We're Bashing SRY this time.

You're not going to be able to verify anything now. Everything in discord from 1:30pm ~4pm has been deleted by the admin (not the person who made accusations against SRY).
If he's a 20+ year veteran of the steroid scene.... I think so.

I've seen this guy and another guy harass people incessantly for no valid reason or meaningful benefit. Other than to get their kicks.

Here's the only proof he's provided.

Tell me where you see the word "NEW" "Give me your NEW address"

How would Alan know this guy moved in the first place if he already had an address?

The word NEW is a lie and is put there to falsely attribute this meaningless "i'm going to fly 14 hours to your location and kick your ass" to falsely accuse someone of "hotpacking" with the intention of damaging their business and brand.

SRYLAB isn't a charity. They make a lot of fucking money. This guy's jealous, and has done nothing but troll SRYLAB in their discord until Alan kick/banned him.

Then cooks up this bullshit story to smear them and damage their business.

That make a whole lot more sense than Alan "hotpacking" this guy so he gets a toothless letter from customs.

I mean if Alan was going to hotpack... wouldn't you ensure the DEA shows up at your door? That wouldn't be difficult for Alan to do given his resources (lab and raws). Especially given the accusations made by the Feds recently.

I think if you're going to cook up a story to smear someone, you ought to run it through a logic check.
If he's a 20+ year veteran of the steroid scene.... I think so.

I've seen this guy and another guy harass people incessantly for no valid reason or meaningful benefit. Other than to get their kicks.

Here's the only proof he's provided.

Tell me where you see the word "NEW" "Give me your NEW address"

View attachment 4347

I don't know what I think at this moment other than that this particular corner of the Peptide community is an absolute shit show.

However, I don't think the lack of the word "new" necessarily means he was lying about what took place in their conversation. First, we don't have the rest of the conversation. I wish Alan would provide it and clear the air since more context is the only thing that's going to help here.

Second, humans don't always speak so precisely, especially in contexts where isn't not explicitly required. The lack of the word "new" in that sentence doesn't mean they weren't discussing a new address. If we had sufficient context, we'd know for sure.
Yall are forgetting the hotpack is just one (albeit very important) thing in a long list of SRY's short history in the market.

But I know we can always count on people coming out to defend the dealers. I don't need much to keep me from ordering from someone.
Yall are forgetting the hotpack is just one (albeit very important) thing in a long list of SRY's short history in the market.

But I know we can always count on people coming out to defend the dealers. I don't need much to keep me from ordering from someone.

Hotpack story is bullshit. I've already proven this.

I'm not defending Alan here. I only care about the truth. And if you look at the history and past behavior, it appears the story is a fabrication.

I don't really care what you think about my posts in this thread. If debunking this nonsense is "defending the dealer". I couldn't give two shits about that.

And it's your money, spend it however you please.
The fact you think you proved anything is very funny.

The fact that we're supposed to just take this guy's word for it is very funny too isn't it?

Because EWB said he's been around a while?

Just take his word? When he's obviously withholding information, becoming defensive when asked, and withdraws from the conversation when pressed?

Can you point me to a server where he engages in anything but troll behavior?

I've searched his name across several discords, and I don't see any meaningful engagement. Only troll behavior.

While he may be a long-time respected character, I believe he is lying here. And he is unable to provide any evidence to the contrary. Besides, logic wins and his narrative doesn't even make logical sense.
lol pot, meet kettle.
come on now folks, i came out swinging against sry too and i probably still won't use them moving forward but this dudes accusations look completely bunk now. don't double down when presented with new info, y'all are better than that.
come on now folks, i came out swinging against sry too and i probably still won't use them moving forward but this dudes accusations look completely bunk now. don't double down when presented with new info, y'all are better than that.

Double down on what? I legitimately have no clue what happened here, but I don't think the fact that this OG appears to be an asshole necessarily makes him a lying asshole.
Is this really the behavior of a respected, long-time community member? I can unhide the blocks over the name if necessary, but because others here took the courtesy of not naming, I will too. But this was shared directly in the Swiss as you can see in the screenshot so anyone can go look for themselves.

I personally have a hard time believing that someone who would falsely impersonate a member of the SRY team in an effort to ban someone else is above trying to smear a company too.
I find it strange that the person making allegation #2 does not want to show any proof.

You want people to trust your words, or otherwise I don't see the point of publicly complaining.

I don't know how I feel about this, why we rarely have proof of anything like that.

If it happens to me, you can be sure I'm gonna share all the proof as I would want people to see the truth, maybe he's not thinking like that
Double down on what? I legitimately have no clue what happened here, but I don't think the fact that this OG appears to be an asshole necessarily makes him a lying asshole.

When is the big reveal?

Is this really the behavior of a respected, long-time community member? I can unhide the blocks over the name if necessary, but because others here took the courtesy of not naming, I will too. But this was shared directly in the Swiss as you can see in the screenshot so anyone can go look for themselves.

I personally have a hard time believing that someone who would falsely impersonate a member of the SRY team in an effort to ban someone else is above trying to smear a company too.
View attachment 4348

See that's government grade trolling.

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I beg to differ.

I've engaged in meaningful conversation here.

But your lack of a meaningful response says enough.
You’re uninformed and honestly your schtick is too tired to bother with, believe whatever you wish
I know the guy well, have for a long time, and trust him. You would too if you were actually informed, but that’s not the situation. You’re a newbie on the public forums who just wants to troll. So here we are, there is no point in trying to change your mind. You do you.

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