Tracy gone MIA?

I appreciate your optimism... but Q probably isn't coming back - and if they do, it's not like Tracy is going to wow you with customer service like he used to. lol
I agree. That’s why I switched to another company. I had placed an order of 2 40 mg kits of Tirzepatide and 2 kits of 2 mg Sema. I received the Tirz but never received the Sema. When I would contact Tracy about it, all I received in response was the old Tirz tracking number, over and over. Finally, I just quit trying. They kept my $80 without any communication or attempt at atonement.
I can't really make up my mind on if I think it's really on the radar for the trade discussions.

On one hand, the fentanyl issue has been a major sticking point for over a decade now, and we're just now finally seeing traction on it.

On the other, it's obvious that if you take care of the opioid production that a lot of the peptide production is going to get caught up in it - SRY, ASC, and I think fairly obviously QSC have links there. I imagine all of the major peptide producers do. And if you're at the negotiating table on the trade side, maybe you get it lumped in.

But back to the first hand, opioid access is a major political talking point. If GLP-1s are a talking point, it's in the opposite direction - the lack of access. Does cracking down on them serve a political purpose? Does Lilly have the political power to fast track it?

I think it's a little unlikely - things just never seem to move that fast. But it's not an area I'd bet my life on things.

I think it's possible GLP1s will be collateral damage of the fent crackdown. As we both speculated, it has to be a fairly significant portion of their business. Sometimes I wonder if SRY and QSC are just the rockstar indy resellers for the same pool of resources.

Like they got big enough and spent enough time on the front lines that they can afford to hire helpers.

I guess what I'm saying is... and this is just a hunch... that we can probably count the manufacturing sources for all our supply on one hand. There might be some a dozen or so finishers that take raws and press out some pills or make some oils. But if this small handful of manufacturers cease production... it's curtains for us. I'd expect prices to soar along with major supply constraints.

I hate to be the FUD guy, but EWB makes a pretty strong argument. If the new administration turns the right screws, it'd probably be cheaper for these guys to just take an extended holiday and come back in a few years when conditions are more favorable.
I think it's possible GLP1s will be collateral damage of the fent crackdown. As we both speculated, it has to be a fairly significant portion of their business. Sometimes I wonder if SRY and QSC are just the rockstar indy resellers for the same pool of resources.

Like they got big enough and spent enough time on the front lines that they can afford to hire helpers.

I guess what I'm saying is... and this is just a hunch... that we can probably count the manufacturing sources for all our supply on one hand. There might be some a dozen or so finishers that take raws and press out some pills or make some oils. But if this small handful of manufacturers cease production... it's curtains for us. I'd expect prices to soar along with major supply constraints.

I hate to be the FUD guy, but EWB makes a pretty strong argument. If the new administration turns the right screws, it'd probably be cheaper for these guys to just take an extended holiday and come back in a few years when conditions are more favorable.
Yeah. Worries about it all is why I now have stockpiled quite a lot of peptides and AAS to last me through the next bit if necessary.

One thing that makes me think QSC might have a different source for at least some of it is that it sounds like they've been fairly consistently showing higher purity on HGH than the other Chinese suppliers, based on what I've read on a few other forums. I've not been shopping around that market long enough to have any idea how true that is, though.
I'm hoping that Tracy reappears and starts cursing at us for thinking that he wasn't coming back. i want my "girl" back.
I am choosing blind optimism that our girl will come back😅Finally got up the courage to make the jump to international vendors for gray only for my first order to be seized by customs a week after QSC went dark. I need Tracy to surprise us all
I am choosing blind optimism that our girl will come back😅Finally got up the courage to make the jump to international vendors for gray only for my first order to be seized by customs a week after QSC went dark. I need Tracy to surprise us all

QSC was seized? Their stuff is generally cloaked so well it's been said that it gets the hand wave...
I think it's possible GLP1s will be collateral damage of the fent crackdown. As we both speculated, it has to be a fairly significant portion of their business. Sometimes I wonder if SRY and QSC are just the rockstar indy resellers for the same pool of resources.

Like they got big enough and spent enough time on the front lines that they can afford to hire helpers.

I guess what I'm saying is... and this is just a hunch... that we can probably count the manufacturing sources for all our supply on one hand. There might be some a dozen or so finishers that take raws and press out some pills or make some oils. But if this small handful of manufacturers cease production... it's curtains for us. I'd expect prices to soar along with major supply constraints.

I hate to be the FUD guy, but EWB makes a pretty strong argument. If the new administration turns the right screws, it'd probably be cheaper for these guys to just take an extended holiday and come back in a few years when conditions are more favorable.
I'm just hoping with time that the customs officials and the makers of GLP-1 drugs will adapt. If the GLP-1 drug makers need to only make GLP-1 drugs, hey, there is plenty of money in that. As to customs, they don't want to spent much time and money dealing with GLP-1 drugs. The political pressure (rightly) is on for them to stop the introduction of fentanyl. As with other drugs of abuse, stopping people from using them will involve more than just reducing supply. Right now it seems to be allowed by the FDA for domestic folks to sell tirzepatide, semaglutide, and retatrutide so long as the sellers state that the substance is for research use only and the sellers also refrain from making any statements suggesting that the substance is actually intended to be used on humans.