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  1. Sally-Matilda

    How much have you hoarded?!

    Yep... I'm down in the basement mixing stuff up on the regular!
  2. Sally-Matilda

    New here, close to goal

    Not Tracy.... Tracy is QSC. Peter was the sales agent at XCE and he is... disappeared? It is my understanding though that the scientists/techs etc. survived the changeover.
  3. Sally-Matilda

    QSC result just released.

    Oh, I rather enjoy being called Dear.... that way I know they really care! ;-)
  4. Sally-Matilda

    How much have you hoarded?!

    I'm very slowly working on building up supply. I have to kind of buy on the down low because my hubby would think I was crazy to try to buy 5 years' worth of meds. LOL. He only just learned that I'm buying powder from overseas rather than ready-made from a domestic compounding pharmacy. What I...
  5. Sally-Matilda

    Never trust a skinny chef!

    Welcome, Chef. I can relate to many things you said. Gen X'er here too. My husband was just telling me a story this evening from his teen years about one of his neighbors, who would regularly send his kid on a bicycle to the corner store to buy cigarettes and beer. One day, while my husband was...
  6. Sally-Matilda


    Woot! Congrats Elaine! What an awesome surprise! And thank you so much to Zippity for building and running this forum. It is such an oasis in the desert.
  7. Sally-Matilda

    Hi. I'm fat. I'm from Australia.

    Hi! I'm fat too! But not as fat as I used to be.... Still working on it. I'm in the U.S., so I don't have any knowledge or experience with shipping to Australia.
  8. Sally-Matilda

    Let see everyone’s weight loss results

    hahahaha fellow NPR listener! I listened to that program for many, many years.
  9. Sally-Matilda

    New henan tengmao order

    You're actually not allowed to reference animals either... no "my lab rat had x results". You can only say "RS subject was pinned with .5mg sema, and felt appetite suppression the next day." or similar. It's around the elbow, but that's their rules.
  10. Sally-Matilda

    Anyone want to go in with me on a QSC GB of TZ?

    Are you on the QSC discord server?
  11. Sally-Matilda

    Feeling sick when wake up in mornings

    I concur with Sheldor about the water, electrolytes, and vitamins. I'm currently on sema and do have some nausea occasionally. I regularly take vitamins (especially B12, as I eat a vegan diet), but sometimes it's hard to get enough water in. I think that is usually the cause of my nausea, and my...
  12. Sally-Matilda


    Welcome! You will find friendly people here. Congratulations on your success so far. Many people in this forum use tirzepatide. If you use Google Translate to translate your posts into English, I think it will be easier for you. Willkommen! Hier finden Sie freundliche Menschen. Herzlichen...
  13. Sally-Matilda


    (Translation of the above) From Mounjamen: Hello and good morning, I am 72 years old, 188 cm tall and was 131 kg when I started my therapy with Mounjaro 2.5 mg in January. That gives me a BMI of 37. In addition, I had an elevated blood pressure of 160/90. That's why my doctor suggested therapy...
  14. Sally-Matilda

    Hi Everyone!

    This is a translation of the above, not me talking: Hello, I just discovered the forum today by chance and I'm also curious about what's going on here. I am in the 16th week of Mounjaro 7.5 mg and have lost 21 kg so far. Does it make sense to order tirzepatide in China and what does it say on...
  15. Sally-Matilda

    Anyone want to go in with me on a QSC GB of TZ?

    Yes - Sorry for the delay. I have had a busier-than-usual day! I'll DM you to make arrangements. Last call for anyone else... if you want to buy 1 or 2 vials of 35mg Tirz, Let me know today!
  16. Sally-Matilda

    Anyone want to go in with me on a QSC GB of TZ?

    Yes, but for the group buy you have to be ordering a minimum of $230 worth of TZ 35mg, sema 5mg, and/or Survodutide 10mg. If you want to go in on it by just getting a kit of sema, I would kindly ask for the cost of shipping.
  17. Sally-Matilda

    Anyone want to go in with me on a QSC GB of TZ?

    They accept bank transfer or cryptocurrency. I've never done either, but can figure it out. I was thinking about using Strike.
  18. Sally-Matilda

    Anyone want to go in with me on a QSC GB of TZ?

    Absolutely. That place is like the Wild West though.... Lots of Bruh energy.
  19. Sally-Matilda

    Anyone want to go in with me on a QSC GB of TZ?

    I haven't ordered from them before, but they seem to have a good reputation. For the group buy, three volunteers from among the people who participate in the GB will be chosen by a citizen-coordinator here in the U.S. to have 3 vials sent for testing to Jano. QSC says they guarantee 99+% purity...
  20. Sally-Matilda

    Hi Everyone!

    Welcome! I remember when I had to explain to hubby why I was ordering needles.... LOL! He still doesn't know exactly what I'm up to, because he doesn't want to know. He knows what I'm taking, and that I inject myself every week, but doesn't want the details. Our primary care doc (who knows what...