GB's that aren't actually GB's - Carry the Torch!

Broken Chef

Senior Member
Jun 11, 2024
Reaction score
Charleston, SC
Just a heads up to the newer folks. You may have found your way into some GB servers pretty quickly that are hosted by vendors. They are having SALES/PROMOTIONS and calling them GB's. PLEASE do not confuse these with real GB's. A real group buy will often include free or cheap shipping (usually with a min order), post purchase testing that is organized by the buyer , NOT the vendor, and everyone gets the same price. The good group buys will not come as an open invite in this forum where dozens can just click. Getting in to a quality GB requires a bit of proving yourself, getting to know people, working your way up through the ranks (quite literally in some cases).

These promo's being wrongfully called GB's often require each person to order xx kits to get a better price (rather than everyone getting the discount), testing is either chaotic, extra, or non existent and left to the buyers to figure out on their own - no different than ordering from Amo and putting together a test group

Those who came before us have worked very hard to develop the 'Criteria" for a legit GB. It is the obligation of new members to understand what a real GB is, and not confuse it with these promotions. I fear what has been known as a GB is going to get misunderstood, diluted and the great things that come with it will go away or become nearly impossible to find.

We, as buyers, need to be holding these vendors to the high standards that our predecessors set in play. @dionysos has said it numerous times... As soon as we back off and allow low expectations, the vendors will take advantage, and the low expectations will become the norm.

This is part of the issue regarding how hard it is to find info and pry this advice out of "Old-timers". Many are exhausted from fighting for this for years. It is our duty as new members to carry the torch! Accept no substitutions!

If Compounding pharmacies are made to stop selling glp1's, this place is going to get nuts. So the people coming in now are ahead of this and need to be educated, so that when the flood gates open, you too can help direct the new people.

Don't let the greatness of a real GB get watered down to a sales blitz that comes with no perks!

End Panicked Rant.
Just a heads up to the newer folks. You may have found your way into some GB servers pretty quickly that are hosted by vendors. They are having SALES/PROMOTIONS and calling them GB's. PLEASE do not confuse these with real GB's. A real group buy will often include free or cheap shipping (usually with a min order), post purchase testing that is organized by the buyer , NOT the vendor, and everyone gets the same price. The good group buys will not come as an open invite in this forum where dozens can just click. Getting in to a quality GB requires a bit of proving yourself, getting to know people, working your way up through the ranks (quite literally in some cases).

These promo's being wrongfully called GB's often require each person to order xx kits to get a better price (rather than everyone getting the discount), testing is either chaotic, extra, or non existent and left to the buyers to figure out on their own - no different than ordering from Amo and putting together a test group

Those who came before us have worked very hard to develop the 'Criteria" for a legit GB. It is the obligation of new members to understand what a real GB is, and not confuse it with these promotions. I fear what has been known as a GB is going to get misunderstood, diluted and the great things that come with it will go away or become nearly impossible to find.

We, as buyers, need to be holding these vendors to the high standards that our predecessors set in play. @dionysos has said it numerous times... As soon as we back off and allow low expectations, the vendors will take advantage, and the low expectations will become the norm.

This is part of the issue regarding how hard it is to find info and pry this advice out of "Old-timers". Many are exhausted from fighting for this for years. It is our duty as new members to carry the torch! Accept no substitutions!

If Compounding pharmacies are made to stop selling glp1's, this place is going to get nuts. So the people coming in now are ahead of this and need to be educated, so that when the flood gates open, you too can help direct the new people.

Don't let the greatness of a real GB get watered down to a sales blitz that comes with no perks!

End Panicked Rant.
Haha I saw you talking about this on a certain Discord server earlier. They definitely aren't having a GB, and not a very impressive offering right now in my opinion.
Thanks for this! I'm new to the world of GLP-1s and peptides as a whole. Started my first Tirz vial from Skye a little over a month ago and have yet to participate in a GB. I didn't realize that part about the testing being included so that definitely makes me feel better about participating in one in the future.

If anyone feels like making a little infographic about GB vs Promo I'll gladly paste it anywhere I see it may be needed.
This is part of the issue regarding how hard it is to find info and pry this advice out of "Old-timers". Many are exhausted from fighting for this for years.
Your entire post was so valuable; it was generous of you to spend the time writing it. This particular part above, though, really got to me. It is so true, so perceptive and so perfectly stated. Thank you for what you are trying to do for this community. 🫶🏻
Just a heads up to the newer folks. You may have found your way into some GB servers pretty quickly that are hosted by vendors. They are having SALES/PROMOTIONS and calling them GB's. PLEASE do not confuse these with real GB's. A real group buy will often include free or cheap shipping (usually with a min order), post purchase testing that is organized by the buyer , NOT the vendor, and everyone gets the same price. The good group buys will not come as an open invite in this forum where dozens can just click. Getting in to a quality GB requires a bit of proving yourself, getting to know people, working your way up through the ranks (quite literally in some cases).

