GB's that aren't actually GB's - Carry the Torch!

Old timer here. I like vendor-led group buys for a couple of reasons:
- you always know who the supplier is so can evaluate reputation and risk based on past performance.
- Removes a middle man who takes a fee
- lower risk of them just taking the money and running, which is a serious concern for non-vendor gbs where you’re paying the facilitator
- your middle man is only as good as the supplier anyway, and has no actual power — you’re still at the mercy of the supplier if they choose not to honor a reship obligation unless your gb facilitator is prepared to go out of pocket to make members whole in the event of an issue

At the end of the day if a group buy is hitting those 100 unit moq prices then they’re not a group buy either, they’re a sales arm for a vendor that introduces a whole bunch of risk for not a lot of benefit.
Thanks. thanks. all the details helps us. A LOT. People taking the time, it helps.
Old timer here. I like vendor-led group buys for a couple of reasons:
- you always know who the supplier is so can evaluate reputation and risk based on past performance.
- Removes a middle man who takes a fee
- lower risk of them just taking the money and running, which is a serious concern for non-vendor gbs where you’re paying the facilitator
- your middle man is only as good as the supplier anyway, and has no actual power — you’re still at the mercy of the supplier if they choose not to honor a reship obligation unless your gb facilitator is prepared to go out of pocket to make members whole in the event of an issue

At the end of the day if a group buy is hitting those 100 unit moq prices then they’re not a group buy either, they’re a sales arm for a vendor that introduces a whole bunch of risk for not a lot of benefit.
But how can newbies know how to choose a legit vendor? For example, some experienced people seem very devoted to QSC, but I have also read about intermittent quality issues, their main rep Tracy being difficult and not always honoring obligations.
But how can newbies know how to choose a legit vendor? For example, some experienced people seem very devoted to QSC, but I have also read about intermittent quality issues, their main rep Tracy being difficult and not always honoring obligat
This is why I flip flopped and bought from Amo. Possible stinging vs sketch customer service? Just right now in another thread Tracy is getting called out for his "guaranteed purity" which now he's saying isn't a guarantee at all. Kind of kicking myself because QSC is undercutting Amo by $90 (maybe I'll give in on this one too...) but I just don't get the warm fuzzies
@Broken Chef @MrsRoper_1977 @G Vice @Mrpmrp
The Group Buy Devil is definitely in the Promo Details!
Vendors are quite deliberately blurring the merchandising distinctions between Real Group Buys, Group Buys so-called, and Promos.
Example: QSC opening an accurately named, competitive priced and WELCOME Discord PROMO channel while touting it as a GROUP BUY on's Vendor Forum and others.
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Please explain to me how it is different from the one ASC posted last month that you somewhat promoted with your own posting? I think the answer is that they did not offer independent post-buy testing from an individual as part of the deal? Am I on the right track?
But how can newbies know how to choose a legit vendor? For example, some experienced people seem very devoted to QSC, but I have also read about intermittent quality issues, their main rep Tracy being difficult and not always honoring obligations.
I hear you, but that is a separate question. what I’m saying is that a group buy managed by a third party who collects the money doesn’t add an iota of safety for a newbie, it just adds the illusion of safety while in fact creating risk. The only way you’re getting full security is buying mounjaro from Walgreens, what we are doing here is as much research as we can do to evaluate the risk vs reward according to our own risk tolerance and financial means.
This is why I flip flopped and bought from Amo. Possible stinging vs sketch customer service? Just right now in another thread Tracy is getting called out for his "guaranteed purity" which now he's saying isn't a guarantee at all. Kind of kicking myself because QSC is undercutting Amo by $90 (maybe I'll give in on this one too...) but I just don't get the warm fuzzies
yeah, I don't need warm fuzzies, but professionalism, honesty and consistency are required.
How can I find a legitimate GB group?So far, I've made a purchase with Ampure, which I'm waiting to receive, and another one through Annie's "GB" via GYC.For example, can I say that Annie's GB is a legitimate GB?What are the current prices considered cheap for tirz?
Let me make this very clear: Annie's GYC GB is most definitely NOT a legit GB.. NOT EVEN CLOSE! It is simply a promotion where they are paying to test a vial... Eventually. That is not to say they have bad product, it's just not a GB. They demand trust, but refuse to trust others. Hard pass for this guy.

Prices vary between vendors, sales, groups, vial size, amount ordered at one time, the market, and whatever they feel like charging.

Finding a real GB requires time, proving your knowledgeable & trustworthy, talking to people, working your way up through the ranks of various places, and luck.

Due to the nature of these, I've already said more than I should, so I apologize, but that's as much as I'm willing to say. This was more about making sure people don't think of a gb as the watered down nonsense we are seeing lately.

