Nexaph First Purchase - Retatrutide

There are lots of peptide suppliers on this site that i won’t buy from personally for ethical or risk reasons. I consider SPC one of those.

However Glp1forum isn’t in the business of screening vendors for people, it’s in the business of providing a platform for people to access information to make their own informed decisions. This is a maaaaaasive gold rush, there are going to be a ton of shady folks running into it.

There is a wide spectrum of price/risk with all these suppliers and we all have our own sensitivity to these things. Everyone should research and decide for themselves, don’t just go to a forum and hope that the sketchy ones have been removed, or look at a vendor’s COAs and believe they’re a true reflection of their product, or rely on some list that an internet stranger made through their lens of risk tolerance and assume their evaluation of sources is the same as yours would be if you put in the effort.

Sorry I got on a bit of a soap box here, tldr: glp1forum is full of smart folks, but also sheisters and conmen and some well meaning people who are uninformed but quick to want to help. We can’t police this and don’t really try to — that’s your job as a grown up dabbling in underground injectables.
Yes, thank you for this, and I completely understand, it is all a certain level of risk. I am going back and reading the thread again & I honestly think I got this vendor confused with another one, which is completely on me.!!
I will test what I get and go from there. I am still such a newb, so any and all information is greatly appreciated from all of you more experienced researchers!!
All of that makes sense. Thank you for the clarity! I have read your posts in other threads about this specific person and vendor. I guess each of us without the proof have to make a decision if what some have said is true and has the vendor or person representing them has decided to continue being shady or has fixed things.
Yeah, at this moment all we have to go on is vendor testing which doesn’t mean anything (see my recent post about that) and demonstrated dishonesty. The limited third party testing there was just showed non-sterile product.

It’ll take some time but no reason third party testing can’t end up giving them a track record of having an acceptable product. That’s not where we are right now. Frankly i find it very strange how frothy some folks got over a vendor with basically no track record when they were called out for lying but here we are 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Yeah, at this moment all we have to go on is vendor testing which doesn’t mean anything (see my recent post about that) and demonstrated dishonesty. The limited third party testing there was just showed contaminated product.

It’ll take some time but no reason third party testing can’t end up giving them a track record of having an acceptable product. That’s not where we are right now. Frankly i find it very strange how frothy some folks got over a vendor with basically no track record when they were called out for lying but here we are 🤷🏻‍♂️
Website ordering, easy payment options, domestic shipping, rep speaks perfect English and supposedly lives here. When you make it like the compounders at a fraction of the cost you don't need to cast a wide net to find fish.
Sorry about what you are dealing with. But the research shows, and all the anecdotal evidence, that every injection can be different. You are 6 weeks in. Regardless of how much you have to lose, patience is important, the med does so much heavy lifting but not all of it. If you've done the research as you say you have, then you know what you need to be doing regarding food, hydration, protein, etc. Hunger comes. Hunger disappears, it changes week to week. The moment someone tries a different compound pharmacy or researches from a different vendor, and doesn't feel exactly as they felt before, they are all yelling it's the product, the pharmacy, the vendor, it's a bad batch, under-dosed, and most of the time it is not. And those who haven't done the research inject more, too much and too fast, and it often doesn't end well in terms of pain and discomfort. Sometimes the appetite suppression for my RS takes real time, like a day and a half after injection day. Take a look at a half life plotter or get the Shotsy app and start charting the injections and see how much is already in your RS' system. You didn't finish month 1 at 2.5. Now you want to jump halfway while in month two. If you are going to inject your RS with more, rather than handling your body and the med properly, then at least don't smack yourself up to 7.5mg. You have a reconned vial, do the calculations on any of the available calculators and titrate up a little bit. Like to 5.5mg. But really you would be far smarter to give it a little time. You can always inject, but once the med is in your RS, and if the RS ends up suffering because it's too much, all you can do is wait it out.
Hi, this is my first post on this forum. My head is spinning from reading this thread, lol. I took my first step today and ordered from Nexaph this morning. Got my tracking info this evening. I am cautiously optimistic. My next step: read up on how to go about having it tested once I get it...
One more thing to add on this and then I'm done. Most of these “jaded” members here coming out of the woodwork to warn people about Nexaph are heavily involved in the PTDS test server.

I might be unique among members here In that I kind of double dipped down the peptide rabbit hole. I started looking into taking GLP1 meds around July of last year and I spent months looking into the options, debating whether I wanted to go the compounded route, buy abroad, buy from a trusted domestic vendor or buy directly from China. I actually had an account on peppys from when they first launched though I never posted. After months of mulling it over I ultimately settled on buying from an overpriced but reputable domestic vendor knowing full well I was getting the same products I could potentially get from China.
At the time ordering from China was a hell of a lot more sketch than it Is today. The odds of getting the wrong product, a contaminated product or being outright scammed were a lot higher than they are today.

