Glow Peptide


I'd filter this into a 5ml empty sterile vial, which actually holds 8ml, so no need to split.

I guess my biggest question, which I barely mentioned, is if using double, or more, bac would have any benefits towards helping the sting? I could use 2.5ml bac in BPC & TB, and 2ml in the GHK then filter into 1 vial. Injection amount would double so I'm not sure if the larger volume injected would help, or make it sting more, lol

This is 1 of the reasons I bought them separately.

And after all of this, I've learned that BPC and GHK have nerve regeneration effects....

So I'll have to wait to try this, if I even try it at all.

It seems ALL of the peptides that help with pain, also regenerate nerves. I get RFA - Radio Frequency Ablation which burns specific nerves so they don't send pain signals to the brain.

RFA is the only treatment I've had that helps in a meaningful way, but insurance will only pay once every 6 months per location. I just had it done in my neck 2 weeks ago and I'm having it in my thoracic spine in 3 weeks, so if I try glow, I'll have to wait about 4 months, that way if it doesn't help more than the RFA or if it reverses the RFA, I'll be just around the corner from my next treatment.

This has crushed my hopes of finding pain relief. I was hoping that peptides, in conjunction with RFA, might afford the opportunity to get off morphine. But it seems I'll have to choose 1 or the other - RFA or Peptides - and continue with opiates to some degree
So sorry about what you deal with and that the peptides would have this effect on what is working to a degree for you.

I'd filter this into a 5ml empty sterile vial, which actually holds 8ml, so no need to split.

I guess my biggest question, which I barely mentioned, is if using double, or more, bac would have any benefits towards helping the sting? I could use 2.5ml bac in BPC & TB, and 2ml in the GHK then filter into 1 vial. Injection amount would double so I'm not sure if the larger volume injected would help, or make it sting more, lol

This is 1 of the reasons I bought them separately.

And after all of this, I've learned that BPC and GHK have nerve regeneration effects....

So I'll have to wait to try this, if I even try it at all.

It seems ALL of the peptides that help with pain, also regenerate nerves. I get RFA - Radio Frequency Ablation which burns specific nerves so they don't send pain signals to the brain.

RFA is the only treatment I've had that helps in a meaningful way, but insurance will only pay once every 6 months per location. I just had it done in my neck 2 weeks ago and I'm having it in my thoracic spine in 3 weeks, so if I try glow, I'll have to wait about 4 months, that way if it doesn't help more than the RFA or if it reverses the RFA, I'll be just around the corner from my next treatment.

This has crushed my hopes of finding pain relief. I was hoping that peptides, in conjunction with RFA, might afford the opportunity to get off morphine. But it seems I'll have to choose 1 or the other - RFA or Peptides - and continue with opiates to some degree
Not as serious as yours, but I do get random nerve pain throughout my body. I noticed while I did a cycle of BPC that my knee pain got better, but the random nerve pain seemed to increase. I also had nerve ablation in lumbar/sacral spinal region and get the occasional stabby pain there, and the frequency of those pangs seemed to increase as well, not much but enough to be noticable. I did not do the full stack as I like to try new peps one at a time before stacking.
Not as serious as yours, but I do get random nerve pain throughout my body. I noticed while I did a cycle of BPC that my knee pain got better, but the random nerve pain seemed to increase. I also had nerve ablation in lumbar/sacral spinal region and get the occasional stabby pain there, and the frequency of those pangs seemed to increase as well, not much but enough to be noticable. I did not do the full stack as I like to try new peps one at a time before stacking.
Yeah, see, that's exactly what I fear.

For me, it feels like a 12" chef knife is permanently embedded in my back, right between my shoulder blade and spine. The RFA takes that from constant to occasional and sometimes goes away for weeks at a time. This is only my second round of RFA. I've had dozens of epidural injections that provided almost no help. RFA has given me some life back, it's not something I'm willing to risk. Peptides might help in other ways, but that knife in the back is brutal, prevents sleep, and makes me a cranky old bastard that no one wants to be around.

The neck pain includes headaches and runs down my neck, into my shoulder and occasionally down my arm. Again, the RFA takes that from constant to occasional.

