My Cagri Chronicle: ongoing updates on progress with cag starting October 2024

Week 4 Update on tirz10 + cagri 0.25mg

this update is long and rambling, i'll go back and put some of the salient points in bold to save you time, dear reader:

I am pretty sure I wrote an update last week but maybe I forgot to post it. Weird.
This week the tirz 10 seemed even more effective than usual, my appetite was gone Monday - Wednesday. had my usual cycle of tirz side effects that is almost predictable now. insomnia on night one. opposite gastro effects on day 2 and 3. maybe a little aloofness here and there. but nothing too bad.

I thought about skipping the cagri this week since tirz still seemed to be strong. But I went ahead with 0.25mg yesterday. strong appetite suppression so far. Forgot to eat lunch and could only eat a protein cookie for dinner, until after I played a couple hours of tennis, then I was able to fit in a chicken leg and half a deli sandwich.

Still feeling strong suppression today, it's 10am and I just realized I never did my morning protein shake so I am doing that now.

The fatigue on week 3 was much better, and also better starting out on week 4 so far. I was tired at bedtime but not during the day or evening. Hopefully that's going to stay better.

independent testing on my sry cagri 5 came back good. I just contributed to the cost as part of a small group so I don't want to post the coa without their permission, and i'm just slipping this detail into my broader update. but the sry c5 tested good.

i didn't lose any weight on the scale this week...or maybe a half pound depending on which reading you believe. but I didn't gain any either. I'm still sitting at my recent low. I think I'm primed for another drop in the next couple days. Maybe I'll do my trick of dehydrating myself tonight with a little red wine and a very hot bath full of epsom salt. That usually does the trick.

on a really positive note, though, I did gain a notch on my belt this week, and I had a day where I looked in the full length mirror and suddenly noticed that my shape has trimmed down a bit. Those body changes always seem to happen between the scale changes for me, which I find weird, but it happens over and over.

i'm due to titrate up on tirz but i think i will wait a little longer. I'm going to be working my way through the step-up dose vials i have from sdrx for a while. I will crack open the 10mg vial next week or the following, and I'm thinking I'll just stay on the doses that those vials specify. 1 vial of 10mg, then a vial of 12.5mg, then 3 vials of 15mg before i start working on my grey market stash. i saw a discussion on reddit yesterday about staying on minimum effective doses vs. higher weight loss results on higher doses, and my idea for now is to try to get to that 15mg dose in a reasonable time. i'm in it to win it on tirz, and there's some thought out there that weight loss stalls out after a year or so no matter what dose you're on, so make the most of your first year (somewhat speculation but not baseless).

i'm not yet ready to move up on cagri. I want to make sure the fatigue stays away this week. and I also want to assess how the appetite suppression does. last week I felt like the cagri wore off after like 2 days. but its half life is supposed to be longer than tirz, like 9 days. so I was surprised. I'm going to see how the 0.25mg goes this week and probably another week before i think about increasing. if it does seem to wear off after a couple days, maybe a small cagri dose would be a candidate for twice a week dosing. some days i wake up and just want to jab a needle full of some questionable shit into my belly, so maybe i'll double up on cagri if it wears off.

since starting tirz july 15, I'm down 34 pounds. I have something like 25 or 30 to go I would guess. i had a weight loss surgery in 2021 and lost about 110 pounds. right now i'm about 13 pounds above that low point so i'm excited to try to get back to that.
Thanks for the updates. I just started .3 mg Wednesday. I take my 15 mg ties on Saturdays and am usually famished by this point in the week. Thursday was rough—I thought I was getting the flu or something—just drank a protein drink and went to bed. Today I feel normal and not particularly hungry. Love it so far!
Week 4 Update on tirz10 + cagri 0.25mg

this update is long and rambling, i'll go back and put some of the salient points in bold to save you time, dear reader:

I am pretty sure I wrote an update last week but maybe I forgot to post it. Weird.
This week the tirz 10 seemed even more effective than usual, my appetite was gone Monday - Wednesday. had my usual cycle of tirz side effects that is almost predictable now. insomnia on night one. opposite gastro effects on day 2 and 3. maybe a little aloofness here and there. but nothing too bad.

I thought about skipping the cagri this week since tirz still seemed to be strong. But I went ahead with 0.25mg yesterday. strong appetite suppression so far. Forgot to eat lunch and could only eat a protein cookie for dinner, until after I played a couple hours of tennis, then I was able to fit in a chicken leg and half a deli sandwich.

Still feeling strong suppression today, it's 10am and I just realized I never did my morning protein shake so I am doing that now.

