Feedee.what kind of job is that?
Translation… “My current job requires me to lie in bed for an hour immediately after lunch every day. How can I avoid this?”我现在的工作让我每天午饭后必须立即躺在床上休息一个小时。我该如何避免这种情况呢?
Yes, that is indeed the translation:Translation… “My current job requires me to lie in bed for an hour immediately after lunch every day. How can I avoid this?”
What job lets you take an hour long nap after lunch everyday? Do you get paid, and where can I send my resumé?
So you probably have sleep apnea?I don't want to sacrifice my rest time, but this situation will cause me to gain more and more belly fat.
And then I had to look up a word in the definition example of use:Anyone else have to look up “postprandial”?
it helps me to eat a lighter lunch. like a salad instead of a heavy meal不是强制的,但是我担心下午没精神,所以想多睡一会儿。如果时间充裕的话,我可能不会立刻躺下,但午休时间只有一个半小时,吃完饭就剩一个小时,所以实际的睡眠时间可能只有40分钟
Of course it is. What idiot would ever think I was a real person?Are we sure this isn't an AI bot thread?