I have 8 herniated discs and 11 bone spurs from top to bottom of my spine, so there's other pain, but those 2 areas are the worst.

Lumbar pain is cut in half with a spinal cord stimulator.

And the morphine helps dull the pain on a regular basis... But as soon as I need to do something, the pain returns, everywhere. I refuse to spend the rest of my life doing nothing, and I can't afford to pay people to clean my house, cook, or do repairs. I also take care of my 77yo mom and do what I can to keep the house from falling apart. Once she is gone, I'll be looking for a tiny home in the mountains where I can rot out the rest of my years in peace.
GLOW peptide is comprised of 3 peptides: BPC-157, TB-500, and GHK-Cu. Instead of injecting all 3 peptides individually, can you put all 3 into 1 vile? If so, what size vile do you recommend? What is the best way to combine them? Thus, it becomes just 1 injection. Ty!
Sorry for the newbie question but if you have a vial of 10mg and you recon it with 1 ML of BAC water how much do you have to draw to get 10mg dose per injection? I cant figure out if it says 10mg on the bottle in powder form and I dilute it with BAC. Again sorry for the ignorant question
Sorry for the newbie question but if you have a vial of 10mg and you recon it with 1 ML of BAC water how much do you have to draw to get 10mg dose per injection? I cant figure out if it says 10mg on the bottle in powder form and I dilute it with BAC. Again sorry for the ignorant question
lol. 1ml. What weighs more, a ton of feathers, or a ton of bricks? No matter how much fluid you add to the vial it will only have 10mg of the peptide in it.
lol. 1ml. What weighs more, a ton of feathers, or a ton of bricks? No matter how much fluid you add to the vial it will only have 10mg of the peptide in it.
Sorry for the newbie question but if you have a vial of 10mg and you recon it with 1 ML of BAC water how much do you have to draw to get 10mg dose per injection? I cant figure out if it says 10mg on the bottle in powder form and I dilute it with BAC. Again sorry for the ignorant question
@Backwoods - what pep are you trying to recon for a 10mg dose?
Question: On the new site they have 'Tripeptide-29' and 'AHK (Tripeptide - 3)' is either one of these the 'Glow' peptide?? I've contacted them from their new site and will update my post here if I hear anything back about what these two tripeptides are.

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Question: On the new site they have 'Tripeptide-29' and 'AHK (Tripeptide - 3)' is either one of these the 'Glow' peptide?? I've contacted them from their new site and will update my post here if I hear anything back about what these two tripeptides are.

No.. if it was GLOW, it would be labeled GLOW. You can easily google what both of those tripeptides are.
I did get a reply from Amo, maybe it will help someone else too. Sorry, I should have googled.


Tripeptide-29 and AHK Tripeptide are synthetic peptides often used in skincare and hair care formulations due to their specific properties and effects on skin and hair.

  1. Tripeptide-29: This peptide, also known as Glycine-Proline-Hydroxyproline, is mainly used in anti-aging skincare products. It works to stimulate collagen production in the skin, which helps improve skin elasticity, firmness, and texture. Tripeptide-29 can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, making it popular in formulations that aim to promote youthful-looking skin.
  2. AHK Tripeptide: Also known as Alanine-Histidine-Lysine, this peptide is primarily found in hair care products. AHK Tripeptide is known to promote hair growth and improve the health of hair follicles by enhancing blood circulation to the scalp. It can help increase hair density and thickness, which makes it a common ingredient in hair rejuvenation formulas.
What Louise said, or inject 1.5ml in the BPC-157 and 1.5ml in the TB500 and pull those up and inject into the GHK-Cu.

The other advice to reduce/eliminate the sting is to divide the dose you are injecting into 3 mini-pins very close together and hit with a massage gun from 2-5 mins. Anela is an expert on this, and that is what she advises. She specifically mentions to not hit any other peptides with a gun, but this one is ok. I personally do it for 2 mins and sometimes I get a little residual feeling like I knew something had happened later in the day but many times not at all. I also got a minor ISR in the beginning but no longer do.