The fatigue on week 3 was much better, and also better starting out on week 4 so far. I was tired at bedtime but not during the day or evening. Hopefully that's going to stay better.

independent testing on my sry cagri 5 came back good. I just contributed to the cost as part of a small group so I don't want to post the coa without their permission, and i'm just slipping this detail into my broader update. but the sry c5 tested good.

i didn't lose any weight on the scale this week...or maybe a half pound depending on which reading you believe. but I didn't gain any either. I'm still sitting at my recent low. I think I'm primed for another drop in the next couple days. Maybe I'll do my trick of dehydrating myself tonight with a little red wine and a very hot bath full of epsom salt. That usually does the trick.

on a really positive note, though, I did gain a notch on my belt this week, and I had a day where I looked in the full length mirror and suddenly noticed that my shape has trimmed down a bit. Those body changes always seem to happen between the scale changes for me, which I find weird, but it happens over and over.

i'm due to titrate up on tirz but i think i will wait a little longer. I'm going to be working my way through the step-up dose vials i have from sdrx for a while. I will crack open the 10mg vial next week or the following, and I'm thinking I'll just stay on the doses that those vials specify. 1 vial of 10mg, then a vial of 12.5mg, then 3 vials of 15mg before i start working on my grey market stash. i saw a discussion on reddit yesterday about staying on minimum effective doses vs. higher weight loss results on higher doses, and my idea for now is to try to get to that 15mg dose in a reasonable time. i'm in it to win it on tirz, and there's some thought out there that weight loss stalls out after a year or so no matter what dose you're on, so make the most of your first year (somewhat speculation but not baseless).

i'm not yet ready to move up on cagri. I want to make sure the fatigue stays away this week. and I also want to assess how the appetite suppression does. last week I felt like the cagri wore off after like 2 days. but its half life is supposed to be longer than tirz, like 9 days. so I was surprised. I'm going to see how the 0.25mg goes this week and probably another week before i think about increasing. if it does seem to wear off after a couple days, maybe a small cagri dose would be a candidate for twice a week dosing. some days i wake up and just want to jab a needle full of some questionable shit into my belly, so maybe i'll double up on cagri if it wears off.

since starting tirz july 15, I'm down 34 pounds. I have something like 25 or 30 to go I would guess. i had a weight loss surgery in 2021 and lost about 110 pounds. right now i'm about 13 pounds above that low point so i'm excited to try to get back to that.
I feel the same about Cagri effects fading away really fast. I’m thinking about upping my dose
Thank you for the updates!
Feels like a lost week, probably 2 overall for progress. I guess it's part of the journey. But the variability week to week of hunger, appetite, and side effects is weird when it's the same dose

Although sometimes I think our expectations get a little too high. I've felt hungrier this week but still nothing like the before times. I had a fairlife protein shake for breakfast today and it's 10:30 am here and I'm mostly fine. A little hunger sneaking up but that seems normal. On better weeks i would have to force myself to have lunch as well, but not today. It's still much less hunger and food overall than normal meds.
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Feels like a lost week, probably 2 overall for progress. I guess it's part of the journey. But the variability week to week of hunger, appetite, and side effects is weird when it's the same dose

Although sometimes I think our expectations get a little too high. I've felt hungrier this week but still nothing like the before times. I had a fairlife protein shake for breakfast today and it's 10:30 am here and I'm mostly fine. A little hunger sneaking up but that seems normal. On better weeks i would have to force myself to have lunch as well, but not today. It's still much less hunger and food overall than normal meds.
I understand that sentiment. My first week of Cagri, I did 0.3 and I had a good response with the appetite suppressant. It was fast too, I gave my shot around 6am and by 2pm it kicked in. That was the fastest response I’ve ever had, Sema and Tirz takes about 36hrs on me. But the second week, the 0.3 did nothing, so 3 days later I did another 0.3 and had decent suppression. Now this past week, I did 0.6 in one dose and minimum effects. Oh well, I guess I’ll increase my dose this week again.

I’ve also since stopped my tirz, so this should be interesting LoL
Feels like a lost week, probably 2 overall for progress. I guess it's part of the journey. But the variability week to week of hunger, appetite, and side effects is weird when it's the same dose

Although sometimes I think our expectations get a little too high. I've felt hungrier this week but still nothing like the before times. I had a fairlife protein shake for breakfast today and it's 10:30 am here and I'm mostly fine. A little hunger sneaking up but that seems normal. On better weeks i would have to force myself to have lunch as well, but not today. It's still much less hunger and food overall than normal meds.
I really appreciate you sharing your journey with us. Thank you!

Do you find "where" you inject has any correlation to the effectiveness or side effects on Tirz?

I have found that stomach injections provide greater appetite suppression but also increased fatigue. I have only injected in my thighs for the past couple of months but in the thigh there is about three-day delay for me to feel the suppression and day three fatigue is typically the worst.

Based on your experience, I don't think I could add Cagri and make the Tirz fatigue even worse.
I really appreciate you sharing your journey with us. Thank you!

Do you find "where" you inject has any correlation to the effectiveness or side effects on Tirz?

I have found that stomach injections provide greater appetite suppression but also increased fatigue. I have only injected in my thighs for the past couple of months but in the thigh there is about three-day delay for me to feel the suppression and day three fatigue is typically the worst.

