So like, how much of a stockpile do you have of your peptides?

Several years - Enough to make it through the peptide apocalypse.

The FDA & Eli Lilly are starting with the compounders and you just never know if they will next focus on the gray market suppliers...I'm covered no matter what.

However, this is a little bit of a let-down when I can't take advantage of the sales and group buys.
Probably time to stop buying as I’ve more than maxxed out my peptide freezer cases. It represents about 6 months of RETA, 4 months of SEMA, 2 YEARS of CAGRI and 10 months of GLOW protocol once the final kit of BOC-157 arrives. THAT will put me over the top of my freezer-peptide-case-capacity!
View attachment 2929
Nice freezer cases. Where did you find these?
Years worth of tirzepatide but now considering switching to reta because of the debilitating fatigue and anhedonia.
Nice freezer cases. Where did you find these?
Christopher has made a half dozen peptide cases for me including two custom versions. He’s very easy to work with.
I keep a years supply of tirz just for peace of mind . But after 7 months of combating the anhedonia and fatigue, I am tryi g some of the newer incretin agonist like maz to hopefully get a break from the fatigue and anhedonia

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