
The northair and adt look exactly the same, they must have the same OEM. Can you see who manufactured it?
Let me know if you can figure out who OEM's these specific 3.5 cu/ft freezer. Surely they can't be the only ones making one that gets to -40 that affordable.

Edit: This one specifically.
I did end up finding it but I couldn't locate anything quite similar that was as cost effective.

There are these two but I can't find a cheap rebrand anywhere.

Used stirling ult25neu
Anyone thought about hacking their own fridge with an aftermarket thermostat? Tons of guides on YouTube from the homebrew community. Would love to see how cold it can get if someone takes on the project.
Used stirling ult25neu
View attachment 3686
So Jealous :LOL:

Anyone thought about hacking their own fridge with an aftermarket thermostat? Tons of guides on YouTube from the homebrew community. Would love to see how cold it can get if someone takes on the project.
I have but you start running into limitations with the type of refrigerant used and amount of insulation. I had a chest freezer that I let run 24/7 for 5 days and It was only able to get down to -20 F unfortunately. It's pretty hard to get colder without other design considerations.
I have that freezer and I keep a temp sensor in it. I've only had it a month but it's rock solid -30c -40c constantly. I'm happy with it.

I keep a bluetooth temp monitor in there so know it stays a consistent -23c. Honeywell is a legit brand.

What sensor/monitor are y'all using? I'd like to get one for my freezer but have no idea what's actually good.
For about an additional $100 we could get the kind of freezers designed to store vaccines from Alibaba, we just need someone to arrange a group buy. My preferred option tbh.
You know, I was thinking about this the other night but I don't know how many would genuinely be interested.

That's the cheapest one that I found so far but haven't looked into what it would cost to ship over here.

DW-86W25 seems to be the OEM model number for all of these little -86c freezers.
You know, I was thinking about this the other night but I don't know how many would genuinely be interested.

That's the cheapest one that I found so far but haven't looked into what it would cost to ship over here.

DW-86W25 seems to be the OEM model number for all of these little -86c freezers.
You can find the branded version of these used on eBay. Another user reported buying one for $750 shipped but the best price I see today is $1040 w/free shipping. They have >10 units available so you might be able to make an offer. Just search ebay for ULT25NEU. I like the fact that it will run off of 12vdc if there is a power failure. Something to consider, I read that they are LOUD so you might need a dedicated space for it.
You know, I was thinking about this the other night but I don't know how many would genuinely be interested.

That's the cheapest one that I found so far but haven't looked into what it would cost to ship over here.

DW-86W25 seems to be the OEM model number for all of these little -86c freezers.

I was looking at this one which is a little cheaper (if you buy bulk).

I was looking at this one which is a little cheaper (if you buy bulk).

This one doesn't get as cold and looks like it is 12V DC only, so you would need to add a converter. Not trying to poo-poo your find, just pointing out what.I saw when I reviewed the OEM's website.

I am using a 1.1cu ft $200 amazon special. It is small, quiet and holds <20C; actually today it varied from -22.3C to -22.6C which is what I typically see if I don't open it to add/remove peps. I am fine with this temp for storage and will re-test my peps next October to see how they are holding up.

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