Someone told you to "go grey" and now you're here.

The concern with freezing is that it's unlikely lyophilization from these vendors is truly moisture free - there's almost certainly some water content in the vials. Depending on just how much, it's mixture with the filler and peptides means it will freeze at a lower temperature. When the moisture freezes it has the potential to damage adjacent peptides. Couple that with most kitchen freezers having defrost cycles that will result in the peptides heating up a bit, and you might have lots of thaw/freeze cycles. This is why the -80C freezers are sought after - they're cold enough and stable enough that you shouldn't have to worry about this.

Personally, I bought one of those -40F freezers off amazon and stash the peptides between layers of gel blocks to increase the thermal mass and insulate them.
Whelp... SCDC posts gone! Poof! 😳 That took about as long as asking Alexa if semaglutide "powder" can still be effective in jello shots. 🙄
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@exploitedworkerbee I don't know if this can be moved to the first page?

Quick guide for using the search. Search is top right of the forum, the little magnifying glass.

The search bar isn't great if you use less than four letters, and we often refer to things as 'ABC' or 'XYZ' instead of a full name. To fix that, add a * to the end of your search to trick it.

You can search for everything- all mentions etc- or you can search just titles for threads regarding that thing specifically.

There's also Advanced Search, which has a lot of options.

You'll have the option to search threads, posts by date, number of replies, and can even search your direct messages.

Alternatively, this forum is indexed by Google. You can search Google to find posts, and there are lots of ways to narrow things down.

Example: glow protocol


Hope it helps!
@exploitedworkerbee I don't know if this can be moved to the first page?

Quick guide for using the search. Search is top right of the forum, the little magnifying glass.
View attachment 5585

The search bar isn't great if you use less than four letters, and we often refer to things as 'ABC' or 'XYZ' instead of a full name. To fix that, add a * to the end of your search to trick it.
View attachment 5586

You can search for everything- all mentions etc- or you can search just titles for threads regarding that thing specifically.
View attachment 5587

There's also Advanced Search, which has a lot of options. View attachment 5588

You'll have the option to search threads, posts by date, number of replies, and can even search your direct messages.

Alternatively, this forum is indexed by Google. You can search Google to find posts, and there are lots of ways to narrow things down.

Example: glow protocol

View attachment 5589

Hope it helps!
I was about to add that, if like me, you are too lazy to follow all those instructions, just do a Google site search. Before I could even post that instruction, I saw that you had even covered that too.
I was about to add that, if like me, you are too lazy to follow all those instructions, just do a Google site search. Before I could even post that instruction, I saw that you had even covered that too.
That was a bee tip I saved as a screenshot ages ago. I take no credit
That was a bee tip I saved as a screenshot ages ago. I take no credit
You deserve credit for having the foresight to take the screenshot. And exploitedworkerbee deserves credit for what he does for the site. The chief exploiter, Zippity, who never pays exploitedworkerbee a cent, also deserves credit for hosting this site.
You deserve credit for having the foresight to take the screenshot. And exploitedworkerbee deserves credit for what he does for the site. The chief exploiter, Zippity, who never pays exploitedworkerbee a cent, also deserves credit for hosting this site.
My screenshot bank is massive.

All credit to Bee and Zippity. Bee for dealing with us and keeping us levelheaded, and Zippity for setting everything up.
Semaglutide aka sema- Ozempic or Wegovy active ingredient
Tirzepatide aka tirz- Zepbound or Mounjaro active ingredient

There are other options too, and other peptides, but don't touch them without way more research than just my dinky little thread. You're here because you're getting away from compounding, stick with what you know. Baby steps.

You're going to need bacteriostatic (bac) water, syringes, and your active ingredients. You may also want to filter. I don't filter, so I'm no help there, sorry. Some people discussed it here but I will be zero help.

Bac water- Get Hospira brand. You're saving thousands of dollars, just get the good stuff so you don't have to worry about sterility or whatever. Hospira Thread. Bac water is technically only good for a month after puncturing the vial, and is stored at room temperature in the dark. If you want to use it longer, that's on you. Yes, you'll throw out a lot. It's cheap anyway.
Syringes- There are many options, and lots of people have opinions. Some people like to get refillable pens. Personally, I use 1ml 30 gague 5/16 inch insulin syringes and they work perfectly fine and are cheap. I just get the generic ones off Amazon. Make sure you look into your local laws for syringe disposal, don't risk some poor sanitation worker getting stabbed with your old needles, that's gross and inconsiderate. Someone recently shared this link to a free disposal container for sharps.

The Good Stuff: Vendors
Don't assume a vendor is safe or good just because they've posted an advertisement here.
Take a look at the available sales. Look at what payment methods they accept- a few take credit cards, not many. You're probably going to have to use PayPal (not a good idea, PayPal can ban you for any or no reason), Alibaba, bank transfer, or cryptocurrency. Then use the search bar to see what people have to say about the vendor you're interested in. We're very opinionated here, you'll probably find a lot. No one is going to tell you "buy from this one!" because this is grey market, they've all got plus sides and down sides and have pretty much all had some sort of scandal. Do your own searches and decide which risks you're willing to take. Never be the first person to buy from a new vendor. Don't buy if the product isn't being tested unless you plan to test yourself. Consider sending your own product in for testing (janoshik is gold standard but there are others) but if not, make sure you're buying from someone that other people post the results from, or join a group buy where you all buy from the same batch and send something in to be tested together. Don't just blindly trust the tests posted by a vendor, they could be from a different batch, they could be photo shopped. This is your health we're talking about here. Vendors come and go, don't trust they have your best interest at heart no matter how many times they call you honey or dear or how hot their profile picture is. This thread discusses crypto. Some domestic sellers take credit cards, but you will pay a premium for that convenience. It's still much cheaper than name brand or compound.
Note: if you're buying from overseas, it can take weeks to arrive. You won't always get a tracking number. This is also normal.
This content is so helpful! How doin even begin to try to find a “group?” I’ve been reading and reading but haven’t run across anything….
This content is so helpful! How doin even begin to try to find a “group?” I’ve been reading and reading but haven’t run across anything….
You can join a lot of them on discord or telegram. Stairway to Grey has them fairly often. Recently someone decided to organize one for a newer vendor and created a telegram and posted a link here for anyone who wants to join.

Another way to search the forum via Google that is easier to understand, courtesy of @keangkong!

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