QSC Retatrutide

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What you’ve described is really similar to the stacking protocols I’ve seen most ppl using. When I get mine I’ll be doing the same. Rn I’m at 7mg tirz/5 days. I may try 1mg of reta just to see how that works first. I guess I want to go slow only because of what happened with my friend I referenced..he’s been stacking reta with tirz now for more than 3 months and had been on 10mg of tirz alone prior to adding the reta. But he started with 2mg of reta with the 10mg of tirz, and after a few days he just thought he needed more reta because he didn’t notice it. So he added 2mg more. He was very sick for 2 days straight, missed work etc. He said it was a stupid mistake not taking it slowly when stacking, and not factoring in the half-life of the reta. So just thought I’d mention his experience ymmv!
Thanks for the feedback. I agree that low, slow, and adjust as needed is the way to go. Like you, may start at 1 mg reta four days after my tirz dose and see. I plan to do a bit more research before I set my schedule; although, this is kinda unchartered territory. Will post updates.
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As an update, have taken two doses of QSC retatrutide, 2mg each about 3 days after my 5mg tirz dose. Honestly, I don't feel any additional food noise suppression or other benefit. Will continue to take and titrate.
However, I saw a reddit thread today that made me doubt the QSC retatrutide effectiveness. I know QSC had an issue with reta some time ago but this post had me doubting. Anyone else try the QSC retatrutide?
As an update, have taken two doses of QSC retatrutide, 2mg each about 3 days after my 5mg tirz dose. Honestly, I don't feel any additional food noise suppression or other benefit. Will continue to take and titrate.
However, I saw a reddit thread today that made me doubt the QSC retatrutide effectiveness. I know QSC had an issue with reta some time ago but this post had me doubting. Anyone else try the QSC retatrutide?
You likely won't feel additional food noise suppression with Reta, at least not until you hit much higher doses, because it doesn't hit that receptor as hard. It seems to go Sema > Tirz > Reta for appetite suppression, tho it will still slow gastric emptying about the same as Tirz. I'm hungrier on Reta and at first I was suspicious about that, but... I'm still losing weight.

Reta works primarily by increasing metabolic rate / energy expenditure, the GLP1/GIP agonism is much lighter. So I think a large part of the folks who are dissatisfied are coming from a GLP1 inhibitor to low doses of Reta and expecting to revive the feeling they got the first month on Tirz. That just isn't what I'm experiencing at all, and that's just fine. The scale is my guide and the scale is happy.
You likely won't feel additional food noise suppression with Reta, at least not until you hit much higher doses, because it doesn't hit that receptor as hard. It seems to go Sema > Tirz > Reta for appetite suppression, tho it will still slow gastric emptying about the same as Tirz. I'm hungrier on Reta and at first I was suspicious about that, but... I'm still losing weight.