I went back down the rabbit hole around July of this year and started researching ordering directly from china again and it was immediately apparent that things had come a long way since then. While I don't recommend it, a lot of people seem to be able to order from a new random chinese vendor and get the product they want at the dosage they want, at least a hell of a lot more often than a year ago.

I may not know all the details of how things got from where they were between summer of ‘23 to where they were in summer of ‘24, but from what I’ve seen in the few weeks since I joined PTDS, I do think the work the PTDS server has done has a lot to do with this change. From what I’ve seen so far this group seems to function as something of a watchdog. A lot of venders can't get away with the shit they got away with a year ago because if they try, this group will find out about it and word will get out.

What bothers me the most out of everything in this was that Cain posted on telegram that the PTDS group is out to get him because they are in the pockets of certain vendors. This type of post where vendors attempt to erode confidence in the watchdog groups that try to keep them honest is extremely problematic. What is even more concerning is the number of members here that seem to be buying into this story.

I’d urge everyone here, even if you want to buy from Nexaph, please don’t buy into this lie. Don’t think the people warning you here are full of shit if Nexaph sends you an acceptable product. In fact, understand that if you get an acceptable product from them, it is in part due to the fact that this group makes efforts to hold shady vendors like them to account.
Yeah, at this moment all we have to go on is vendor testing which doesn’t mean anything (see my recent post about that) and demonstrated dishonesty. The limited third party testing there was just showed contaminated product.

It’ll take some time but no reason third party testing can’t end up giving them a track record of having an acceptable product. That’s not where we are right now. Frankly i find it very strange how frothy some folks got over a vendor with basically no track record when they were called out for lying but here we are 🤷🏻‍♂️

When you say contaminated product are you referring to failed sterility tests (which we've seen with other vendors as well) or something different? I haven't seen a lot of test results for Nexaph posted here, but the test results that have been posted by forum members show high purity and good fill.
When you say contaminated product are you referring to failed sterility tests (which we've seen with other vendors as well) or something different? I haven't seen a lot of test results for Nexaph posted here, but the test results that have been posted by forum members show high purity and good fill.

There is definitely one failed sterility test floating around. Cain did not deny its validity and I believe he said they replaced the batch (someone please correct me if I'm wrong there).

Afaik people just don't like Cain because he lied about being a Chinese factory rep and instead they are batch order resellers. Honestly I don't care "who" my dealer is and how they source product as long as it's the chemical advertised and is produced properly. I'll be starting research with their T30 on Oct 18, wish me and my rat luck.
All of that makes sense. Thank you for the clarity! I have read your posts in other threads about this specific person and vendor. I guess each of us without the proof have to make a decision if what some have said is true and has the vendor or person representing them has decided to continue being shady or has fixed things.
To expand a little on what EWB said, when I created this forum I wanted a place for free and open discussion with minimal moderation to allow information and conversations to develop organically and I still think the vast majority of content here reflects that spirit.

The unfortunate nature of the research peptide industry over the past year or so is that lots of less-than-honorable people have seen it as a goldmine to "get rich quick" and take advantage of people who are desperate to obtain GLP-1's. Worse yet, many of them are quite skilled at their con and talk a good game, put on a good show and have lots of glitz and shiny things to convince people they're the best of the best and many people fall for it. Some folks even end up helping promote the worst vendors out there because they either are too naive, haven't been around long enough to know their history, assume that an initial positive experience means that vendor must be honest (forgetting that for any con or scam to work there will always be some people who get what they pay for), or countless other factors.

One of the biggest hurdles to knowing the history of many bad vendors is that much of the public social media content containing that knowledge has been on Reddit, Discord, or Facebook groups that are frequently deleted by such platforms and lost forever outside of those of us who were there and remember (that's another issue; all the people who have come and gone and aren't around to share info and knowledge).

It's really the wild west out there dealing with vendors (both foreign and domestic), and while I know there's only so much any one of us can do to help people avoid getting ripped off or injured, I continue to hope that this forum will continue to grow as a resource to help keep people informed and give them the tools to make the best decisions possible when dealing with any vendor.
Between the time this thread started and now, I sought access to all the deeper discord sites where these types of things have been discussed including cains confession. And while all the details of exactly what has been proven and what is suspected is still fuzzy in places I think at this point It’s not worth tripping over the details.