Edit: @exploitedworkerbee makes some very good points! For me, the post-purchade 3 vial testing being handled by the facilitator and included in the price is what makes up a good portion of the value and what I'm saying separates vendor gb's from legit gb's.

And I'll just say that there are multiple "levels' of group buy facilitators. From sketchy steal your money, to, well, much better options that make you feel safe.

But it's a very valid point to make, thanks.

Also GYC just posted their newest promo and has T40 for $370. Getting someone to pay for the testing up front might be an issue, based on how that went in the first buy. And there's a minimum order $ amount.
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Let me make this very clear: Annie's GYC GB is most definitely NOT a legit GB.. NOT EVEN CLOSE! It is simply a promotion where they are paying to test a vial... Eventually. That is not to say they have bad product, it's just not a GB. They demand trust, but refuse to trust others. Hard pass for this guy.

Prices vary between vendors, sales, groups, vial size, amount ordered at one time, the market, and whatever they feel like charging.

Finding a real GB requires time, proving your knowledgeable & trustworthy, talking to people, working your way up through the ranks of various places, and luck.

Due to the nature of these, I've already said more than I should, so I apologize, but that's as much as I'm willing to say. This was more about making sure people don't think of a gb as the watered down nonsense we are seeing lately.
This is how we learn from those who have blazed the trail ahead. Chance favors the prepared mind (educated mind)
I'm mostly concerned about a bunch of new people thinking that a GB requires one of the buyers to front the $ for a test, doesn't include testing at all, or relies on vendor testing, and only offers discounts if each person buys xx kits shipped to one address.

But, yeah, I can see where certain gb's could be risky and some would prefer direct vendor purchases.

There's just so much work that's gone into some of these gb's and I'm seeing a trend - 3 vendor servers now, that I know of - who are running promotions and calling them gb's.. so I don't want to see that become the expected norm.
I'm mostly concerned about a bunch of new people thinking that a GB requires one of the buyers to front the $ for a test, doesn't include testing at all, or relies on vendor testing, and only offers discounts if each person buys xx kits shipped to one address.

But, yeah, I can see where certain gb's could be risky and some would prefer direct vendor purchases.

There's just so much work that's gone into some of these gb's and I'm seeing a trend - 3 vendor servers now, that I know of - who are running promotions and calling them gb's.. so I don't want to see that become the expected norm.
Seems like enough folks here to initiate our own GB… or at least gauge interest for a future GB.
@Broken Chef @MrsRoper_1977 @G Vice @Mrpmrp
The Group Buy Devil is definitely in the Promo Details!
Vendors are quite deliberately blurring the merchandising distinctions between Real Group Buys, Group Buys so-called, and Promos.
Example: QSC opening an accurately named, competitive priced and WELCOME Discord PROMO channel while touting it as a GROUP BUY on's Vendor Forum and others.
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Can you explain to me the difference between this and ASCs August GB that you somewhat promoted with your own separate post. I think it's because QSC offers to pay for individual post-purchase that correct? Or am I missing something?
I think it's because QSC offers to pay for individual post-purchase testing..
I know you asked Dionysos, but..

if by "individual" you mean any individual buyer who asks, I'm certain that's a No.

I'm not sure if they do 3rd party testing on their gb's or not... If that's what you were asking, and it's a good question, perhaps someone else will chime in.

What most vendors do offer is a replacement kit - if you spend $300 for a test and it comes back below 99% purity and/or underfilled by more than 10%. But then you'd probably want to test the replacement, so another $300.

Most people aren't willing to shell out the extra $. And this is why I prefer a gb that comes with 3 vial 3rd party testing. I have no issues paying an extra $10-$20 per kit for that. If the facilitator is making money for all the time they spend organizing, testing, monitoring the server, setting up buys, etc - I have no issue with that either. I'm happy to pay a bit extra to avoid having to spend $300+ and sacrifice vials.
I know you asked Dionysos, but..

if by "individual" you mean any individual buyer who asks, I'm certain that's a No.

I'm not sure if they do 3rd party testing on their gb's or not... If that's what you were asking, and it's a good question, perhaps someone else will chime in.

What most vendors do offer is a replacement kit - if you spend $300 for a test and it comes back below 99% purity and/or underfilled by more than 10%. But then you'd probably want to test the replacement, so another $300.

