HOW ARE WE NOT FRIENDS ALREADY?!?!!? This is so me!!! Between peps and cheap "backups" from China, these tariffs actually had me digging around indiamart and echemi to see if I could find a quick substitute. Especially the cheap nail supply stuff. The look of distain on my face now as I walk down the nail aisle of Sally Beauty!
I have to admit, the made-in-china app is a literal rabbit hole ... and I will never look at anything the same way. That site is full of the most random sh*t and even the full on manufacturing machines to make said random sh*t. I even reached out to someone and bought the most perfect LV knockoff purse I've ever seen! $17 ... and then there's Live streams all over TikTok selling the exact same ones for $119-$140/ea. I'm like ... I know where you got that! Hahaha!!
The indiamart one is a little harder to and more frustrating to use. As for pep sourcing, it's a crap shoot and the few vendors I have contacted dont have competitive pricing at all.