We're Bashing SRY this time.

nurserachet thinks we should always support a "member of the community" over a vendor
i think supporting the truth is the right thing to do.
Do not twist my words raw. I’ve already said multiple times I don’t know that member and I am not defending him. I’m also not going to vilify him based on an out of context screenshot. I just don’t understand the rush to defend vendors as if they are the ones who need protecting. I’m not sure why you care since you’re bent on injecting everything under the sun without caution anyway.
so recent threads have told us ordering from QSC and SRY is risky.
Your skewed perspective is very telling. I make my dislike of tracy no secret, but putting qsc and sry on the same level is a joke. One has been (mostly) successfully fulfilling orders to community for many years and the other has been around for ~8 months.

And your racism comment is just weak, one of the most derided vendors on this forum is American of unknown ethnicity. Tracy isn't Chinese, most likely French. I don't know much about Alan, but good odds he isn't either.
nurserachet thinks we should always support a "member of the community" over a vendor
i think supporting the truth is the right thing to do.
Except that nurserachet never said that. I'm fine with disagreeing with what nurserachet said; I often do that myself. However, I'm not going to change the content of nurseratchet said, then criticize a straw man while pretending I'm the one fighting for truth.
I think there are many other reasons to have warnings for SRY. From their earlier rep scamming people, underfill vials, shipping issues, also lying about producing COAs then gaslighting buyers later. They promised COAs on more than one occasion then refused to produce them later. My only assumption is they know the product tested bad.

I still think the hotpack story seems fishy. I also don't think gibs is lying outright. I think gibs genuinely believes Alan sent him a hotpack. I just don't believe a letter proves enough. As anybody could have sent him a hotpack. It's not unreasonable to think someone who trolls has more than one enemy. Also the timing of the letter/events don't make sense.
No you're being an asshole to anyone who doesn't align with your point of view

You like to bully people and its tired.

Said the Town Crier.

I get accused of "unfathomable" actions and "simping for vendors" when I don't see the hotpack scenario as logical?

So your response, after starting this nonsense thread is to call me an asshole?
I think there are many other reasons to have warnings for SRY. From their earlier rep scamming people, underfill vials, shipping issues, also lying about producing COAs then gaslighting buyers later. They promised COAs on more than one occasion then refused to produce them later. My only assumption is they know the product tested bad.

There's another person, that I know of, who I don't believe has been made whole on a promise from Alan.

I am very curious to see what your NAD+ test results will be Vicki.
We all discuss to elucidate the risks and benefits, then everyone can evaluate the various vendors against their own individual level of risk tolerance and priorities. It’s why we encourage people to read instead of just saying “use this vendor.” Your pushback on the process you’re witnessing stems from your preference for the “use this vendor” model, and there are better places than glp1f for you because of that.
no, i like that you have lots of vendors advertising in the proper section. i like looking thru it to see if anybody has something new and different.

i guess vendors need to be criticized to keep them honest. i'll stay out of it.
More context. I don't see where Gibs was giving out his address. Alan was baiting him with a free box of t30. But it's clear from the screens Gibs never fessed an address to Alan.

Said the Town Crier.

I get accused of "unfathomable" actions and "simping for vendors" when I don't see the hotpack scenario as logical?

So your response, after starting this nonsense thread is to call me an asshole?
You can point your bullying at me all you like. It has no effect on me but I'll call you out when you start going after other people.
More context. I don't see where Gibs was giving out his address. Alan was baiting him with a free box of t30. But it's clear from the screens Gibs never fessed an address to Alan.

View attachment 4391View attachment 4392

He never claimed that he gave Alan his current address.

Also whether or not Alan actually sent a hot pack to Gibs, it's clear from this and messages he posted on Meso that he believes Alan sent him a hot pack. I think we can probably drop the malicious liar narrative for now. At worst Gibs is simply obstinate and wrong.
He never claimed that he gave Alan his current address.

Also whether or not Alan actually sent a hot pack to Gibs, it's clear from this and messages he posted on Meso that he believes Alan sent him a hot pack. I think we can probably drop the malicious liar narrative for now. At worst Gibs is simply obstinate and wrong.
And Alan already had gibs' address from the previous order gone wrong that started gibs pestering Alan. When Alan later heard that was an old address, he started this message chain seen here.
no, i like that you have lots of vendors advertising in the proper section. i like looking thru it to see if anybody has something new and different.

i guess vendors need to be criticized to keep them honest. i'll stay out of it.
WTF? Did someone here actually convince you of something.