Reta works primarily by increasing metabolic rate / energy expenditure, the GLP1/GIP agonism is much lighte think a large part of the folks who are dissatisfied are coming from a GLP1 inhibitor to low doses of Reta and expecting to revive the feeling they got the first month on Tirz. That just isn't what I'm experiencing at all, and that's just fine. The scale is my guide and the scale is happy.
Thanks for the information, TessaM. Good feedback. What you say makes sense, reta being different and to adjust expectations until higher doses. The scale guide for me is pointing in the right direction, too. I can't complain. So, I will continue on my path and titrate up slowly, or as needed.
Yesterday, I read a study in which a professor wrote that different medications affect people differently and, especially at too high a dosage, can cause side effects such as mood swings, increased heart rate, and even arrhythmias. This led me to think of the following solution to the problem:
if 5 mg does not provide the sufficient effect, to administer a second injection of 5 mg? If this would double the effect, I would also try this with Retatrudite or Tirzepatide. Then I could order the correct dosage of 5 or 10 mg injections in the future. Is this possible?
I just read elsewhere combing reta with tirz is not healthy due to muscle loss and heart palpitations to start.
As an update, have taken two doses of QSC retatrutide, 2mg each about 3 days after my 5mg tirz dose. Honestly, I don't feel any additional food noise suppression or other benefit. Will continue to take and titrate.
However, I saw a reddit thread today that made me doubt the QSC retatrutide effectiveness. I know QSC had an issue with reta some time ago but this post had me doubting. Anyone else try the QSC retatrutide?
petey neither of those doses are considered to be "therapeutic", and they are unlikely to suppress food noise or appetite.
For me, as an example, 7-10mg of Tirzepatide was needed to equal the supression effects of 2.5mg of Semaglutide. I've no dog in the QSC hunt but I don't think your experience at low doses is sufficient to cast doubt of their product.
Just saying.
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petey neither of those doses are considered to be "therapeutic", and they are unlikely to suppress food noise or appetite.
For me, as an example, 7-10mg of Tirzepatide was needed to equal the supression effects of 2.5mg of Semaglutide. I've no dog in the QSC hunt but I don't think your experience at low doses is sufficient to cast doubt of their product.
Just saying.
Thanks for your timely feedback, dionysos. That comment you referenced was 7 months ago, so lots have changed since then.

Since your concern appears to be more about QSC than me as a person, let me address that point. Which is that I agree with your conclusion. My 7-month old comment completely fails to cast doubt on QSC's reputation. However, bismirching QSC's reputation was not my intention back then. If it was, I'm sure I could cite a few compelling examples. Honestly, my 7-month old comment was selfish in nature, it was about me, not QSC. It was about my self doubt having just started stacking Reta with Tirz and reading a post related to QSC's Tirz. As a result, I posed the question with my comment. The summary feedback back then, which you touched upon, was that it was too early to tell due to the low initial dose I was on at the time. Made sense to me, I accepted that explanation and moved on. QSC's product quality, or lack of, did not enter my mind again. Until you bring it up 7-months later.
No dog in the QSC hunt? Not so sure about that. Just saying.
I'm sorry that my comment sounded personal, or biased. It was not intended to be either of those things.

Perhaps commenting on an old thread made it seem somehow pointed? Again, my apology; I didn't even notice the posting date.

I am actively engaged in an attempt to understand the differences in appetite suppression vs side effects vs dosage of the three primary GLP-1s and how I can best use them to meet my goals. The potency of each vendors products is relevant, of course, as is the very subjective nature of each individual's reporting. Those two factors alone make reaching conclusions a challenge for me - that, my old age, and my diminishing brainpower!

QSC is of very little consequence to me, and is of interest mainly because it is something of a known quantity in this new-to-me forum. I did impulsively buy 4 vials of the recent QSC Group Buy when offered to me. The amount of money was trivial, I got to meet two members of this forum, and it seemed like a fun learning experience - like going to the fairgrounds for lunch and betting on a horse. Bizzarely perhaps, I don't even need the Tirzepatide I bought 😄

You CAN justly accuse me of bias when it comes to AmoPeptide, which I purchased before my QSC fling. There is a very new, untried vendor that I researched, compared, and evaluated in my newbie way. Then I invested in AmoPeptide by purchasing a kit of Retatrutide, also a new and relatively untried entity.

I'm Biased and Invested in both of those things. Fire away peteyb !
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I'm sorry that my comment sounded personal, or biased. It was not intended to be either of those things.

Perhaps commenting on an old thread made it seem somehow pointed? Again, my apology; I didn't even notice the posting date.

I am actively engaged in an attempt to understand the differences in appetite suppression vs side effects vs dosage of the three primary GLP-1s and how I can best use them to meet my goals. The potency of each vendors products is relevant, of course, as is the very subjective nature of each individual's reporting. Those two factors alone make reaching conclusions a challenge for me - that, my old age, and my diminishing brainpower!

