Glow Peptide

So I know the protocol is 50mg/10mg/10mg, I got two orders one for TB 500/BPC 157 5mg blend and GHK-CU 75mg.

I was thinking either:

3ml added to the GHK-CU 75mg, 2ml to TB/BPC 5MG, put 1ml of GHK-CU (25mg) with the 2ml TB/BPC making:

25mg/5mg/5mg basically half potent.

Or I can mix two 5mg together and put 50mg GHK-CU and get the 50/10/10 mix but it's a bit more work.

What do yall suggest?
50/10/10 is common, but 35/10/5 is also common. Not sure if that helps in your thinking!
So I know the protocol is 50mg/10mg/10mg, I got two orders one for TB 500/BPC 157 5mg blend and GHK-CU 75mg.

I was thinking either:

3ml added to the GHK-CU 75mg, 2ml to TB/BPC 5MG, put 1ml of GHK-CU (25mg) with the 2ml TB/BPC making:

25mg/5mg/5mg basically half potent.

Or I can mix two 5mg together and put 50mg GHK-CU and get the 50/10/10 mix but it's a bit more work.

What do yall suggest?

So I know the protocol is 50mg/10mg/10mg, I got two orders one for TB 500/BPC 157 5mg blend and GHK-CU 75mg.

I was thinking either:

3ml added to the GHK-CU 75mg, 2ml to TB/BPC 5MG, put 1ml of GHK-CU (25mg) with the 2ml TB/BPC making:

25mg/5mg/5mg basically half potent.

Or I can mix two 5mg together and put 50mg GHK-CU and get the 50/10/10 mix but it's a bit more work.

What do yall suggest?
Do the 50/10/10 in 3ml BAC total.
So I know the protocol is 50mg/10mg/10mg, I got two orders one for TB 500/BPC 157 5mg blend and GHK-CU 75mg.

I was thinking either:

3ml added to the GHK-CU 75mg, 2ml to TB/BPC 5MG, put 1ml of GHK-CU (25mg) with the 2ml TB/BPC making:

25mg/5mg/5mg basically half potent.

Or I can mix two 5mg together and put 50mg GHK-CU and get the 50/10/10 mix but it's a bit more work.

What do yall suggest?

I would try your half potent dose first and if hours after the injection it doesn't sting/hurt like the dickens, just inject another half dose in your other upper thigh for the full dose.

I would split the full dose up into two injections no matter what...if it were me that is....
It's strange, some days I get no residual sting, some days I do. I started something new where I rub topical lidocaine 5% cream on the area I will inject and wait 20-30 mins. That has helped. I've also read some people add liquid lidocaine to their vial. GHK-Cu does not sting because of pH, it creates a histamine reaction. Anela recommends lidocaine with epinephrine in it. She replaces 1ml of BAC with 1ml of lidocaine 2% solution when mixing.

Also, are you aware that the distribution of nerves in our skin is uneven and it pays to give a tiny prick with the needle in the spot you plan to inject and if painful move to another area? I swab a larger area with the alcohol wipe to give me wiggle room.

Hope this helps!

Sadly reporting my glow protocol still isn’t working out even after more dilution with more bac water and topical lidocaine cream. Still kicks my ass with the mild throbbing pain that lingered for nearly exactly 24 hours. Basically whenever it’s time for a new dose, is exactly when the irritation at the old injection site went away completely. Which kinda piss me off because if the ISR last for 6-10 hours, id probably just suck it in up and deal with it but this 24 hours reactions and glow protocol being daily, which means I’m renewing and subjected myself to 24/7 irritations.

I’m going to try adding liquid lidocaine before calling it quit on my glow protocol. But I’m having trouble finding liquid lidocaine without a prescription. Any idea which vendor sell them? Thank you
Sadly reporting my glow protocol still isn’t working out even after more dilution with more bac water and topical lidocaine cream. Still kicks my ass with the mild throbbing pain that lingered for nearly exactly 24 hours. Basically whenever it’s time for a new dose, is exactly when the irritation at the old injection site went away completely. Which kinda piss me off because if the ISR last for 6-10 hours, id probably just suck it in up and deal with it but this 24 hours reactions and glow protocol being daily, which means I’m renewing and subjected myself to 24/7 irritations.