What I have seen in the last few weeks after getting access to these deeper sites is an extreme track record of dishonest and unethical behavior. And the more I read the more disgusted I become.

At this point I'm embarrassed I considered this vendor. And BTW, I've seen around 5 other members from this thread who were either considering this vendor or bought from them that quite disgusted after learning the backstory.

The point I was trying to make is at this point there is no reason for anyone to laugh off and shrug off negative reports from this vendor as being unnecessary drama or hearsay. There are serious problems with this vendor, they may not be currently scamming but based on what I've seen, I wouldn't touch them with a 10 ft pole.
@Nikki nik
I think at this point It’s not worth tripping over the details.

What I have seen in the last few weeks after getting access to these deeper sites is an extreme track record of dishonest and unethical behavior. And the more I read the more disgusted I become.

At this point I'm embarrassed I considered this vendor. And BTW, I've seen around 5 other members from this thread who were either considering this vendor or bought from them that quite disgusted after learning the backstory.

The point I was trying to make is at this point there is no reason for anyone to laugh off and shrug off negative reports from this vendor as being unnecessary drama or hearsay. There are serious problems with this vendor, they may not be currently scamming but based on what I've seen, I wouldn't touch them with a 10 ft pole.

I think one of the reasons this conversation remains unsettled is because whatever is going on with Nexaph hasn't clearly been identified as fraud or harmful and the claims are not specific. If there is evidence of that it would be really helpful for the rest of us to see.

Were any customers sold bad product? If so, were those customers refused refunds? Have they verbally abused customers? Taken money for product that never shipped? Are they embezzling money or directing funds to cartels? Are they a worse employer than Amazon?

Those kinds of issues are serious but also easy to document and communicate. We've seen nothing like that at all which leaves everyone else confused about what the actual issue with their company is. I understand the admins position on having an open forum but the fact that they haven't banned Nexaph from this site with a full disclaimer about their specific issues is even more confusing. If what they're up to is so disgusting why are they being allowed to hang around?
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I think one of the reasons this conversation remains unsettled is because whatever is going on with Nexaph hasn't clearly been identified as fraud or harmful and the claims are not specific. If there is evidence of that it would be really helpful for the rest of us to see.

Were any customers sold bad product? If so, were those customers refused refunds? Have they verbally abused customers? Taken money for product that never shipped? Are they embezzling money or directing funds to cartels? Are they a worse employer than Amazon?

Those kinds of issues are serious but also easy to document and communicate. We've seen nothing like that at all which leaves everyone else confused about what the actual issue with their company is. I understand the admins position on having an open forum but the fact that they haven't banned Nexaph from this site with a full disclaimer about their specific issues is even more confusing. If what they're up to is so disgusting why are they being allowed to hang around?
your boy Cain is actually the guy that sells EZPens, but couldn’t leave it at that so he decided to pretend to be a Chinese peptide vendor to make more money… off of people like yourself. That is not to mention the other various people working with/for him all working to promote and perpetuate the Chinese vendor lie. It was all a coordinated effort to make money and continues to be, except for the Chinese vendor part.
@Cain_SPC can you verify this?

Why in the absolute fuck would you trust someone like that with your money, health and safety? In a perfect world, this forum would not censor a thing, just disclaim what admins, mods and other more seasoned players already know, and let its members choose whatever path they want to take. And in that perfect world, people like @Cain_SPC would be relegated to the dark corners where no one deals with them or even gives them attention because he is a liar conman. So far, we have the first part. And now the rest needs to happen.

Your hypotheticals seem cherry-picked to avoid questions of moral turpitude about this situation. “Did he fund terrorism? Did Cain commit genocide? No? Then his peptides must be fine.”
@Cain_SPC is shady at best. I don’t understand why you’d give a liar the benefit of the doubt. They trade that in for the lie and eventually money. I watched Babagadouche admit to the whole peptide universe that he was a liar in bed with other liars. And the fact that you didn’t see it doesn’t make it less true, it just makes you more uninformed and naive. I know that’s not your fault, but I bet you don’t question a tornado siren when you hear one. You know that whoever set off the alarm had your best interest in mind. People are telling you what’s up, and if you don’t want to listen, that’s your prerogative.

This forum admins aren’t going to hold your hand and tell you a vendor is naughty. But if a bunch of people tell you and you keep asking for “proof”, that’s up to you. Good luck.
When you say contaminated product are you referring to failed sterility tests (which we've seen with other vendors as well) or something different? I haven't seen a lot of test results for Nexaph posted here, but the test results that have been posted by forum members show high purity and good fill.
Yes I used the wrong term, I’ll correct it in the comment. Failed sterility, not contamination
One more thing to add on this and then I'm done. Most of these “jaded” members here coming out of the woodwork to warn people about Nexaph are heavily involved in the PTDS test server.

