Tirzepatide shortage is over

Thanks in advance to everyone on this forum for the wealth of information and for helping out those of us who have come from Reddit.
I do not disagree with you or @Broken Chef, but it would probably be very helpful for a lot of new members if some of the old timers got together and made a “map”/guide for the new people and asked zip to sticky the post.

Everyone can’t be expected to have the time to do all that research.

Personally, I don’t really understand the motivation behind the gate keeping though (NOT trying to start something, it’s honest curiosity).

We won’t share our sources and forwarders since it’s our business, even though we don’t really compete with the Chinese market anyway.

But I don’t see why you need to have hidden buyer groups. Most vendors would be happy to do business with any buyer as long as they pay their price and meet their MOQ?
This is my goal. I am starting with a person I know and trust. I get the “f&f” discount for 2months. Hopefully I will gain knowledge to do it myself. 😁 I feel pretty good since I already found dionysos and the lists. I also like that one storefront I researched is on their list. I am heading in the right direction. I think 😂😂. Now to learn how to reconstitute.
Learn how to recon...?am I missing something?
Everyone can’t be expected to have the time to do all that research.

LOL no? Then this isn't the place for you.

If you can't be expected to spend the time doing the minimum amount of research, then bye.

There is a whole section called Vendor Connection. If you don't have the wherewithal to start there when you are looking for vendors, then you have no business injecting yourself with black market drugs.
LOL no? Then this isn't the place for you.

If you can't be expected to spend the time doing the minimum amount of research, then bye.

There is a whole section called Vendor Connection. If you don't have the wherewithal to start there when you are looking for vendors, then you have no business injecting yourself with black market drugs.
Let’s not revive this exact part of the topic, as it was already closed off and well explained by several members :)

There are reasons for most things people do.
LOL no? Then this isn't the place for you.

If you can't be expected to spend the time doing the minimum amount of research, then bye.

There is a whole section called Vendor Connection. If you don't have the wherewithal to start there when you are looking for vendors, then you have no business injecting yourself with black market drugs.
Oh no not what I'm saying. Been there. Been further. Even deeper. Then some. There's good and bad about everyone. At the end of the day you're just going to have to try everyone's product until one works. Raw matters.
Oh no not what I'm saying. Been there. Been further. Even deeper. Then some. There's good and bad about everyone. At the end of the day you're just going to have to try everyone's product until one works. Raw matters.

Why gatekeeping? Reason #47: Because when things are too open in the gray market, stuff like this ⬇️ starts to happen- or worse. I'm sure it's nothing, heavy traffic or who knows, but when you have a good source, you want to protect it from bad actors who will try to take it down. And you can't do that with wide open doors.


LOL no? Then this isn't the place for you.

If you can't be expected to spend the time doing the minimum amount of research, then bye.
On a similar note, I've seen quite a few requests lately to "explain it to me like I'm 5" with the new influx of redditers. I know this is kind of a meme over there but it still kind of irks me.

Injecting yourself with grey market chemicals requires the intellect of an 8 year old AT A MINIMUM.
Why gatekeeping? Reason #47: Because when things are too open in the gray market, stuff like this ⬇️ starts to happen- or worse. I'm sure it's nothing, heavy traffic or who knows, but when you have a good source, you want to protect it from bad actors who will try to take it down. And you can't do that with wide open doors.

View attachment 2799

View attachment 2798
100% correct on the sentiment. With this particular issue, though, @Bacchus mentioned in another thread that their server went down this morning but didn't imply it was due to anything nefarious. Sometimes, computers just rebel lol.
100% correct on the sentiment. With this particular issue, though, @Bacchus mentioned in another thread that their server went down this morning but didn't imply it was due to anything nefarious. Sometimes, computers just rebel lol.
Yes! I saw that after the fact.
Hope he gets it back up. I was trying to scope the merch.

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