How Do I Start Weight Training? Explain it to Me Like I'm Five.

off topic but i used to watch this show called "The Magicians" and there was a character named Bacchus (God of Revelry) who was quite the character and every time I read a comment of yours I'm picturing this guy talking.
I looooved The Magicians !!
And that character was SO funny…he was like if ADHD was a person & on drugs….. 😂😂
I love all of these suggestions!

I have a question for those of you that have been weight training with success for a long time….

So, real quick, my situation. All of my younger years were spent in serious swimming…but with that comes a coach, to guide you, make up your workouts etc. And it is just a different kind of workout vs. weight training/ strength building…

Life circumstances led to excessive weight gain, could not get it off for literally anything, then the magic of GLP-1’s, I have lost 65lbs, but have been in a stall for quite some time (months & on the highest dose of Tirz), and I want to start building my strength back and get more toned.
I also think it could help break my stall… I only want to lose another 20-25lbs ish….but being strong matters to me more than the scale, especially my core, where it seems I have lost all strength!

BUT what keeps messing me up from getting going with any program is how incredibly sore I get after lifting from just 1 or 2 workouts ! 😩

All the things I read on strength training say not to lift again when you are still sore, cause your muscles are rebuilding, but if that soreness lasts 2, 3, or 4 days, what do you do? (I foam roll, use a massage gun, drink lots of water)

Do you just lift anyway and eventually you will stop getting so sore?

I know that being consistent is an absolute must for this to work…
So looking for some advice on how to get more consistent even when this happens..
Thank you!!
I love all of these suggestions!

I have a question for those of you that have been weight training with success for a long time….

So, real quick, my situation. All of my younger years were spent in serious swimming…but with that comes a coach, to guide you, make up your workouts etc. And it is just a different kind of workout vs. weight training/ strength building…

Life circumstances led to excessive weight gain, could not get it off for literally anything, then the magic of GLP-1’s, I have lost 65lbs, but have been in a stall for quite some time (months & on the highest dose of Tirz), and I want to start building my strength back and get more toned.
I also think it could help break my stall… I only want to lose another 20-25lbs ish….but being strong matters to me more than the scale, especially my core, where it seems I have lost all strength!

BUT what keeps messing me up from getting going with any program is how incredibly sore I get after lifting from just 1 or 2 workouts ! 😩

All the things I read on strength training say not to lift again when you are still sore, cause your muscles are rebuilding, but if that soreness lasts 2, 3, or 4 days, what do you do? (I foam roll, use a massage gun, drink lots of water)

Do you just lift anyway and eventually you will stop getting so sore?

I know that being consistent is an absolute must for this to work…
So looking for some advice on how to get more consistent even when this happens..
Thank you!!
There are some peptides that are supposed to help with muscle soreness after a workout. I can’t remember which ones off the top of my head but you could try that.

When I start a lifting program, I start with low weights. Lower than I think. And every week or so I add on 1.25lbs until I get to a challenging weight that I might stick with for a bit. It gets your muscles used to lifting. You’ll still be sore, but less so. I also generally lift 3 times a week and a program might look like this:

Sunday - rest
Monday - upper body
Tuesday - lower body
Wednesday - rest
Thursday - rest
Friday - full body/core
Saturday - rest

Something like that at the start gives you days between lifting to recover. Also always remember to stretch. I stretch every day.

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