You probably know you have to take a zinc supplement (may be in your multi-vitamin if you take one) and it must be at least 2 hrs away from the injection.
Hello, I just started this protocol today. I did not do the three micro doses because I’m a little chicken to poke myself 3 times in a row. I did notice a small lump that went away after 5 minutes of massage gun to my side/waist. But now my whole side hurt, I think this is more an effect of the massage gun than the peptide though lol… so where else can we inject this for better pain management? Thank you.
Hello, I just started this protocol today. I did not do the three micro doses because I’m a little chicken to poke myself 3 times in a row. I did notice a small lump that went away after 5 minutes of massage gun to my side/waist. But now my whole side hurt, I think this is more an effect of the massage gun than the peptide though lol… so where else can we inject this for better pain management? Thank you.
It's strange, some days I get no residual sting, some days I do. I started something new where I rub topical lidocaine 5% cream on the area I will inject and wait 20-30 mins. That has helped. I've also read some people add liquid lidocaine to their vial. GHK-Cu does not sting because of pH, it creates a histamine reaction. Anela recommends lidocaine with epinephrine in it. She replaces 1ml of BAC with 1ml of lidocaine 2% solution when mixing.

Also, are you aware that the distribution of nerves in our skin is uneven and it pays to give a tiny prick with the needle in the spot you plan to inject and if painful move to another area? I swab a larger area with the alcohol wipe to give me wiggle room.

Hope this helps!
Hello, I just started this protocol today. I did not do the three micro doses because I’m a little chicken to poke myself 3 times in a row. I did notice a small lump that went away after 5 minutes of massage gun to my side/waist. But now my whole side hurt, I think this is more an effect of the massage gun than the peptide though lol… so where else can we inject this for better pain management? Thank you.

From my experimentation :o) --

The glow I have is the 35-GHK/10-TB/5-BPC version from QYC. I put in 3.5ml of bac water in the vial of powder at first. Then after a couple of doses at 2mg there was room to add more bac water to the vial, which I did. After I put the number of units in the syringe for 2 mg I added another 20 units of bac water. I was using my upper glutes and it burned/hurt for two days! I had even done the percussion with my hands for a couple minutes after the shots too.

I have found the only way I can do Glow is in both my upper thighs (on top) while pinching the skin up. I can't do more than 1.25mg dose either. I have to put the correct number of units in the syringe for 1.25mg then fill the rest of the 0.5ml syringe completely with Bac water! I even go beyond the 50 unit mark - I just pull the plunger as far as it will go while adding more bac water. I also have to do little injections of about 7-8 units in numerous sticks on my upper thighs, which is not good, but by doing that it didn't sting at all later. I also still do percussions over the area with my hands for a couple minutes. I feel like a human pin cushion though. I don't know if I will be able to continue this or try to find lidocaine or add more Bpc-157 since that's what is suppose to take the sting away??

Update: yesterday’s shot I did as above with all the extra bac water but only used two sticks to inject - I just divided the dose by half one on each upper thigh and it was ok. No horrible sting. Guess I need to invest in a ton of bac water or the basic tho as soon as I find out how much on the basic.
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I had some terrible burning with the regular GLOW mix (10/10/50). I added a small amount (9mg) of GHK-basic to the mix and the burn is COMPLETELY gone. That’s my new formula- always add 9mg of GHK-basic and the burn hasn’t returned for months.
I had some terrible burning with the regular GLOW mix (10/10/50). I added a small amount (9mg) of GHK-basic to the mix and the burn is COMPLETELY gone. That’s my new formula- always add 9mg of GHK-basic and the burn hasn’t returned for months.
Just so I’m clear - it’s just that 9mg of GHK-basic sounds like a large amount to me. You don’t mean 9 ‘units’ perhaps do you? Thank you so much in advance! I appreciate your reply and help very much.
From my experimentation :o) --

The glow I have is the 35-GHK/10-TB/5-BPC version from QYC. I put in 3.5ml of bac water in the vial of powder at first. Then after a couple of doses at 2mg there was room to add more bac water to the vial, which I did. After I put the number of units in the syringe for 2 mg I added another 20 units of bac water. I was using my upper glutes and it burned/hurt for two days! I had even done the percussion with my hands for a couple minutes after the shots too.

