How did you choose your goal weight?

I agree, weight loss is for you, not someone else. I understand what you’re saying about maxing out on the peptide that’s working. I still have some room to increase my dose, but I also have been accumulating other weight loss peps to use for maintenance. I have no problem rotating them if needed. Obviously I’m not a maintenance just yet but I’m determined to keep the weight off with my stash.😜
Congrats! Interested to know what you're stashing for maintenance?! I haven't needed to consider another glp for myself b/c tirz has been great and I have stocked up. I also use and love Pegasus by Kimera Chems, a lipo-c but with NAD+ which seems magical. I do have a few vials of Cagri, just in case, though untried. Have considered reta, and in the future may do the cycles of ss31 and Mots-C, ipa-teso. But haven't wanted to mess up what's working well. Would love to know what you're contemplating!
Congrats! Interested to know what you're stashing for maintenance?! I haven't needed to consider another glp for myself b/c tirz has been great and I have stocked up. I also use and love Pegasus by Kimera Chems, a lipo-c but with NAD+ which seems magical. I do have a few vials of Cagri, just in case, though untried. Have considered reta, and in the future may do the cycles of ss31 and Mots-C, ipa-teso. But haven't wanted to mess up what's working well. Would love to know what you're contemplating!
Thanks, Ming! For weight loss specifically I have in my arsenal: sema, tirz, Cagri, and Survo. My current choice is Reta and tesofensine, which have proven to be my best combo for weight loss. So of course I want to make sure I have a stockpile of them as well. I wasn’t a huge responder to tirz but thinking of stacking it with Cagri for maintenance. I just want to make sure that I have options to research. Of course I’ll probably pick up the newer ones on the horizon. I don’t want to regain obviously so I want to be prepared.😂
First of all CONGRATS! <3 :) Woohooo!Then: Here is what I do .... the recommended Body weight index for normal weight is between 18.5 and 25 % ...... I am going for 22.5 % which at 5'8" is 148 lbs. If anyone else has a nerdy side, likes to approach it with math and needs a link to calculate what you want to create:
Curiosity: How is everyone dealing with the extra skin issue? Especially those of us over 50? Help please?
There is a Body Roundness Index - BRI - that many consider more valuable and accurate than BMI. Take a look at the link and let us know what you think! 😊

Thanks, Ming! For weight loss specifically I have in my arsenal: sema, tirz, Cagri, and Survo. My current choice is Reta and tesofensine, which have proven to be my best combo for weight loss. So of course I want to make sure I have a stockpile of them as well. I wasn’t a huge responder to tirz but thinking of stacking it with Cagri for maintenance. I just want to make sure that I have options to research. Of course I’ll probably pick up the newer ones on the horizon. I don’t want to regain obviously so I want to be prepared.😂
A wide assortment indeed! And so many more coming down the line. Have you researched with the Cagri yet? Do you clear your system, going off whatever GLP for a few weeks, before starting another?
A wide assortment indeed! And so many more coming down the line. Have you researched with the Cagri yet? Do you clear your system, going off whatever GLP for a few weeks, before starting another?
I haven’t tried Cagri yet, as I haven’t needed to with the Reta. No pauses between meds so far. When I started Reta I started at 1 mg while I tapered Tirz down.
To the original post of choosing my goal weight: I remember what I looked like at 190 lb, and set that as my goal.
I'm a 55 yr old male, 5'10", and have weighed 200 lb +/- 5-10 lb for about 15-20 yrs. Crept up to a wopping 230 lb at the beginning of this year. That's alot for me, but might be a goal weight for others.
Proud to say I've overshot my goal weight and am sitting at 176 lb.
A Dexascan sealed it for me. I used an assortment of online medically based "optimum weight" calculators that gave me a range clustering about 6 pounds or so less than I currently was. And it was within realm of my long ago college weight, so it made sense.

Then I did my first ever Dexascan and was stunned when it came back at 10% body fat. Once I saw that very low level, I knew I was done. Since then I've added back about 8 pounds and am right on the cusp of officially being overweight under terms of BMI. However all the additional weight has been a muscle mass increase due to weight training. Since my fat content has remained constant my BF% has actually dipped a bit below 10%, which doesn't thrill me. I'm on maintenance and still adjusting my Reta to get me to eat more.

But yeah, Dexascans will give the ultimate answer.
After all this time this is my first thread to start. But because of a goal I reached today I wanted to ask you all this.

