To filter or not to filter, that is the question

Do you filter your peptides?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Sometimes

  • Yes, when using injection pen

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Feb 23, 2025
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I see some discussion about filtering peptides. If they are 99% pure, then what are you filtering out? One of my worries is introducing a contaminant.
99 percent purity doesn't mean that what you see in your lyophilized vial is 99 percent active ingredient.

Purity is a very misunderstood metric in the market.

I still don't filter.... infections from SQ injections are pretty rare for most people.
I filter because I had a bad reaction that lasted weeks. Most folks don't. It's very inexpensive to filter for bacteria.
I don't filter because I didn't see a reason for a subq injections. That being said, I'm now leaning towards 'the stuff to do it is cheap anyway' and plan to buy supplies to do so, if only because I want to learn.
I see some discussion about filtering peptides. If they are 99% pure, then what are you filtering out? One of my worries is introducing a contaminant.
HPLC purity tests tell you the purity of whatever they are testing for, not the composition of what is in the vial. That puck you see is almost entirely excipient, generally mannitol.

A purity test tells you absolutely nothing about contaminants of most kinds, be it bacteria, mold, heavy metals, glass shards, etc.
I filter anything that is going into a cartridge (because it easy to do while filling it) or any pep I plan to use for greater than a few days.

10mg MOTs-C, gone in a day or two, I don't bother. Reta, Tirz even my dirty-ass lab originated Ousia compound Tirz gets filtered every time.
Was not filtering. Then realized cheap Amazon bac water was risky. I began to filter using questionable EO needles, attached to questionable filter, to EO syringe made in some Asian country, to filter Bac water that could be tap water, to do recon. Was creating a much greater risk. I did buy a box of EO sterile vials but wondered how sterile can cheap vials be? The address is US but is shipped from China!!! Now use Hospira into lyophilized vial directly and leave a few drops in the vial on the last draw. Minimal manipulation and $$. Medical grade supplies are not cheap.
I'm on anti rejection medication so low immunity. I filter each time I reconstitute a vial so maybe twice a month. I found a new AliExpress source for 4mm filters so my $3.20 formerly going to Peptide Test is now $1.80 for the 2 filters. Either filter expense is more of a "why not?" My partner sees me taking extra precautions and doesn't question this stuff I'm injecting came from the same place as his ramen noodles.
I filter, cuz it's cheap and quick to do, but it's important to know that it does not filter out all pathogens nor replace other precautions.

Bigger pathogens aren't more dangerous, size actually doesn't matter here lol.

So don't assume that you get a sterile solution when filtering and take other precautions along the way and you shall be good.