QSC is of very little consequence to me, and is of interest mainly because it is something of a known quantity in this new-to-me forum. I did impulsively buy 4 vials of the recent QSC Group Buy when offered to me. The amount of money was trivial, I got to meet two members of this forum, and it seemed like a fun learning experience - like going to the fairgrounds for lunch and betting on a horse. Bizzarely perhaps, I don't even need the Tirzipatide I bought 😄

You CAN justly accuse me of bias when it comes to AmoPeptide, which I purchased before my QSC fling. There is a very new, untried vendor that I researched, compared, and evaluated in my newbie way. Then I invested in AmoPeptide by purchasing a kit of Retatrutide, also a new and relatively untried entity.

I'm Biased and Invested in both of those things. Fire away peteyb !
Hi Dionysos. No worries. Thanks for your reply and apology. I apologize if I went a bit overboard in my response. That closing comment of "just saying" seems to irk me when used, a pet peeve if you will. Especially by people of a certain generation. That comment caused me to question your age and after reading your other forum comments, I was surprised to learn that we appear to be close in age. Glad to know there are people on these forums who recall Captain Kangaroo and Mr. Green Jeans. I was also relieved that you're not a Chinese troll account, which happens here on occasion.

I have no issues with anyone having a bias, provided the person does not have an undisclosed financial interest driving that bias. I've seen AmoPeptides mentioned here and on Discord, but haven't checked them out. I'll take a look at their website though, if I can find it. I do miss ordering form XCE's website.

As for QCS, many people on Discord and Peppy's view QSC negatively. For many reasons I gather, but mostly I think due to poor customer service. Personally, I have not had any glp1 product or service issues with QSC. I do buy from QSC on occasion.
I will say that since xce ceased, I've been disappointed in speculating with new Chinese vendors, trying to find that next XCE (mainly due to non-glp product quality when tested and the resulting poor response). These disappointing experiences has led me to appreciate QSC more than in the past. QSC seems to attempt to improve by sending products to Jano, testing before releasing the product for purchase. I can't verify QSC follows that practice, but they do regularly pay for and release Jano test results on their own. As you probably know, most Chinese vendors won't to that. Also, unlike these new vendors, QSC has a historical testing track record with PTDS, similar to XCE. Not perfect, but far from consistently awful. Reminds me of the "the devil you know" euphemism.
It may be possible that I now have a QSC bias.

Although researching new vendors is exciting, I intend to rely on trusted group buys going forward, with custom batches that include testing, for my product needs. At least until more reliable vendors are found.

Not sure of your goals, but to me Tirz has been my main glp1 for weight loss for some time. I've had more success than with sema. Stacking with Reta is now starting to pay off I believe. I also have some of the other newer glp1s but I have yet to research and develop a plan to use them.

Anyway, I look forward to reading more of your posts, whether about your goals, AmoPeptide or this new vendor you've found.
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AmoPeptide certainly is starting off in a strong way. Having bought the mini-GB-QSC Tirz just after purchasing a full kit of Reta from AmoPeptide, I’ll reluctantly give their Tirz sale a miss.

Mam, I likely ALREADY HAVE enough peptides to last till this time NEXT YEAR 😳

Nada Hoarder, really, I can stop anytime, anytime!
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Thanks for the info.

AmoPeptide certainly is starting off in a strong way. Having bought the mini-GB-QSC Tirz just after purchasing a full kit of Reta from AmoPeptide, I’ll reluctantly give their Tirz sale a miss.

I likely ALREADY HAVE enough peptides to last till this time NEXT YEAR 😳

Nada Hoarder, really, I can stop anytime, anytime!
Hey now, can we remain anonymous here?!😝
You’re welcome. So you bought from amopeptides but haven’t researched them yet? I’ve seen them around awhile but rarely hear them mentioned.

This GB we did will be my first experience with QSC. And I did my first overseas purchase last week for Cagri with Nantong Guangyuan’s GB. I decided to go for it since I could use Alibaba to pay. I am not interested in bitcoin.