I have found the only way I can do Glow is in both my upper thighs (on top) while pinching the skin up. I can't do more than 1.25mg dose either. I have to put the correct number of units in the syringe for 1.25mg then fill the rest of the 0.5ml syringe completely with Bac water! I even go beyond the 50 unit mark - I just pull the plunger as far as it will go while adding more bac water. I also have to do little injections of about 7-8 units in numerous sticks on my upper thighs, which is not good, but by doing that it didn't sting at all later. I also still do percussions over the area with my hands for a couple minutes. I feel like a human pin cushion though. I don't know if I will be able to continue this or try to find lidocaine or add more Bpc-157 since that's what is suppose to take the sting away??

Update: yesterday’s shot I did as above with all the extra bac water but only used two sticks to inject - I just divided the dose by half one on each upper thigh and it was ok. No horrible sting. Guess I need to invest in a ton of bac water or the basic tho as soon as I find out how much on the basic.
So after my first initial dose of glow protocol stopped hurting (which was almost exactly 24 hours), I tried it again yesterday morning and coincidentally I tried to do it exactly where you did! On my upper thigh. That was before I even read your comment. I just felt like that my waist/love handles areas was just too sensitive and tender because I’m also natural ticklish and sensitive in that areas. So I picked the area where I feel the least sensitive to pain and it was my upper thigh on the front side.

And soon enough, the pain was noticeable again throughout the day. It wasn’t bad at all but still quite irritating. The best way I can explain it is like you have an infected pimple and it swollen up a little and give out that dull tender pain, not a sharp pain/burn. And this was after I did three micro needling and massage gun after. That pain also went away after 24 hours. I have not try the lidocaine yet but will definitely try it now.

Not sure what protocol you are using that called for those dosage but I’m using the Anelas protocol and it only called for 9 units total each dose, my mix is (50/10/10)(GHK-CU/BPC-157/TB-500)with 3ML of bac water. 9 units daily.
It's strange, some days I get no residual sting, some days I do. I started something new where I rub topical lidocaine 5% cream on the area I will inject and wait 20-30 mins. That has helped. I've also read some people add liquid lidocaine to their vial. GHK-Cu does not sting because of pH, it creates a histamine reaction. Anela recommends lidocaine with epinephrine in it. She replaces 1ml of BAC with 1ml of lidocaine 2% solution when mixing.

Also, are you aware that the distribution of nerves in our skin is uneven and it pays to give a tiny prick with the needle in the spot you plan to inject and if painful move to another area? I swab a larger area with the alcohol wipe to give me wiggle room.

Hope this helps!
Thanks for this information! I will try the topical lidocaine first and if that doesn’t work, I might have to try mixing it in the vial!
So after my first initial dose of glow protocol stopped hurting (which was almost exactly 24 hours), I tried it again yesterday morning and coincidentally I tried to do it exactly where you did! On my upper thigh. That was before I even read your comment. I just felt like that my waist/love handles areas was just too sensitive and tender because I’m also natural ticklish and sensitive in that areas. So I picked the area where I feel the least sensitive to pain and it was my upper thigh on the front side.

And soon enough, the pain was noticeable again throughout the day. It wasn’t bad at all but still quite irritating. The best way I can explain it is like you have an infected pimple and it swollen up a little and give out that dull tender pain, not a sharp pain/burn. And this was after I did three micro needling and massage gun after. That pain also went away after 24 hours. I have not try the lidocaine yet but will definitely try it now.

Not sure what protocol you are using that called for those dosage but I’m using the Anelas protocol and it only called for 9 units total each dose, my mix is (50/10/10)(GHK-CU/BPC-157/TB-500)with 3ML of bac water. 9 units daily.
I’m using the Glow version that is 35/10/5. If you’re using the 50/10/10 mix with 3ml bac water and 9 units, you’re taking a 1.5mg dose which is actually more than im doing at 1.25mg.
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From my experimentation :o) --

The glow I have is the 35-GHK/10-TB/5-BPC version from QYC. I put in 3.5ml of bac water in the vial of powder at first. Then after a couple of doses at 2mg there was room to add more bac water to the vial, which I did. After I put the number of units in the syringe for 2 mg I added another 20 units of bac water. I was using my upper glutes and it burned/hurt for two days! I had even done the percussion with my hands for a couple minutes after the shots too.