These promo's being wrongfully called GB's often require each person to order xx kits to get a better price (rather than everyone getting the discount), testing is either chaotic, extra, or non existent and left to the buyers to figure out on their own - no different than ordering from Amo and putting together a test group

Those who came before us have worked very hard to develop the 'Criteria" for a legit GB. It is the obligation of new members to understand what a real GB is, and not confuse it with these promotions. I fear what has been known as a GB is going to get misunderstood, diluted and the great things that come with it will go away or become nearly impossible to find.

We, as buyers, need to be holding these vendors to the high standards that our predecessors set in play. @dionysos has said it numerous times... As soon as we back off and allow low expectations, the vendors will take advantage, and the low expectations will become the norm.

This is part of the issue regarding how hard it is to find info and pry this advice out of "Old-timers". Many are exhausted from fighting for this for years. It is our duty as new members to carry the torch! Accept no substitutions!

If Compounding pharmacies are made to stop selling glp1's, this place is going to get nuts. So the people coming in now are ahead of this and need to be educated, so that when the flood gates open, you too can help direct the new people.

Don't let the greatness of a real GB get watered down to a sales blitz that comes with no perks!

End Panicked Rant.
Yes thank you for this! The first few “GB” discords I joined I quickly realized it was just venders running them with no real benefit or savings to be had so I backed out and just bought and tested on my own. I’m still working my way on finding some these real GB’s to join but I am looking forward to when I do!
I am relieved to see that was so well received! I'm a bit of a jabberjaw and sometimes get into TMI territory. I hesitate to say certain things here because there are things that are kind of hush hush. But on the other hand, I know what it was like walking in the door. Also want to protect this precious community. It's worth fighting for. Thanks for all the feedback!
How can I find a legitimate GB group?So far, I've made a purchase with Ampure, which I'm waiting to receive, and another one through Annie's "GB" via GYC.For example, can I say that Annie's GB is a legitimate GB?What are the current prices considered cheap for tirz?
I agree this place could get crowded once shortage ends. I’ve made my way to some discord servers but I don’t think they are real GB’s as much as just a vendor interface.

Just trying to push ahead and learn/find the right places.
How can I find a legitimate GB group?So far, I've made a purchase with Ampure, which I'm waiting to receive, and another one through Annie's "GB" via GYC.For example, can I say that Annie's GB is a legitimate GB?What are the current prices considered cheap for tirz?
QSC just posted their Tirz GB. So look up new posts on here. Perfect timing for you.
How many would still test independently knowing an independent vial will be shipped to Jano?
@Broken Chef @MrsRoper_1977 @G Vice @Mrpmrp
The Group Buy Devil is definitely in the Promo Details!
Vendors are quite deliberately blurring the merchandising distinctions between Real Group Buys, Group Buys so-called, and Promos.
Example: QSC opening an accurately named, competitive priced and WELCOME Discord PROMO channel while touting it as a GROUP BUY on's Vendor Forum and others.
Screenshot 2024-09-02 at 9.39.14 AM.png

Screenshot 2024-09-02 at 9.43.38 AM.png
Just a heads up to the newer folks. You may have found your way into some GB servers pretty quickly that are hosted by vendors. They are having SALES/PROMOTIONS and calling them GB's. PLEASE do not confuse these with real GB's. A real group buy will often include free or cheap shipping (usually with a min order), post purchase testing that is organized by the buyer , NOT the vendor, and everyone gets the same price. The good group buys will not come as an open invite in this forum where dozens can just click. Getting in to a quality GB requires a bit of proving yourself, getting to know people, working your way up through the ranks (quite literally in some cases).

These promo's being wrongfully called GB's often require each person to order xx kits to get a better price (rather than everyone getting the discount), testing is either chaotic, extra, or non existent and left to the buyers to figure out on their own - no different than ordering from Amo and putting together a test group

Those who came before us have worked very hard to develop the 'Criteria" for a legit GB. It is the obligation of new members to understand what a real GB is, and not confuse it with these promotions. I fear what has been known as a GB is going to get misunderstood, diluted and the great things that come with it will go away or become nearly impossible to find.

We, as buyers, need to be holding these vendors to the high standards that our predecessors set in play. @dionysos has said it numerous times... As soon as we back off and allow low expectations, the vendors will take advantage, and the low expectations will become the norm.

This is part of the issue regarding how hard it is to find info and pry this advice out of "Old-timers". Many are exhausted from fighting for this for years. It is our duty as new members to carry the torch! Accept no substitutions!

If Compounding pharmacies are made to stop selling glp1's, this place is going to get nuts. So the people coming in now are ahead of this and need to be educated, so that when the flood gates open, you too can help direct the new people.

Don't let the greatness of a real GB get watered down to a sales blitz that comes with no perks!

