Tried to search for ss31 protocols but couldnt find any proper dosage guides.
Can anyone help me with dosages and frequency?
Can anyone help me with dosages and frequency?
Jay Campbell recommends 500mcg in the morning, 5 days per wk, for an 8wk cycle.Tried to search for ss31 protocols but couldnt find any proper dosage guides.
Can anyone help me with dosages and frequency?
any real reason it has to be cycled?Jay Campbell recommends 500mcg in the morning, 5 days per wk, for an 8wk cycle.
Science on SS-31 and MOTS-C is pretty spotty, but my understanding is that the general belief is that there's just not benefit to being on it continually because mitochondrial function returns to normal.any real reason it has to be cycled?
This is the one I found and was going to follow, I've also read the Jay Campbell one.Tried to search for ss31 protocols but couldnt find any proper dosage guides.
Can anyone help me with dosages and frequency?
There's another cheat sheet, I found; its detailed with most of the peptides. I have the Hunter Williams version too, somewhere.This is the one I found and was going to follow, I've also read the Jay Campbell one.
There are many variations of this protocol. A typical one seems to be ss31 at 4mg for some period of time - 21 days, 28 days, 1 month, 2 months - some do it daily, some 5 days on and 2 days off. Phase 2 includes ss-31 with an overlap of Mots-C, 5mg 3x a week, that runs 4 weeks or 8 weeks, about 3 or so weeks into taking both ss-31 and mots-c, you drop the ss-31 and keep the mots-s, some keep the mots-c at 5mg 3x a week, others change it to 10mg once a week, then mots-c drops off, and the next pep in the triad is NAD+ 2x a week or 3x a week, with a short and fast titration up, starting at 25mg for a week, then 50mg, then jumping to 100mg, and the mots-c and NAD+ are taken on different days. It is also suggested that with the ss-31 phase, TMG is used as well, at 1000mg a day (it's a supplement) and with the NAD+ phase it is suggested that Methyl Guard is used - it's also a supplement. I've made my own personalized protocol for each phase of this, and if you'd like a copy, happy to DM it to you. I'm starting lower and slower in each phase.Tried to search for ss31 protocols but couldnt find any proper dosage guides.
Can anyone help me with dosages and frequency?
I was thinking of using this one - I've just started the ss-31 protocol this past Sunday 12/1, but decided not to start with NAD+ because I'd like to feel, if anything to feel, with the SS-31, and then with the mots-c, and I thought it was possible/likely that the NAD+ might overshadow the other two peps in terms of whatever I felt.This is the one I found and was going to follow, I've also read the Jay Campbell one.
Yea, I started the NAD+ last week; i wanted to start one at a time to see how I felt too. This week I added AOD, so far so good. The NAD is only with my boot camp days. I'll do this cycle for 8wks and then off. Then I'll restart with the SS-31 and MOTS-c.I was thinking of using this one - I've just started the ss-31 protocol this past Sunday 12/1, but decided not to start with NAD+ because I'd like to feel, if anything to feel, with the SS-31, and then with the mots-c, and I thought it was possible/likely that the NAD+ might overshadow the other two peps in terms of whatever I felt.
Love to hear about AOD! I kind of wanted to start with NAD+ to feel that burst of energy, but went the other way!Yea, I started the NAD+ last week; i wanted to start one at a time to see how I felt too. This week I added AOD, so far so good. The NAD is only with my boot camp days. I'll do this cycle for 8wks and then off. Then I'll restart with the SS-31 and MOTS-c.
Haha! its day #2 of AOD, so stay tunned. I'm trying to do 6wks off of Tirz before starting Reta but I wanted something that had some weight loss results in the interim. So I did NAD for the energy effects and then heard about AOD (reduce body fat, preventing new fat growth, fat burner, weight loss; sign me up), so I got single vials of both to test.Love to hear about AOD! I kind of wanted to start with NAD+ to feel that burst of energy, but went the other way!
I was researching "increased energy" in general, as well as to offset Tirz maintenance fatigue.Yea, I started the NAD+ last week; i wanted to start one at a time to see how I felt too. This week I added AOD, so far so good. The NAD is only with my boot camp days. I'll do this cycle for 8wks and then off. Then I'll restart with the SS-31 and MOTS-c.
I tried MOTSc for about two weeks but didn't have any increased energy or anything. Then I realized I should have started with SS-31 first to prime my system so to speak so I stopped it LOL..... That's around the same time of my Tirz stall aka its never really worked for me.I was researching "increased energy" in general, as well as to offset Tirz maintenance fatigue.
Because NAD and the SS3/MOTS are both indicated for energy but do so in different ways - I too stopped the NAD before trying the ss31/mots c protocol to see the difference.
I actually skipped the ss31 (mito membrane repair) and went straight to the mots c mito rev up as I've read some cycle between Nad and Mots C.
RS had great results from Nad; increased energy, focus, mood and much better sleep.
Mots C was like a rush of energy from a double/triple caffeine drink with a slow release. Started with a very low dose. Lasted about 5 hrs. Side effects: very similar to working out in a gym doing cardio.
This was a definite indication RS mitochondria have room for boost !
Great option for pre workout!
@RubiJeep_Girl I'm looking forward to hearing your SS31 research results!
So glad it broke the stall AND increased the energy!! Wow !I tried MOTSc for about two weeks but didn't have any increased energy or anything. Then I realized I should have started with SS-31 first to prime my system so to speak so I stopped it LOL..... That's around the same time of my Tirz stall aka its never really worked for me.
So I came up with the plan to do a cycle of NAD & AOD between cycling off the Tirz. I do notice increased energy with the NAD+ as well, I was impressed since I've never had consistent responses from Sema or TIrz, FINALLY something my body is working with.
I'll start Reta January first, as long as I make it that long. Then I'll drop the AOD mid January and start the SS31, followed by the MOTSc....... I'll need a calendar to keep these things straight lol
Did you start with only SS31? Or have you done MotsC before? Another theory is that if you don’t have major mitochondrial damage, starting with SS31 may not always be necessary if you want to do MotsC.Science on SS-31 and MOTS-C is pretty spotty, but my understanding is that the general belief is that there's just not benefit to being on it continually because mitochondrial function returns to normal.
As for the dosing protocol, results are all over. I'm doing 2mg 5x a week because it makes it nice and tidy to go through 1 vial a week, but I have no idea if that's a proper dosage. So far I don't have any results to report from taking it.
Started with SS-31Did you start with only SS31? Or have you done MotsC before? Another theory is that if you don’t have major mitochondrial damage, starting with SS31 may not always be necessary if you want to do MotsC.