Based on your experience, I don't think I could add Cagri and make the Tirz fatigue even worse.
I haven't tried the thighs. I did back of the arm last week and it seems to have gone much better than the belly
yeah last week was a bust on both tirz and cagri. i haven't weighed myself in a week because i already know. it will probably take this week and next week to get back to my low scale weight.

i'm in no mood to mess around on this stuff, i want to get to my goal weight as expediently as possible, so after 5 weeks on 10mg, i went up to 12.5mg today, and went back to the arm flap injection site as that seemed to work really well. i know a lot of people try to stay on lower doses longer but i seem to respond better on the higher end. now that we are seeing prices drop like they are, i'm not opposed to testing out even higher doses than 15mg if i need to in the long run. hell why not 25mg or 40mg :-) I think 20mg twice a week should do well.

so anyway, day 1 on 12.5mg. had a 30mg protein shake for breakfast and not hungry for lunch.

also considering going up from cagri 0.3mg to 0.5mg this week but it's thanksgiving week in the US so i may not. or maybe i'll wait till friday instead of the normal thursday.

just really felt like the tirz wasn't super effective last week and felt like the cagri did nothing. haven't really had a week like that since starting tirz in july.

anyway, back to it! let's have a better week this week.
there's not much to say this week. still tirz 12.5 and cag 0.5. both are doing what i expect them to. i haven't lost any weight in 3-4 weeks though. but it's not the meds' fault. i've gotten away from some good habits re: protein management, not getting enough water/electrolytes, not eating healthy when i do eat - in favor of quick snacks like crackers and cheese and even some cookies which i almost never eat, been working more carbs into meals. and the biggie is that i've been hitting the bottle pretty hard the last couple weeks. so i'm going to just take a break from that for a while i think and try to get back to focusing on hitting protein goals and healthy meals.
i didn't feel much from the 0.5mg cag friday so i added another 0.25 saturday. didn't feel much from that either. wondering if this vial is degraded, it's a couple months old. or if you just build a tolerance quickly. i did fall asleep saturday afternoon for 10 minutes but really not bad sides. but all weekend i felt snackish and just felt like the stuff isn't doing much.

i may mix up another vial this week and put in a bit of acetic acid to make the ph closer to 4. i tested the cagri i did before and it tested out between 5-6ph, so did the bac water. so this means like 195 units of bac and 5 units of 5% acetic acid solution should make the ph right about 4.0

i'm still not losing weight (i actually haven't checked because i can feel it) but i dropped the booze last week and i'm about 5 days into that so i'm hoping that makes a difference over the next couple weeks.
i didn't feel much from the 0.5mg cag friday so i added another 0.25 saturday. didn't feel much from that either. wondering if this vial is degraded, it's a couple months old. or if you just build a tolerance quickly. i did fall asleep saturday afternoon for 10 minutes but really not bad sides. but all weekend i felt snackish and just felt like the stuff isn't doing much.

i may mix up another vial this week and put in a bit of acetic acid to make the ph closer to 4. i tested the cagri i did before and it tested out between 5-6ph, so did the bac water. so this means like 195 units of bac and 5 units of 5% acetic acid solution should make the ph right about 4.0

i'm still not losing weight (i actually haven't checked because i can feel it) but i dropped the booze last week and i'm about 5 days into that so i'm hoping that makes a difference over the next couple weeks.
This is entirely anecdotal, but I’ve read lots of experiences from people who have taken Cagri and it seems to lose its super potent effect after a short while. Tried it 3x, got a somewhat similar result, side effects not worth it, so I’ve largely stuck with the usuals.
I never got a "super potent effect" effect from Cagri. Started at .125 and currently at 1mg/wk. I feel like it's extending my Tirz "feels" more consistently throughout the 7 days and unstuck weight loss without having to increase my Tirz from 5mg (been at that dose 8mos). At a lower dose of Cagri I didn't notice anything. It's been subtle but I'll go through this kit. I was basically looking to add something that didn't overlap or replicate Tirz but added another component (amylin).
well cool, tirz this week feels right. just did the cag 0.5. planning on another 0.5mg on saturday. no booze for a week now. gotta say i'm more alert and feel better.

big news is that i broke my 6-7 week stall with a whoosh. dropped another 4 pounds rather suddenly from the stall weight. i guess cutting out the alcohol made a difference.

side effects at an all time low. but i do expect to have a little fatigue this weekend with the cag. it is funny, it seems to come on after a meal.
a user on here is selling some leftover cagrisema so i picked it up, when that arrives i may switch from straight cag to cagrisema for a bit and see how that goes. i'll be triple stacking, for funsies. watching out for gastroparesis.
Onederland today! 199.6.

T12.5 and Cag 0.75 still doing a good job, feels like i'm in the sweet spot for now.

Very happy, I was hoping to make it below 200 by the end of the year, but when I was stuck at 208 3 weeks ago I almost lost hope. Moving up to 12.5 and then cag 0.75 made a big difference and busted my stall. It also finally finally seems to have moderately reduced my alcohol cravings.

cag weekend fatigue is still there, i slept 10 hours saturday night. but daily b12 and electrolytes and vitamin d does seem to help.

another big win - my blood pressure was 118/75 today. it is never never in normal range, i always run moderately high. i'm always trying to stay under 140/90 to keep the doctors happy, 118/75 is awesome for me.

i do have these 3 vials of cagrisema and was thinking about switching from 0.75 cag to 0.5/0.5 cagrisema, but i dunno, things are going well right now, may not change at the moment.
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