Most people aren't willing to shell out the extra $. And this is why I prefer a gb that comes with 3 vial 3rd party testing. I have no issues paying an extra $10-$20 per kit for that. If the facilitator is making money for all the time they spend organizing, testing, monitoring the server, setting up buys, etc - I have no issue with that either. I'm happy to pay a bit extra to avoid having to spend $300+ and sacrifice vials.
That’s what makes the GB appealing to me, the built in testing.
Just a heads up to the newer folks. You may have found your way into some GB servers pretty quickly that are hosted by vendors. They are having SALES/PROMOTIONS and calling them GB's. PLEASE do not confuse these with real GB's. A real group buy will often include free or cheap shipping (usually with a min order), post purchase testing that is organized by the buyer , NOT the vendor, and everyone gets the same price. The good group buys will not come as an open invite in this forum where dozens can just click. Getting in to a quality GB requires a bit of proving yourself, getting to know people, working your way up through the ranks (quite literally in some cases).

These promo's being wrongfully called GB's often require each person to order xx kits to get a better price (rather than everyone getting the discount), testing is either chaotic, extra, or non existent and left to the buyers to figure out on their own - no different than ordering from Amo and putting together a test group

Those who came before us have worked very hard to develop the 'Criteria" for a legit GB. It is the obligation of new members to understand what a real GB is, and not confuse it with these promotions. I fear what has been known as a GB is going to get misunderstood, diluted and the great things that come with it will go away or become nearly impossible to find.

We, as buyers, need to be holding these vendors to the high standards that our predecessors set in play. @dionysos has said it numerous times... As soon as we back off and allow low expectations, the vendors will take advantage, and the low expectations will become the norm.

This is part of the issue regarding how hard it is to find info and pry this advice out of "Old-timers". Many are exhausted from fighting for this for years. It is our duty as new members to carry the torch! Accept no substitutions!

If Compounding pharmacies are made to stop selling glp1's, this place is going to get nuts. So the people coming in now are ahead of this and need to be educated, so that when the flood gates open, you too can help direct the new people.

Don't let the greatness of a real GB get watered down to a sales blitz that comes with no perks!

End Panicked Rant.
So helpful, thank you!
Egg Zackly
It's not perfect there either. Group buy organizers can change the terms of the deal however they see fit. Another organizer recently got caught photoshopping test results because the lab didn't have public verification...

My point is, one model isn't better than the other. Vendors shouldn't be calling them group buys though.
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I’ve spent a fair amount of time watching and studying various group promos and GBs. I analyze previous promos/GBs to understand what is being sold, the conditions of the sale, pitfalls, limits, and risk. I read thru the chat. A lot can be learned by watching.

Be careful of promos. Know what you are getting, ask for the COA, understand the conditions of the sale. I saw a COA for a peptide in a promo with a purity of 95%. Some promos are clearance sales.

With that said, I like what I see at QSC. Yes, response and communication can be trying at times. The vendor pays for 3 vials to be tested and the vials are selected by a bot, through the test coordinator, on discord, from those who are willing to donate a vial to be tested. It’s a transparent process.

If more people want vials tested from that GB, there is a testing coordinator who will organize that group, determine cost, and coordinate shipping of vials for testing.

There is also group testing opportunities for promos as well and handled by a testing coordinator in the same manner.

Knowledge is power.
This is great, thanks much for engaging in the conversation. I understand the various limitations and issues, but still feel that "the right" gb is the best way to go.

I am in the QSC servers, but it's just so chaotic in there and hard to follow all the chatter - I feel like it would take a lot of time to figure out what's going on and follow along. I chose to spend that time elsewhere and focus on getting in to some of the better gb options and learning how those operate.

Even with the hundreds of hours I've spent researching, I'm still very much new to all of this and have MUCH to learn, so I appreciate those of you who have commented on the things I've missed and providing alternate views. It shows how big this community is and how many different directions one can go to reach the desired outcome.

I'm fond of the gb options as they are like their own little community, which I'm sure QSC is as well.

It's a shame that so many bad actors have caused so many issues and made things so difficult for newcomers. I'm developing a deep understanding for the secrecy that surrounds so many aspects and why the strict rules are in place. On the other hand, I want the community to grow and help others discover the gift of peptides. The struggle is real.

If anyone has info regarding the various legal ramifications of this grey market, I'd love to chat about that. Most seem to understand they exist, but I've not seen it discussed anywhere. Happy to do so by phone or a discord voice chat to make it easier and less time consuming.

I'm very much interested in learning all aspects and being heavily involved in the market. I'm physically disabled, but my brain still works, mostly. I've not been this curious, enthusiastic, or just plain excited about something to this degree in many years. It has sparked a drive in me that I thought was lost.
So not to sound dense but Annie who goes under @anniemissfit and has a big telegram channel. I was recommended by another person and they confirmed they are with QYC but I so far only have a QSC telegram where tons of people confirm their sales and testing.

WhatsApp +852 7074 1685
I saw them mentioned via another person that they were legit but wanted to see if anyone else had experiences?

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