I have found the only way I can do Glow is in both my upper thighs (on top) while pinching the skin up. I can't do more than 1.25mg dose either. I have to put the correct number of units in the syringe for 1.25mg then fill the rest of the 0.5ml syringe completely with Bac water! I even go beyond the 50 unit mark - I just pull the plunger as far as it will go while adding more bac water. I also have to do little injections of about 7-8 units in numerous sticks on my upper thighs, which is not good, but by doing that it didn't sting at all later. I also still do percussions over the area with my hands for a couple minutes. I feel like a human pin cushion though. I don't know if I will be able to continue this or try to find lidocaine or add more Bpc-157 since that's what is suppose to take the sting away??

Update: yesterday’s shot I did as above with all the extra bac water but only used two sticks to inject - I just divided the dose by half one on each upper thigh and it was ok. No horrible sting. Guess I need to invest in a ton of bac water or the basic tho as soon as I find out how much on the basic.
So I tried your method of diluting the solution more with bac water and a couple of things cross my mind.

1) as I poked my glow-prefilled syringe into my brand new 30ML Hospira bac water, the potential for cross contamination popped into my head. I'm guessing I'm not supposed to use this bac water for anything else? do you use a smaller different vial of bac water for this specific purpose or do you just not care because the chance for cross contamination is so small? I honestly don't even know if this would be considered cross contamination - but from my limited knowledge of food safety from my old restaurant manager days, this would considered cross contamination.

2) I drew an additional 6 units into my 9 units of glow, making it 15, with the intention of doing three micro-dose of 5 units each. After I drew the additional 6 units I notice the blue got more saturated toward the needle end and more concentrated toward the tube end. Then I quickly did three quick microdose in succession near each other and the first 2 barely any sting at all but the last one sting like bee. I May be I should have waited until the whole syringe got saturated before injecting. Now three hours later and the dull numbing pain is still there but may be slightly less than the previous doses? I'm really not sure if it's because I'm getting used to the pain or it's from the new method of injection.

Something I would probably try next is to inject the multiple doses way farther apart, to see if I can further dissipate the ISR and reduce the pain further.
So I tried your method of diluting the solution more with bac water and a couple of things cross my mind.

1) as I poked my glow-prefilled syringe into my brand new 30ML Hospira bac water, the potential for cross contamination popped into my head. I'm guessing I'm not supposed to use this bac water for anything else? do you use a smaller different vial of bac water for this specific purpose or do you just not care because the chance for cross contamination is so small? I honestly don't even know if this would be considered cross contamination - but from my limited knowledge of food safety from my old restaurant manager days, this would considered cross contamination.

2) I drew an additional 6 units into my 9 units of glow, making it 15, with the intention of doing three micro-dose of 5 units each. After I drew the additional 6 units I notice the blue got more saturated toward the needle end and more concentrated toward the tube end. Then I quickly did three quick microdose in succession near each other and the first 2 barely any sting at all but the last one sting like bee. I May be I should have waited until the whole syringe got saturated before injecting. Now three hours later and the dull numbing pain is still there but may be slightly less than the previous doses? I'm really not sure if it's because I'm getting used to the pain or it's from the new method of injection.

Something I would probably try next is to inject the multiple doses way farther apart, to see if I can further dissipate the ISR and reduce the pain further.
I haven't used that specific bac water vial for any other peptide reconstitutions except the Glow dilution. But...I'm using way more than just 9 extra units to dilute the sting. I'm using ~45 extra units of bac water.
So I know the protocol is 50mg/10mg/10mg, I got two orders one for TB 500/BPC 157 5mg blend and GHK-CU 75mg.

I was thinking either:

3ml added to the GHK-CU 75mg, 2ml to TB/BPC 5MG, put 1ml of GHK-CU (25mg) with the 2ml TB/BPC making:

25mg/5mg/5mg basically half potent.

Or I can mix two 5mg together and put 50mg GHK-CU and get the 50/10/10 mix but it's a bit more work.

What do yall suggest?

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