AmoPure Emerges From AmoPeptide Tirzwreck UPDATED*

OMG! Received my R10 TODAY!!!!! It was shipped from CN on Monday. Stunned, Blue Tops. THIS works for me. Not $105 a vial. Yes, I am thrilled. Will let you know how it goes. Thanks, everyone for your kindness and patience with the learning curve!AMOPURE!!!!!!!
i tried amo r10 and thought it was similar to nu science and peptide science reta. I've since moved on to cagri10 and it obliterates my appetite.
i tried amo r10 and thought it was similar to nu science and peptide science reta. I've since moved on to cagri10 and it obliterates my appetite.
Are you taking the cagri10 with the reta? Does the cagri wipe you out as far as tiredness?
Are you taking the cagri10 with the reta? Does the cagri wipe you out as far as tiredness?
no, i transitioned to cagri. I don't like to stack. i want to figure out how each works for me.
i don't notice any extra tiredness.

I mean there is going to be fatigue due to calorie restriction period.

i think i'm a super responder. 0.1-0.2 mg cagri is enough to completely suppress my appetite.

but i just started taking peptides 2 months ago so it's still really early to draw a lot of conclusions.

i'm being fairly aggressive with calorie restriction. I've eaten about 1/2 can of tuna fish all day today.
I ordered 2 kits 30mg 'L', and 1 kit 15mg R. Initially just ordered 1 kit but then thought better re shipping, testing and went all in. If testing comes back good, then I will likely order more kits and keep them in the freezer. I will have tests done either at Peptide Test (in Dorr, MI and administered by TrustePilot; or Vanguard (in Olympia, WA). Cost is roughly the same at each place. Janoshik seems great but am not willing to send a vial BACK overseas to test.
Did you get test results back yet? I'm in Mi also. Did my first inj monday from Amo and sick as hell.
Just made my first purchase with AMO 😬 Been using compound T but now we going gray baby!!! Here’s to hoping I don’t die 🍸 🍸 🤣

I am hoping to see you all’s reports on the Amopure Tirz and Reta. I am hearing sterility problems may be present. Several people are saying that it stings badly and leaving bruising. Using the same method and bac water as always. Has anyone had this issue?
Did burn injecting a little and sick as hell going on 2 days. Things we do to lose weight 😏
I also received my T30 today. Blue caps, no batch #. Cakes are solid. Packaging and vials looks very similar to Skye’s. 🤔
Are we supposed to be freezing until we use?
So sorry to hear this - can I ask sick in what way? And can I also ask how much BAC water you reconstituted with and your dose.
100 mL BAC water 10 mg vial. Body aches, nausea, headache.
Did burn injecting a little and sick as hell going on 2 days. Things we do to lose weight 😏

Sorry you’re sick! Have you been on Tirz for a while? Is this your first time with gray market Tirz? Did you go up in dose recently or do you think it’s the Amo Tirzepatide specifically making you feel sick? Did you purchase the L30 or L60 from Amo. I haven’t tried mine yet still waiting on the test results 😄
Hey guys, newbie here and I’m considering ordering from AmoPure. If I were to get L10, how much total mg of the peptide will I get? They say 10 vials. Does that mean 10 vials of 10mg each?
Sorry you’re sick! Have you been on Tirz for a while? Is this your first time with gray market Tirz? Did you go up in dose recently or do you think it’s the Amo Tirzepatide specifically making you feel sick? Did you purchase the L30 or L60 from Amo. I haven’t tried mine yet still waiting on the test results 😄
Drey, T15 25 units for about a month. My son purchased from another "grey* vendor. Got sick first few injections also on that. Monday was my first time with Amo. Only 20 units of T10 and 24 hrs later I left work. Feeling better today. Envy people who move right along with no side affects.
100 is nearly half a cup of fluid. It would not fit in any 10 mg vial I am familiar with.

Please use additional care and caution if you continue your research.

100 mL is nearly half a cup of fluid. It would not fit in any 10 mg vial I am familiar with.

Please use additional care and caution if you continue your research.

100 mL is nearly half a cup of fluid. It would not fit in any 10 mg vial I am familiar with.

Please use additional care and caution if you continue your research.

100 mL is nearly half a cup of fluid. It would not fit in any 10 mg vial I am familiar with.

Please use additional care and caution if you continue your research.
100 units of BAC water it should of said 😏

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