I’m going to try adding liquid lidocaine before calling it quit on my glow protocol. But I’m having trouble finding liquid lidocaine without a prescription. Any idea which vendor sell them? Thank you
I have since discovered the importance of waiting 20-30 mins after rubbing in the topical lidocaine before injecting. I have had no stinging during or after when I do that. I won't bother adding the liquid but here is where I ordered the lidocaine with the epinephrine on eBay from India which will take a while to arrive:
Dental 2% 1 in 200000 30ml for Dental Purpose

Hope the tip helps!
I reconstitute each vial with 1mL of BAC, draw up the first one and add it to the second bottle, then draw up the third one and add it to the second bottle as well. In the end I have one vial with 3mL of BAC. This is for 50mg of GHK-Cu, 10mg of BPC-157 and 10mg of TB500.
This will give you 25 doses of 12 units, I do 25 days on and 5 off. To lessen the sting, inject into the supra-gluteal area.
Sadly reporting my glow protocol still isn’t working out even after more dilution with more bac water and topical lidocaine cream. Still kicks my ass with the mild throbbing pain that lingered for nearly exactly 24 hours. Basically whenever it’s time for a new dose, is exactly when the irritation at the old injection site went away completely. Which kinda piss me off because if the ISR last for 6-10 hours, id probably just suck it in up and deal with it but this 24 hours reactions and glow protocol being daily, which means I’m renewing and subjected myself to 24/7 irritations.

I’m going to try adding liquid lidocaine before calling it quit on my glow protocol. But I’m having trouble finding liquid lidocaine without a prescription. Any idea which vendor sell them? Thank you
Try the supra-gluteal area aka butt fat. I had the same problem, but sting is much less on the butt fat. No lidocaine needed.
Arriving soon 🧬🧪💋


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Just so I’m clear - it’s just that 9mg of GHK-basic sounds like a large amount to me. You don’t mean 9 ‘units’ perhaps do you? Thank you so much in advance! I appreciate your reply and help very much.
No, I meant 9mg. The vials of GHK-basic I got were 85mg and I just arbitrarily decided on around 9mg (15 units after reconstituting the 85mg with 1.5ml bac water). Could definitely be just as effective at stopping the burn with less but it worked so well that I’m just sticking with what I know worked 🤷🏻‍♂️
New GLOW arrived 🧬🧪


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No, I meant 9mg. The vials of GHK-basic I got were 85mg and I just arbitrarily decided on around 9mg (15 units after reconstituting the 85mg with 1.5ml bac water). Could definitely be just as effective at stopping the burn with less but it worked so well that I’m just sticking with what I know worked 🤷🏻‍♂️
You may want to take Zinc with that to help avoid copper toxicity. That does seem like a high dose as someone else mentioned.
You may want to take Zinc with that to help avoid copper toxicity. That does seem like a high dose as someone else mentioned.
GHK-basic does not contain copper. That’s what the “Cu” in GHK-Cu means.

And to be clear, I added 9mg to the entire GLOW mixture… not 9mg per dose. It comes out to 300mcg of GHK-basic per daily dose.
GHK-basic does not contain copper. That’s what the “Cu” in GHK-Cu means.

And to be clear, I added 9mg to the entire GLOW mixture… not 9mg per dose. It comes out to 300mcg of GHK-basic per daily dose.
Ah - 9mg added to the entire batch/mixture! That makes a lot more sense. Thanks for explaining, I appreciate it.
GHK-basic does not contain copper. That’s what the “Cu” in GHK-Cu means.

