All but convinced this is megaliths original discord username and megalith was his alt for peptide purposes. Even went back and compared grammar and writing styles.
Last night, I applauded him for his compilation of research and conclusions, but yet he just couldn't stop responding over if we believed the peptide community was "turning" toward accepting the conclusions.
Both he and megalith (if they are even two different people) care more about being seen as the smartest person in the room and attacking others in a derogatory manner than they do about letting the science speak for itself.
No one will ever take either of them seriously because of their approach. Put your ego(s) aside and try to have some discourse. Both of you are way too in your feelings on the topic and it hampers credibility.
Even if I said the conversation didn't need to continue, as we were aligned on the science, but not aligned on the "community" changing their opinion, he still simply couldn't let it go and reiterated a point that had nothing do with what we weren't agreeing on.
The loudest person in the room is never the smartest. If you aren't megalith, maybe learn from his mistakes and try a different approach.
Here's exactly what happened.
I said the tide has been turning of late about this cagrilintide topic.
You denied it.
I suggested maybe you're just not up to date, and I pointed to evidence: multiple people within the chat including the server owner who said they had finally been persuaded by my recent write-up (the same one I posted here).
You mocked my response with a laugh-react (

) and then once again denied that the tide was turning, citing the cagrilintide promos that had been selling out as evidence.
My response:
There's a difference between "turning" and "turned" that you seem to be conflating. For cagrilintide promos to stop selling out would indicate it has completely "turned." Whereas pH buffered cagrilintide now being offered is a sign that it's "turning." So yes, it's turning, but still plenty of people behind the curve.
Then you got defensive and accused me of being "condescending" because I said "you seem to be conflating." But you did conflate them, and as I responded:
You set the tone when you laughed at my comments attempting to substantiate the turning of the tide (and it is turning). I don't mind, but don't clutch pearls when I respond in kind.
Then you went back and heavily edited ALL of your previous messages, making them sound more reasonable.
And now, here you are dragging this petty grievance onto another platform, acting like a victim when you started with the mocking and couldn't handle a little "condescension" in return.
The tide *is* turning and you loudly denying it across multiple platforms ain't gonna change that.
And now you say:
No one will ever take either of them seriously because of their approach.
Except you already take me seriously. You praised my write-up repeatedly and described it as "persuasive."
That's one more person publicly aligning themselves with Novo Nordisk, demonstrating the continued turning of the tide.