End Panicked Rant.
Old timer here. I like vendor-led group buys for a couple of reasons:
- you always know who the supplier is so can evaluate reputation and risk based on past performance.
- Removes a middle man who takes a fee
- lower risk of them just taking the money and running, which is a serious concern for non-vendor gbs where you’re paying the facilitator
- your middle man is only as good as the supplier anyway, and has no actual power — you’re still at the mercy of the supplier if they choose not to honor a reship obligation unless your gb facilitator is prepared to go out of pocket to make members whole in the event of an issue

At the end of the day if a group buy is hitting those 100 unit moq prices then they’re not a group buy either, they’re a sales arm for a vendor that introduces a whole bunch of risk for not a lot of benefit.
Haha I saw you talking about this on a certain Discord server earlier. They definitely aren't having a GB, and not a very impressive offering right now in my opinion.
Yes, it’s been an irritating waste of TIME. Been watching a few and HELL, it’s a Holiday! What a waste of life force. Ugh.
Just a heads up to the newer folks. You may have found your way into some GB servers pretty quickly that are hosted by vendors. They are having SALES/PROMOTIONS and calling them GB's. PLEASE do not confuse these with real GB's. A real group buy will often include free or cheap shipping (usually with a min order), post purchase testing that is organized by the buyer , NOT the vendor, and everyone gets the same price. The good group buys will not come as an open invite in this forum where dozens can just click. Getting in to a quality GB requires a bit of proving yourself, getting to know people, working your way up through the ranks (quite literally in some cases).

These promo's being wrongfully called GB's often require each person to order xx kits to get a better price (rather than everyone getting the discount), testing is either chaotic, extra, or non existent and left to the buyers to figure out on their own - no different than ordering from Amo and putting together a test group

Those who came before us have worked very hard to develop the 'Criteria" for a legit GB. It is the obligation of new members to understand what a real GB is, and not confuse it with these promotions. I fear what has been known as a GB is going to get misunderstood, diluted and the great things that come with it will go away or become nearly impossible to find.

We, as buyers, need to be holding these vendors to the high standards that our predecessors set in play. @dionysos has said it numerous times... As soon as we back off and allow low expectations, the vendors will take advantage, and the low expectations will become the norm.

This is part of the issue regarding how hard it is to find info and pry this advice out of "Old-timers". Many are exhausted from fighting for this for years. It is our duty as new members to carry the torch! Accept no substitutions!

If Compounding pharmacies are made to stop selling glp1's, this place is going to get nuts. So the people coming in now are ahead of this and need to be educated, so that when the flood gates open, you too can help direct the new people.

Don't let the greatness of a real GB get watered down to a sales blitz that comes with no perks!

End Panicked Rant.
OK, I adore you, you UNbroken Chef!
Thanks for this! I'm new to the world of GLP-1s and peptides as a whole. Started my first Tirz vial from Skye a little over a month ago and have yet to participate in a GB. I didn't realize that part about the testing being included so that definitely makes me feel better about participating in one in the future.

If anyone feels like making a little infographic about GB vs Promo I'll gladly paste it anywhere I see it may be needed.
Just a heads up to the newer folks. You may have found your way into some GB servers pretty quickly that are hosted by vendors. They are having SALES/PROMOTIONS and calling them GB's. PLEASE do not confuse these with real GB's. A real group buy will often include free or cheap shipping (usually with a min order), post purchase testing that is organized by the buyer , NOT the vendor, and everyone gets the same price. The good group buys will not come as an open invite in this forum where dozens can just click. Getting in to a quality GB requires a bit of proving yourself, getting to know people, working your way up through the ranks (quite literally in some cases).

These promo's being wrongfully called GB's often require each person to order xx kits to get a better price (rather than everyone getting the discount), testing is either chaotic, extra, or non existent and left to the buyers to figure out on their own - no different than ordering from Amo and putting together a test group

Those who came before us have worked very hard to develop the 'Criteria" for a legit GB. It is the obligation of new members to understand what a real GB is, and not confuse it with these promotions. I fear what has been known as a GB is going to get misunderstood, diluted and the great things that come with it will go away or become nearly impossible to find.

We, as buyers, need to be holding these vendors to the high standards that our predecessors set in play. @dionysos has said it numerous times... As soon as we back off and allow low expectations, the vendors will take advantage, and the low expectations will become the norm.

This is part of the issue regarding how hard it is to find info and pry this advice out of "Old-timers". Many are exhausted from fighting for this for years. It is our duty as new members to carry the torch! Accept no substitutions!

If Compounding pharmacies are made to stop selling glp1's, this place is going to get nuts. So the people coming in now are ahead of this and need to be educated, so that when the flood gates open, you too can help direct the new people.

Don't let the greatness of a real GB get watered down to a sales blitz that comes with no perks!

End Panicked Rant.
Excellent post…can we pin this somewhere along with @ZippityDooDah's piece about group buys?? Maybe make them required reading? Even though I read Zip's post when I first came here I didn't know what a group buy was and didn't know what I didn't know yet. With all the talk of EL coming down on compounders it's easy to get caught up in the frenzy. In my impatience, I did end up making one "GB-in-name-only" purchase that I hopefully won't regret. At least I now know how to get it tested and I consider it the price of my education. I am so thankful for this forum and the 'old-timers' in this group.
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