This forum needs to go private and invite only

I thought you would figure it out.... That was a response quote from one of her posts BEFORE she agreed with this quote from Windingroads "Same. I rarely have anything entertaining to say, I read, laugh, roll my eyes and keep my thoughts to myself too much". Fuckin ironic, but its funny no one asked her if she was having a stroke or who hurt her when she posted it. That was HER rant not mine, I just fucked up on the reply button. I did a copy and paste instead of a quote.
Pedantic. Arrogant.Hyperbole. Tiresome children practicing their maleness. This forum is FREE! UNRESTRAINED! UNRESTRICTED! It’s like a bunch of 13 year old skateboarding boys here. Can you SEE yourselves? of course you can’t. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????
Why do you hate men so much lol
I thought you would figure it out.... That was a response quote from one of her posts BEFORE she agreed with this quote from Windingroads "Same. I rarely have anything entertaining to say, I read, laugh, roll my eyes and keep my thoughts to myself too much". Fuckin ironic, but its funny no one asked her if she was having a stroke or who hurt her when she posted it. That was HER rant not mine, I just fucked up on the reply button. I did a copy and paste instead of a quote.
The confusing part wasn’t that there was a rant, we are used to that around here. it was that your post was a rant and another rant that seemed in a dialogue that was in conflict with itself, reading like a single paragraph. This isn’t the double standard you seem to have taken it to be, your post just read as next level unhinged confusion because of the quote mishap. If you hadn’t seen or remembered the other user’s rant (my case) there was no frame of reference.
Offensive and derogatory language targeting marginalized groups is not tolerated and will result in a thread ban. Just handed out a few, but not to worry, the content of the nuked messages wasn’t on topic, interesting, particularly funny, or helpful in any way at all, so no loss.
but not to worry, the content of the nuked messages wasn’t on topic, interesting, particularly funny, or helpful in any way at all, so no loss.

This perfectly describes every post and comment I've ever made so just commenting to see if I'm thread banned here

Edit - Bam! Made the cut! I did it, Dad! Your boy isn't thread banned! I don't even think I commented in this thread before now, but I still feel like a winner.
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This perfectly describes every post and comment I've ever made so just commenting to see if I'm thread banned here
The unfunny, unhelpful, off topic wasn’t what earned the ban, it was the demeaning part which I don’t think you’re prone to. If those other things were banworthy this place would be a ghost town.

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