We're Bashing SRY this time.

I know the guy well, have for a long time, and trust him. You would too if you were actually informed, but that’s not the situation. You’re a newbie on the public forums who just wants to troll. So here we are, there is no point in trying to change your mind. You do you.

Don't try to change my mind.

Show me evidence. This guy is just using you and your credibility to smear a vendor.

And I may be be a newbie here... I'm not a newbie to bullshit. And I know bullshit when I step in it.
Agree the hot pack story seems unlikely, doesn't pass the smell test. A story like that needs a photo of a package that says ILLEGAL STUFF IN HURRR" or the story is DOA in my opinion.

As someone who has done some e commerce selling in the past, I also think the accidentally underpaid postage is plausible but is easily preventable. Easy thing is for sry to just refund the difference. Sounds like they offered to.

But I'm not shilling for them. There's a hundred vendors and if this stuff bothers you, just pick someone else. Sry often has good prices but not always the best. So just buy elsewhere if you want. NBD

And yes I'm also watching to see if the damage control operation gives us a nice sale price opportunity.
Retraction: it looks like the hot packs person was not who I thought it was, so i take back my vouching for them. Trying to get to the bottom of how I came to be mistaken about who the allegations came from. Anyways sorry for contributing to the confusion, and @brentm I’m sorry for not entertaining your line of questioning. turns out the source here wasn’t as reliable as I had thought.
Retraction: it looks like the hot packs person was not who I thought it was, so i take back my vouching for them. Trying to get to the bottom of how I came to be mistaken about who the allegations came from. Anyways sorry for contributing to the confusion, and @brentm I’m sorry for not entertaining your line of questioning. turns out the source here wasn’t as reliable as I had thought.
I suggest you edit your warning posts on the sry vendor threads to reflect the latest
This thread played out like a juicy episode of the Real Housewives. One called another a whore who threw her drink compelling another to defend her saying she's not a whore and stuck their reputation on it and before dessert could be served it turned out she really was a whore cuz she was with another's huZzband and everybody apple-a-gized and we're recast for the next season...

Has Alan posted the <50¢ promo yet?
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