I too have a nice stockpile. It certainly doesn’t hurt to be prepared.😃
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I need an opinion on my research…

Started originally on Tirz and titrated up to 15mg. I didn’t lose much (wasn’t trying as was dealing with a terminal illness in my family). But I had great relief from a painful hip. Switched to sema, titrated to max dosage, again not a huge loss but was seeing a little improvement (post death of family member). However, my hip pain returned. So I started stacking sema and tirz. Got pain relief in my hip again. But then I wanted to try Reta as it’s said to be more powerful. So I dropped sema and have slowly added Reta. So currently stacking 5mg tirz and upped my Reta yesterday to 4mg. Over on Peppy’s it was discussed how stacking these two can increase heart rate and potentially cause cardiac issues (plus muscle loss). I do not want heart problems.

I want to try Reta solo I think, just not sure if it will help with inflammation, thus my hip pain.
Just wondering if Reta alone will decrease the inflammation like Tirz. I just have thought I’d always take a low dose of Tirz for my hip. But now I’m not sure. Thoughts?
Lots of interesting things to unpack here, MrsRoper:
potential heart problems, inflammation reduction by Tirz, stacking of Sema/Tirz, stacking Reta/Tirz

First regarding potential heart problems:
NEJM June 23, 2023. Phase 2-Trial: Retatrutide fror Obesity

" The heart rate increased with retatrutide treatment in a dose-dependent manner...
the increases were similar to those reported for GLP-1 receptor agonists.33 "

"Reported cardiac arrhythmias were mild to moderate in severity with the exception of one
severe adverse event (prolonged QT syndrome) in a participant treated with ondansetron "

Ondansetron (Zofran) is known to cause prolonged QT syndrome on its own.
It seems to me the study does not suggest Retatrutide causes QT prolongation or increases its liklihood.
Further, this study points out that the temporary heart rate increases noted were similar to those found
in Semaglutide and Tirzepatide studies.

It seems to me that Retatrutide has a risk profile that is no better, and no worse than Semaglutide or Tirzepatide.
As someone with atrial fibrillation that was successfully treated with ablation surgery, drug therapy and a pacemaker
I would use this drug. I do, in fact PLAN TO USE Retatrutide.

PART TWO To Follow Later...
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Lots of interesting things to unpack here, MrsRoper:
potential heart problems, inflammation reduction by Tirz, stacking of Sema/Tirz, stacking Reta/Tirz

First regarding potential heart problems:
NEJM June 23, 2023. Phase 2-Trial: Retatrutide fror Obesity

" The heart rate increased with retatrutide treatment in a dose-dependent manner...
the increases were similar to those reported for GLP-1 receptor agonists.33 "

"Reported cardiac arrhythmias were mild to moderate in severity with the exception of one
severe adverse event (prolonged QT syndrome) in a participant treated with ondansetron "

Ondansetron (Zofran) is known to cause prolonged QT syndrome on its own.
It seems to me the study does not suggest Retatrutide causes QT prolongation or increases its liklihood.
Further, this study points out that the temporary heart rate increases noted were similar to those found
in Semaglutide and Tirzepatide studies.

It seems to me that Retatrutide has a risk profile that is no better, and no worse than Semaglutide or Tirzepatide.
As someone with atrial fibrillation that was successfully treated with ablation surgery, drug therapy and a pacemaker
I would use this drug. I do, in fact PLAN TO USE Retatrutide.

PART TWO To Follow Later...
Thank you for part one. In the meantime let me provide more to unpack.😂

Oh just to clarify, I didn’t stack sema and tirz. I started the sema one week after my last dose of Mounjaro (tirz).