Never thought I'd see the day.
The main thing I fault Alan at SRY for is not permanently kicking Gibs off the SRY Discord Server sooner.

BrentM - I agree with you about the hot packet story not making sense. You’ve consistently, articulately explained why the story hasn’t made sense. I agree with you. (Even if one fully believes the facts that Gibs states, that doesn’t prove that SRY did that.). However, accusing folks who disagree with you of lacking morality or having cognitive bias (as if anyone is free of cognitive bias) doesn’t logically advance your point. Also, personally attacking people in that fashion - and yes those are personal attacks - even when viewed from a purely persuasive point of view, is unlikely to help convince them. When someone rudely called you an asshole, I suspect that didn’t help convince you. That’s not just how one persuades people. I like it that this forum is not overly polite. It’s good to be able to exchange different points of view. But it’s also important to understand that part of being living beings with emotion is that we can get offended. Argue your point. However, when you’ve made your point and the other person’s reasoning still makes no sense to you, you don’t have to resort to insults.

I wish well to everyone on this forum, including those who agree with me and those who disagree with me.
No you're being an asshole to anyone who doesn't align with your point of view and saying they have "Illusion of Superiority or Confirmation Bias" or "Seems like you'd have to have a low moral compass to get behind the "hotpack" scenario."

You like to bully people and its tired.
Calling BrentM an asshole is uncalled for. I agree with BrentM as the unlikeliness of the hot pack scenario. I agree with you that BrentM should get used to the reality that people often disagree with each other.
(Even if one fully believes the facts that Gibs states, that doesn’t prove that SRY did that.).
I agree with most everything you said and this one in particular I wanted to make sure was stated.

I don't believe Gibs' story is proof that Alan triggered the customs letter.

Calling BrentM an asshole is uncalled for. I agree with BrentM as the unlikeliness of the hot pack scenario. I agree with you that BrentM should get used to the reality that people often disagree with each other.
I'll concede I was heated and it was aggressive. I'm actually extremely against name calling and in my head there is still a difference of "being an asshole to" and "are an asshole" but its fine line not worth quibbling. I'm torn on if it was uncalled for, I'll examine it in the future with a clear mind. I ignored his bullying and mocking when it was directed at me and responded to his comments with sincerity.
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the forum has been a lot of help. so i need to recognize that maybe the core group knows what they're doing.

trying to be fair whether i get along with them or not.
I was just giving you a hard time anyway. You do you man.

BTW, we're coming up on 6 months, how's it coming with your goal?
The main thing I fault Alan at SRY for is not permanently kicking Gibs off the SRY Discord Server sooner.

BrentM - I agree with you about the hot packet story not making sense. You’ve consistently, articulately explained why the story hasn’t made sense. I agree with you. (Even if one fully believes the facts that Gibs states, that doesn’t prove that SRY did that.). However, accusing folks who disagree with you of lacking morality or having cognitive bias (as if anyone is free of cognitive bias) doesn’t logically advance your point. Also, personally attacking people in that fashion - and yes those are personal attacks - even when viewed from a purely persuasive point of view, is unlikely to help convince them. When someone rudely called you an asshole, I suspect that didn’t help convince you. That’s not just how one persuades people. I like it that this forum is not overly polite. It’s good to be able to exchange different points of view. But it’s also important to understand that part of being living beings with emotion is that we can get offended. Argue your point. However, when you’ve made your point and the other person’s reasoning still makes no sense to you, you don’t have to resort to insults.

I think what bothered me was being accused of "having a dog in this fight" and it being "unfathomable" to say anything to the contrary of a customer's (or non-customer's) complaint. Character assassination is the first go to argument when someone doesn't like hearing that the complaint about a vendor might not be valid or true.

Nurse Rached also began assassinating Krysia's character for bringing more facts to the situation.

As for cognitive biases, we all have them. I don't personally view it as an insult to highlight which cognitive bias might be distorting their viewpoint on a subject. It's something I try to analyze in myself and my own behavior. But I can see how it is offensive and is not persuasive.

My most recent contribution was simply posting more context (screenshots) to the Gibs/Alan argument. I've decided to stop responding to the low quality posts in this thread.

Thank you for the nice message and advice. I appreciate your logical and tactful approach. It is refreshing in what can be a fairly toxic environment.
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