I did use one vial using 15 as my recon point. Still have the other 1/2 in the fridge but decided to use a different vendor until I figured it all out. The week I used it I didn’t lose anything but that is in no way scientific! Once I run out of the batch I’m using I will retry them againwith the assumption they are 15. The assuming part is what gives me the near OCD levels of freaking out though. LOL. Thanks to all who replied!
I reconstituted the 15s as 10s. Did you use any of it? Many say they are fine.. I think it does not work on me. I am about to try TCI or Nexaph on Thursday to see if there is a difference.
I just got an order of Nexph this week. Have you already ordered from them? I ordered the 15mg that was pre order available last week. I’m waiting on the group test before committing to dosing but his tests came back at 18.20 18.29 & 18.65. Hopefully our group tests come back the same!
Nexaph has T30 for sale. No testing, which to me means it should be at a pre-sale price, but it's at regular price. I'm not paying a premium for completely untested tirz, I can get that other places.
So the nut job that runs AR just tried peddling a "new" peptide he claims to have invented. No papers published, no peer reviews, no rodent testing, no FDA filings, just "hey I invented this new GLP-1/GIP peptide and you should shoot yourself up with it!".

This kind of dangerous behavior is unacceptable in this hobby, and this kind of vendor CAN NOT BE TRUSTED to provide ANY PRODUCTS that haven't been unsafely manipulated, adulterated, or contaminated. With this kind of sick individual, you have to assume the worst!

As forum policy from this moment forward, referring or recommending AR is prohibited.

I strongly recommend anyone who has AR product in-hand or en route to immediately demand a refund and destroy the products, or at a bare minimum have it tested before use. There is no way of knowing if he has been shipping this concoction to unsuspecting customers, or if he's been tampering with other peptides he's been selling.

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