Here's exactly what happened.
I said the tide has been turning of late about this cagrilintide topic.
You denied it.
I said maybe you're just not up to date, and I pointed to evidence: multiple people within the chat including the server owner who said they had finally been persuaded by my recent write-up (the same one I posted here).
You mocked my response with a laugh-react (
) and then once again denied that the tide was turning, citing the cagrilintide promos that had been selling out as evidence.
My response:
Then you got defensive and accused me of being "condescending" because I said "you seem to be conflating." But you did conflate them, and as I responded:
And now, here you are dragging this petty grievance onto another platform, acting like a victim when you started with the mocking and couldn't handle a little "condescension" in return.
The tide *is* turning and you loudly denying it across multiple platforms ain't gonna change that.
And now you say:
Except you already take me seriously. You praised my write-up repeatedly and described it as "persuasive."
That's one more person publicly aligning themselves with Novo Nordisk, demonstrating the continued turning of the tide.