And to be clear, I added 9mg to the entire GLOW mixture… not 9mg per dose. It comes out to 300mcg of GHK-basic per daily dose.
Touché. 😝 I know that’s what “Cu” means, I just assumed it was GHK-Cu because that’s the ingredient in Glow, and glimpsed over that detail. What benefit is there to GHK basic v. Copper?
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Touché. 😝 I know that’s what “Cu” means, I just assumed it was GHK-Cu because that’s the ingredient in Glow, and glimpsed over that detail. What benefit is there to GHK basic v. Copper?
Honestly I have absolutely no idea!! Someone on the old QSC telegram suggested adding some basic to the mixture to help with the burn and I was having so much burning that I was like “might as well try it” and it was the magic solution. In my head, I imagine it binding some of the extra copper from GHK-Cu but that’s just an explanation I made up 🙃
Honestly I have absolutely no idea!! Someone on the old QSC telegram suggested adding some basic to the mixture to help with the burn and I was having so much burning that I was like “might as well try it” and it was the magic solution. In my head, I imagine it binding some of the extra copper from GHK-Cu but that’s just an explanation I made up 🙃
What exactly is the procedure when you add this 9mg to your whole batch?
I understand you said 9mg, but obviously you can’t just add 9mg if the powder, so I’m guessing you reconstituted then add to your glow mix, whatever you add in though, would change the dosing level of the entire glow mixture right?
What exactly is the procedure when you add this 9mg to your whole batch?
I understand you said 9mg, but obviously you can’t just add 9mg if the powder, so I’m guessing you reconstituted then add to your glow mix, whatever you add in though, would change the dosing level of the entire glow mixture right?
9mg is 15 units based on how I reconstituted the GHK-basic. Instead of putting 1ml of BAC water in each vial (BPC, TB4, GHK-Cu), I only put 0.85ml in the GHK-Cu vial and then combine them all. So the total volume is still 3ml and the concentrations of all the other components is unchanged.
Been on my glow mix for 2.5 weeks, each morning. In 30cc, I get 1.2mg ghk, 0.6mg bpc, 0.6mgTb500 (QSC split). When I started first week, at half the dose (0.6ghk,0.3/0.3mg) in 10cc, was a bit painful for a few hours, mild stings on and off (is my first cycle). Dosing in thigh only. Occasional redness. I now add more bac, and all is good. Maybe my body got used to it. Will maintain at 30cc for 2 more weeks. If results are poor, I will up the dose by 50% for 2 more weeks. Will stop after 6 weeks. I recon GHK, I recon bcp, then add GHK into BPC vial, and draw from BPC. 1 poke a day. GHK 50mg will last the 6 week cycle with 4 X 5/5mg bpc vials. And every 5 days, I also draw in 8mg(45cc) of tirz in same syringe.
Been on my glow mix for 2.5 weeks, each morning. In 30cc, I get 1.2mg ghk, 0.6mg bpc, 0.6mgTb500 (QSC split). When I started first week, at half the dose (0.6ghk,0.3/0.3mg) in 10cc, was a bit painful for a few hours, mild stings on and off (is my first cycle). Dosing in thigh only. Occasional redness. I now add more bac, and all is good. Maybe my body got used to it. Will maintain at 30cc for 2 more weeks. If results are poor, I will up the dose by 50% for 2 more weeks. Will stop after 6 weeks. I recon GHK, I recon bcp, then add GHK into BPC vial, and draw from BPC. 1 poke a day. GHK 50mg will last the 6 week cycle with 4 X 5/5mg bpc vials. And every 5 days, I also draw in 8mg(45cc) of tirz in same syringe.
I don’t think cc means what you think it means. 30cc = 30ml. It’s physically impossible to inject 30cc subcutaneously without causing extensive tissue damage. I think you mean units? These distinctions matter when people who don’t know better look at these threads.
GLOW peptide is comprised of 3 peptides: BPC-157, TB-500, and GHK-Cu. Instead of injecting all 3 peptides individually, can you put all 3 into 1 vile? If so, what size vile do you recommend? What is the best way to combine them? Thus, it becomes just 1 injection. Ty!
How much is the cost for 6 weeks

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