Now, in addition to my current stack of Reta (now 4mg) and tirz 5mg 1x week, I take 0.125mcg of tesofensine (which can also raise heart rate). I do check my rate from time to time and it’s WNL. With this stack and I do PSMF (protein sparring modified fast) 3 days a week and the weight is melting off. Thus what I’m doing is working. I’m just trying to decide if I should stop Tirz and just continue titrating Reta. Just hoping I still get the anti-inflammatory benefits.😅. If you’ve read all of this, thank you.
As an update, have taken two doses of QSC retatrutide, 2mg each about 3 days after my 5mg tirz dose. Honestly, I don't feel any additional food noise suppression or other benefit. Will continue to take and titrate.
However, I saw a reddit thread today that made me doubt the QSC retatrutide effectiveness. I know QSC had an issue with reta some time ago but this post had me doubting. Anyone else try the QSC retatrutide?
Thank you for part one. In the meantime let me provide more to unpack.😂

Oh just to clarify, I didn’t stack sema and tirz. I started the sema one week after my last dose of Mounjaro (tirz).

Now, in addition to my current stack of Reta (now 4mg) and tirz 5mg 1x week, I take 0.125mcg of tesofensine (which can also raise heart rate). I do check my rate from time to time and it’s WNL. With this stack and I do PSMF (protein sparring modified fast) 3 days a week and the weight is melting off. Thus what I’m doing is working. I’m just trying to decide if I should stop Tirz and just continue titrating Reta. Just hoping I still get the anti-inflammatory benefits.😅. If you’ve read all of this, thank you
How do you like tesofensine? I was thinking of trying it in addition to Reta. I've read some people really like it but it also seems to cause insomnia for a significant amount of users. And then some people report no effects at all but IMO that is probably a vendor issue and it's not really tesofensine.
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How do you like tesofensine? I was thinking of trying it in addition to Reta. I've read some people really like it but it also seems to cause insomnia for a significant amount of users. And then some people report no effects at all but IMO that is probably a vendor issue and it's not really tesofensine.

Understanding and Managing Sleepiness with Retatrutide​

Why Retatrutide Might Cause Sleepiness:
  1. Central Nervous System Effects:Retatrutide, as a GLP-1 receptor agonist, acts on the central nervous system. This can influence neurotransmitter balance, potentially leading to feelings of drowsiness.
  2. Blood Sugar Levels:This medication helps lower blood sugar by increasing insulin secretion and decreasing glucagon secretion. Sometimes, these changes can lead to lower blood sugar levels, which might cause fatigue and sleepiness.
  3. Delayed Gastric Emptying:By delaying gastric emptying, Retatrutide can help with weight loss, but it might also cause gastrointestinal discomfort and fatigue.
  4. Weight Loss and Energy Balance:Rapid weight loss can cause your body to adjust its energy balance and metabolism, leading to feelings of tiredness as your body adapts.
  5. Specific Drug Effects:As a novel agent targeting multiple receptors (GLP-1, GIP, and glucagon), Retatrutide's multifaceted actions may contribute to sleepiness.
  6. Cumulative Side Effects:Other side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and headaches may indirectly contribute to feelings of drowsiness.
Tips to Manage Sleepiness:
  1. Moderate Exercise:Engage in moderate physical activity daily, such as walking or light exercises, to boost your energy levels.
  2. Stay Hydrated:Drink plenty of water throughout the day to prevent dehydration, which can contribute to fatigue.
How do you like tesofensine? I was thinking of trying it in addition to Reta. I've read some people really like it but it also seems to cause insomnia for a significant amount of users. And then some people report no effects at all but IMO that is probably a vendor issue and it's not really tesofensine.
Whether it's drowsiness or insomnia, I hope you can consider it carefully and be prepared to deal with it and mentally prepare yourself before you try it.
How do you like tesofensine? I was thinking of trying it in addition to Reta. I've read some people really like it but it also seems to cause insomnia for a significant amount of users. And then some people report no effects at all but IMO that is probably a vendor issue and it's not really tesofensine.
I like it. I’ve been on it about 6 weeks but take a micro dose of 0.125 mcg. I take it early, like 5-7 am, to avoid sleeping issues.
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