This forum needs to go private and invite only

Yeah, there are plenty of places with better work/life balance than the US... China is definitely not one of them.
I have travelled the globe in my career and one of the things I learned is that people often criticize the US but most would love to have the opportunity to live here. Despite our faults, I truly believe the US is the best country in the world.
Hanlon's Razor is a mental shortcut which teaches us, in the words of Robert J. Hanlon to “never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” I agree with it and believe that I generally follow it in practice even to the point where I sometimes attribute innocent motives people and later learn that I was wrong. Still I believe I'm more accurate by following Hanlon's Razor.

Occam's razor is a problem-solving principle that suggests the simplest explanation is often the best one. It's also known as the principle of parsimony. The principle is named after William of Ockham, an English theologian, logician, and Franciscan friar who lived from around 1285 to 1348. The term "razor" refers to the idea of "shaving away" unnecessary assumptions. Philosophically, I aqree with Occam's razor, but in practice I often go chasing after squirrels.

A Gillette razor is just a razor, the type that you'd use on your face or your legs.
Hey Cliff Claven! 👋 it's ME, Norm! 😊 (Saved me from googling these razors)
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Here’s what s/he said about Chinese new year. It might be worth a top level post for noobs like me to see and understand what to expect

The Chinese new year holidays will start in mid January, and it's a 15+ days holidays, when all shipments are paused because the logistics companies are fully closed, production stops, and my assistants will go back to their families to spend time with, so is the case of every chinese source, and you've seen how it looks the past 2-3 years. We advise you to make your orders earlier, during the next 3 weeks, you've been warned about the CN holidays, plan in advance!
I have travelled the globe in my career and one of the things I learned is that people often criticize the US but most would love to have the opportunity to live here. Despite our faults, I truly believe the US is the best country in the world.
This is about where the politics slippery slope starts getting out of hand, so let's leave it at that please. There is no reply to this message, agreement or disagreement, that doesn't take it to a political place.
Nothing will happen during CNY. A lot of customers are about to experience some culture shock.
I used to buy rep shoes when I was a kid and I know all well how the Chinese operate around these times. I feel like people here think these companies operate like Amazon.
There is the hotpack incident, which seems like it's made up.

There is the shipping incident, where they used a warehouse that sent out insufficient postages. SRY apologized and reimbursed folks.

Then there is the incident where they shipped stuff marked as 60 mg but which only contained about 50 mg. In that incident, SRY notified the buyers before they received their stuff of the deficiency.

The opioid ground seems like it has legs: The US DOJ has indicted SRY for shipping a fentanyl-like opioid into the US. If someone says they're not going to buy for that reason, I have a hard time coming up with a good argument to the contrary. As to the rest of the reasons for not buying from SRY, they seem rather weak to me. SRY often has the best deals and their stuff regularly tests well.

Clayd wrote that SRY accepts AliPay. They didn't accept Alibaba Pay when I ordered from SRY. However, I double-checked. It appears SRY accepts Alibaba Pay. That's great. I'll avoid using crypto if possible.
Made up you think huh?

See photo,


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It's hard to believe a claim with so little proof has received this much attention.
Don't get me wrong I'm not defending sry or Alan. Just the timeline doesn't really make sense and that letter only shows that steroids were seized, not that sry had anything to do with it.

I'm not ordering from sry so it really doesn't matter to me. My point is just we don't know either way and it shouldn't be treated as fact unless more information is available.

Especially since that letter is from May, lol.
Sorry you're being clowned on OP. I don't sincerely think that Lilly or Novo were directly involved in this incident, but I wouldn't be shocked if they are strategically applying pressure behind the scenes in a way that has incentivized this wonky behavior.

I can actually confirm that this place is more visible than a lot of people realize. For about $150 a month you can get access to tools that allow you to monitor activity on forums like this. I wasn't looking for that information, but I found it while looking for ways to monitor GLP-1 news. I'm cheap though. Pretty sure Lilly can afford the 5k/m package with all the bells and whistles.

EWB doesn't have the permissions necessary to make fundamental changes to this site so the best we can do is be mindful of the fact that we are very much in public, and try to keep discussion of sensitive topics in our more private spaces.

I also don't think there is a clear "best vendor" at the moment, but we have the opportunity to vote with our dollars and demand changes we believe reduce risk for us and increase our security. Now is an excellent time to do that with GYC if we think they are capable of rising to the challenge.
Notable, thanks for adding real value to what we consider. I thank you. A LOT.
It’s very OK to do that on sooo many levels.Thanks, it would be great to see more of it.
Pedantic. Arrogant.Hyperbole. Tiresome children practicing their maleness. This forum is FREE! UNRESTRAINED! UNRESTRICTED! It’s like a bunch of 13 year old skateboarding boys here. Can you SEE yourselves? of course you can’t. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????
Pedantic. Arrogant.Hyperbole. Tiresome children practicing their maleness. This forum is FREE! UNRESTRAINED! UNRESTRICTED! It’s like a bunch of 13 year old skateboarding boys here. Can you SEE yourselves? of course you can’t. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????
Pedantic. Arrogant.Hyperbole. Tiresome children practicing their maleness. This forum is FREE! UNRESTRAINED! UNRESTRICTED! It’s like a bunch of 13 year old skateboarding boys here. Can you SEE yourselves? of course you can’t. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????
Are you having a stroke?
Pedantic. Arrogant.Hyperbole. Tiresome children practicing their maleness. This forum is FREE! UNRESTRAINED! UNRESTRICTED! It’s like a bunch of 13 year old skateboarding boys here. Can you SEE yourselves? of course you can’t. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????
Who hurt you? It’s not your fault.

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