So how are you deciding on your goal weight?

For myself, I initially wanted to weigh less than 200 and be in “onderland.” Well that wasn’t enough. Then I wanted to get out of the obese category on the BMI chart. I wanted to have a 100-pound loss. Ok, so I’ve met all of these.

Well my most recent goal was to weigh less than my husband (he’s not overweight). Guess what?! I met that goal today.

So now I can’t decide on my final goal. I’m 16 pounds from my wedding weight 34 years ago. Sounds like my next goal.

But my final goal, is that it? Do you pick a number that sounds good or do you wait and see where your body naturally stops? Just curious on your thought process of deciding. TIA.
The standard ht wt charts said I’m supposed to be 132lb, but I chose bmi under 25%. I’ve dropped to 140lb in 8 months from 185lbs and my bmi is 22%. I’m saying at this wt and working on my maintenance / need more energy and sleep plan.
Same here Dionysian. Wife had been complaining of my new snoring for the last 2-3 yrs. I was on the path to a cpap and have been resisting the sleep study.
But I lost the weight and the snoring is long gone. Problem solved.
Hey, that’s a great goal!😃
As a fellow lady I’m sure you can relate to the feeling of a big fluffy chest just sliding into (my also fat) neck as I sleep or breasts getting bunched up to neck while holding pillow. I’m not looking forward to the deflated tits but I’ll take that over apnea.
Congrats! Interested to know what you're stashing for maintenance?! I haven't needed to consider another glp for myself b/c tirz has been great and I have stocked up. I also use and love Pegasus by Kimera Chems, a lipo-c but with NAD+ which seems magical. I do have a few vials of Cagri, just in case, though untried. Have considered reta, and in the future may do the cycles of ss31 and Mots-C, ipa-teso. But haven't wanted to mess up what's working well. Would love to know what you're contemplating!
Not there yet myself.... just hit the onesies :) and am at 29.8 BMI..but have a good stash or Tirze and Reta and will probably get a little bit of Cagri... then go as low as possible and eventually fade out
59yr old male

I didn't choose a goal weight. My aim was to continue my healthy eating habits (pescatarian) but leaning less pizzatarian. Fortunately Mounjaro/Tirz keeps me wanting to eat healthy without effort.
*I didn't want to work out at all because for me it's not sustainable. Didn't hit a gym once.
*Started 2.5mg on 12/23/23, went to to 5mg after 11 shots and been on 5mg since. In the spring I often went 9-12 days to stretch doses due to shortages. I didn't have the nerve to ask my Dr for dosage increases because it was so awesome of her to fight for coverage approval. Additionally I had days where it seemed really effective and days where it didn't so I got use to the rhythm of the med.
*I didn't get on the scale once! In August my doctor weighed me and I had gone from 226 to 169!

My skinny clothes are all fitting comfortably so the good news is I get to ramp up my caloric intake to maintain! When has this ever been the outcome after all the diets we've been on? (I'll be on Tirz indefinitely and have enough in the freezer to reduce the passenger list on Noah's Ark to a petting zoo. Still staying on 5mg though but recently added Cagri)
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59yr old male

I didn't choose a goal weight. My aim was to continue my healthy eating habits (pescatarian) but leaning less pizzatarian. Fortunately Mounjaro/Tirz keeps me wanting to eat healthy without effort.
*I didn't want to work out at all because for me it's not sustainable. Didn't hit a gym once.
*Started 2.5mg on 12/23/23, went to to 5mg after 11 shots and been on 5mg since. In the spring I often went 9-12 days to stretch doses due to shortages. I didn't have the nerve to ask my Dr for dosage increases because it was so awesome of her to fight for coverage approval. Additionally I had days where it seemed really effective and days where it didn't so I got use to the rhythm of the med.
*I didn't get on the scale once! In August my doctor weighed me and I had gone from 226 to 169!

My skinny clothes are all fitting comfortably so the good news is I get to ramp up my caloric intake to maintain! When has this ever been the outcome after all the diets we've been on? (I'll be on Tirz indefinitely and have enough in the freezer to reduce the passenger list on Noah's Ark to a petting zoo. Still staying on 5mg though but recently added Cagri)
Congratulations!! That’s amazing what you accomplished on 5 mg. You’re a super responder. I plan to stay on some type of glp1 when I reach goal (20 pounds or less…I think). These meds are life savers for sure.