Nah, I don’t have that much power. I guess i could write some script to delete every new message which would achieve a muting effect but ain’t nobody got time for that.
To be fair, I'm not sure TUK is getting many compliments right now, it was just a very weird joke.
Update as promised. Second order was paid early on 18th and arrived today, 22nd, at noon. Amazing - China to Scotland in 4 days 😁 I don't need it just now so don't intend testing until nearer the time. I'll just pack it for the freezer. Having a stash makes me feel less anxious. I administered my 3rd jab on Thursday. No issues to report, exactly the same in every way I can discern as the mounjaro kwickpen. I know the UK is a heck of a lot cheaper than USA but still- what a shock to be spending so little!
To be fair, I'm not sure TUK is getting many compliments right now, it was just a very weird joke.

Shush! It was a freaking great joke. A perfect joke, in fact.

(But in this madly-rushing world of imperfect little humans, I knew even the most brilliant of readers (that's you, dear @exploitedworkerbee) could easily misread that last word as its expected opposite. And now, I'm most likely adding to the confusion for the next generation of readers. You're welcome 😁)
I just ordered my first order with Nexaph. Not sure what to expect, but it was a pre order to be shipped this week. I’ll keep ya posted.
Nexaph is for my money & peace of mind the best. Never been let down. But extra $ but seriously worth it IMO. To the pt where I’m not sure I’d buy from anywhere else.
I have placed 2 orders with these guys. The quality is amazing and was delivered to the uk in 9 days

FM262VYR for 10% off
Dude, the website seems pretty professional, plus it helps they take PayPal but how about third-party testing? With all due respect, you do know that we can't just take an internet bozo's word for it, right. Point us to testing results please!
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Ive only witnessed “bullying” on this forum twice. One was some steroid guy last year who came here, assumed everyone was fat, and started throwing insults. The other was someone accusing another person of being racist for stating something that was objectively true. Both of these examples are even questionable at best.

People on here can be very critical, but calling us bullies is a stretch. If you think that labeling someone a shill or being annoyed because someone comes here and posts the same thing on 15 unrelated threads, then maybe you’re too sensitive.

Even through disagreements I can say that the majority of members on this forum are good people. Bullying is a strong accusation these days. People go to jail for that shit.
I had to seek psychological help since Tracy started calling us fish steak
I used ASC with success this Jan for some reta.

I used them again this month and am getting weird excuses...

"Hello. The two countries are fighting a trade war while processing your order. They are discussing taxes and fees. The freight forwarder told me that the customs package was delayed because the money from the two countries had not been negotiated. Please don’t worry. It‘s a matter of time."

lol oh well time to look for a new vendor I guess
Thank God I listened to my instincts. I've been flirting with placing my first order and lurking here for months now, reading and re-reading and searching and researching (pun intended). I'm sooo nervous to pick one vendor. I almost went with ASC! Thanks for posting this!
Thank God I listened to my instincts. I've been flirting with placing my first order and lurking here for months now, reading and re-reading and searching and researching (pun intended). I'm sooo nervous to pick one vendor. I almost went with ASC! Thanks for posting this!
I am not plugging, but can say that I ordered from Nexaph on the 25th and it is on the UPS truck on its way to my house with an arrival date of tomorrow. Several folks have been satisfied with them, and their testing appears to be up to date.

I say this to let you know that folks here have seen them come and go, so lean on the experience of the collective.
I am not plugging, but can say that I ordered from Nexaph on the 25th and it is on the UPS truck on its way to my house with an arrival date of tomorrow. Several folks have been satisfied with them, and their testing appears to be up to date.

I say this to let you know that folks here have seen them come and go, so lean on the experience of the collective.
Thank you, that's helpful. I'm stressing over here. I ordered from Skye the last few times bc I'm so nervous to go with these suppliers but I got sick from the last Sema from them. I emailed them and they refunded me which I wasn't expecting so that was a nice gesture. But why would I keep paying $120 for one vial when I don't have to, right?
I am not plugging, but can say that I ordered from Nexaph on the 25th and it is on the UPS truck on its way to my house with an arrival date of tomorrow. Several folks have been satisfied with them, and their testing appears to be up to date.

I say this to let you know that folks here have seen them come and go, so lean on the experience of the collective.
Also, did you get their info from here? I want to be sure I'm contacting the right person. I have several whatsapp numbers for a few other suppliers when I was considering them, but I'm really skeptical of getting spammed by someone impersonating them. I don't even know if that's possible, my mind just goes right to worst case scenario. The hazards of being a woman 🙄
Thank you, that's helpful. I'm stressing over here. I ordered from Skye the last few times bc I'm so nervous to go with these suppliers but I got sick from the last Sema from them. I emailed them and they refunded me which I wasn't expecting so that was a nice gesture. But why would I keep paying $120 for one vial when I don't have to, right?
Here is another thing you need to be careful with... overfill.

What dose are you getting sick at? Have you seen the COA? Are you sure you ARE doing the right dose? "Most" grey vials are overfilled and you need to figure that into your reconstitution and dosage...
Also, did you get their info from here? I want to be sure I'm contacting the right person. I have several whatsapp numbers for a few other suppliers when I was considering them, but I'm really skeptical of getting spammed by someone impersonating them. I don't even know if that's possible, my mind just goes right to worst case scenario. The hazards of being a woman
They actually have a website. Google their name and peptides.
Here is another thing you need to be careful with... overfill.

What dose are you getting sick at? Have you seen the COA? Are you sure you ARE doing the right dose? "Most" grey vials are overfilled and you need to figure that into your reconstitution and dosage...
I didn't consider that. I think that may have been the problem. I researched long and hard before reconstituting, not just trusting one source of info but many before feeling confident on how to reconstitute. I'm sure I did that part right, however, overfill wasn't something I considered until after the fact 🤦‍♀️

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