I might be unique among members here In that I kind of double dipped down the peptide rabbit hole. I started looking into taking GLP1 meds around July of last year and I spent months looking into the options, debating whether I wanted to go the compounded route, buy abroad, buy from a trusted domestic vendor or buy directly from China. I actually had an account on peppys from when they first launched though I never posted. After months of mulling it over I ultimately settled on buying from an overpriced but reputable domestic vendor knowing full well I was getting the same products I could potentially get from China.
At the time ordering from China was a hell of a lot more sketch than it Is today. The odds of getting the wrong product, a contaminated product or being outright scammed were a lot higher than they are today.

I went back down the rabbit hole around July of this year and started researching ordering directly from china again and it was immediately apparent that things had come a long way since then. While I don't recommend it, a lot of people seem to be able to order from a new random chinese vendor and get the product they want at the dosage they want, at least a hell of a lot more often than a year ago.

I may not know all the details of how things got from where they were between summer of ‘23 to where they were in summer of ‘24, but from what I’ve seen in the few weeks since I joined PTDS, I do think the work the PTDS server has done has a lot to do with this change. From what I’ve seen so far this group seems to function as something of a watchdog. A lot of venders can't get away with the shit they got away with a year ago because if they try, this group will find out about it and word will get out.

What bothers me the most out of everything in this was that Cain posted on telegram that the PTDS group is out to get him because they are in the pockets of certain vendors. This type of post where vendors attempt to erode confidence in the watchdog groups that try to keep them honest is extremely problematic. What is even more concerning is the number of members here that seem to be buying into this story.

I’d urge everyone here, even if you want to buy from Nexaph, please don’t buy into this lie. Don’t think the people warning you here are full of shit if Nexaph sends you an acceptable product. In fact, understand that if you get an acceptable product from them, it is in part due to the fact that this group makes efforts to hold shady vendors like them to account.

I have never stated that the PTSD mods/admins are out to get me or they are in the pockets of certain vendors. On the contrary you can ask TwoSuppas about my contributions to their group and how many tests i joined while i was a member there. I think you may be confusing me with people that are associated with the brand SPC/SNP via group buys or reselling.

Sure i hid my identity in a grey market of research peptides, but with these big pharma groups out to get everyone nowadays do you blame me? I didn't do it to deceive clients or to scam them, it was to protect myself. And this isn't something new to online vendors in grey markets. All of us here use aliases online.
I have never stated that the PTSD mods/admins are out to get me or they are in the pockets of certain vendors. On the contrary you can ask TwoSuppas about my contributions to their group and how many tests i joined while i was a member there. I think you may be confusing me with people that are associated with the brand SPC/SNP via group buys or reselling.

Sure i hid my identity in a grey market of research peptides, but with these big pharma groups out to get everyone nowadays do you blame me? I didn't do it to deceive clients or to scam them, it was to protect myself. And this isn't something new to online vendors in grey markets. All of us here use aliases online.
LOL what a load of bullshit.
I don’t know your real name, just your other screen name. That’s not an alias, that’s a misrepresentation of who you are portraying yourself to be. It’s basically like you’re wearing a wig and a fake mustache. You’re delusional.

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I have never stated that the PTSD mods/admins are out to get me or they are in the pockets of certain vendors. On the contrary you can ask TwoSuppas about my contributions to their group and how many tests i joined while i was a member there. I think you may be confusing me with people that are associated with the brand SPC/SNP via group buys or reselling.

Sure i hid my identity in a grey market of research peptides, but with these big pharma groups out to get everyone nowadays do you blame me? I didn't do it to deceive clients or to scam them, it was to protect myself. And this isn't something new to online vendors in grey markets. All of us here use aliases online.

LOL what a load of bullshit.
I don’t know your real name, just your other screen name. That’s not an alias, that’s a misrepresentation of who you are portraying yourself to be. It’s not like you’re wearing a wig and a fake mustache. You’re delusional.

There is definitely one failed sterility test floating around. Cain did not deny its validity and I believe he said they replaced the batch (someone please correct me if I'm wrong there).

Afaik people just don't like Cain because he lied about being a Chinese factory rep and instead they are batch order resellers. Honestly I don't care "who" my dealer is and how they source product as long as it's the chemical advertised and is produced properly. I'll be starting research with their T30 on Oct 18, wish me and my rat luck.
Please start with the t15 in over here smh