Brother, you keep calling them a company and yourself a consumer. I sympathize - you can find some posts from me in here talking similarly in the past. Not from me getting fucked over, but from poor customer service for someone else around bitcoin price fluctuations and some similar things.I am not angry at all. The aim of my last post was to project a feeling of caution towards other members when ordering from this vendor, as well as call out the obvious fact that some people for some unbeknownst reason would rather defend a company over the consumer. The reason refunds are so important are because some companies will promise you the world and fail to deliver. If you don't offer a refund, say so. If I actually thought the service was great with this company, I would absolutely ask for a reship.
The company in question has lied to me so many times since the first week of February, that it is near unfathomable at this point. I will continue to give honest feedback on any vendor, and you have my apologies if you interpret that as anger towards other members. The service has been so poor that I just want my money back. I hope that all makes better sense.
Final note, I find it a tad peculiar that the guy who loves this company so much, wants me to give him a tracking in private message. No problem, let me identify myself to you. Do you also want my bank account information and a picture of my ID?
If there was more competition and more options, it might matter. But people value consistently tested products and cheap prices over basically everything when it comes to the Chinese sellers. They have no incentive to do much. Sometimes they do stuff to make things right. Sometimes they don't. The whims of drug dealers are capricious.
But that's what you need to understand: You are dealing with drug dealers. Expect them to behave more similarly to your older brother's acquaintance you bought weed from in high school, not Amazon.