Nexaph Reta 12 mg - neon green cap under- performing 89-92 % re-testing

From what I understand, Sabrina is a scientist that works in a lab but not the Numega lab used to test the reta. She recently started her own testing site on Discord and orders the testing from different labs depending on what she or users want tested. She gets the results back and then provides an analysis of the results.

Her idea was to go beyond mass/purity testing on the defunct reta to gain a better understand what is causing it to degrade so quickly and if it makes it completely unsafe to use. Typically when a pep degrades it loses its effectiveness, but in this case because it is degrading over weeks (instead of months) whatever is causing the degradation could be dangerous to inject. If this is the case, why did Nexaph/Cain/Baba use this formula in the first place.
Thank you for the clarification! From what I hear from her, she has received 25 hostile messages on discord since yesterday. Being a scientist who loves peptide and has put in many unpaid hours so far toward furthering understanding about the quality of our peptides, that really is discouraging.... I wonder, who would have a vested interest in discouraging her from doing this work???? hmmmmmmm..... I kinda do have a sense who might like her to stop..... alas, since a person can have many aliases around here, it's hard to say, isn't it?
I’m all for her doing her work but given the circumstances it’s not out of line to do a little side-by-side comparison between this brand new entrant and a trusted lab. That’s not slander, it’s just sensible. If she stands up under scrutiny then there is nothing to argue about. Until then though I’m remaining skeptical.
I’m all for her doing her work but given the circumstances it’s not out of line to do a little side-by-side comparison between this brand new entrant and a trusted lab. That’s not slander, it’s just sensible. If she stands up under scrutiny then there is nothing to argue about. Until then though I’m remaining skeptical.
I wouldn't pay her to do testing for me but I've been providing samples for her group. Stuff that's already been tested elsewhere.


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I think so, otherwise that's a weird coincidence.
Damn, I am looking forward to getting the testing process started on the reship reta 12. We probably won't have results until mid-January though. It will be about one-month out from the time it was shipped. Plus add two weeks for vial collection and shipping to Jano it should make it roughly 8-10 weeks from manufacture date and six-weeks or so from the previous Jano test of the same batch.

I pinned it for the first time last week and the feelz are there but not a very good gauge of purity or degradation.
I mean what happens if you pin a 90% pep on avg? Is it just less potent or can it uhhh turn into fibril soup lol
I don't think anyone can definitively answer this question. Could have stronger side effects or different side effects. It would also be difficult to accurately dose. If you are pinning 6mg and the purity is 90% it would be a 5.4mg dose if it is 80% it would be a 4.8mg dose. Given the lag time between dose and feelz I am not sure how you use it if you wanted to.

At the end of the day it was replaced and for me, it's not worth the risk to pin. Into the trash it goes.
I don't think anyone can definitively answer this question. Could have stronger side effects or different side effects. It would also be difficult to accurately dose. If you are pinning 6mg and the purity is 90% it would be a 5.4mg dose if it is 80% it would be a 4.8mg dose. Given the lag time between dose and feelz I am not sure how you use it if you wanted to.

At the end of the day it was replaced and for me, it's not worth the risk to pin. Into the trash it goes.
Noted. I will dump mine. Still have the replacement, their cagri and just got a batch of Sema off them. : /
Does she know the compounds and expected fill, or is she taking them blind?
Easiest way to know what's going on... check out the server, I posted a link to it...... recent completed test Amo T60 and QSC T30, results are published in a google folder.... unfortunately the files are too big to upload, otherwise I would..... I am learning a lot there.... here is the link again:
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