Tirz 2.5 dosage experience

Has anyone RS stayed on 2.5 tirz every 5 days for a while?
RS has suspicions they might be a super responder as currently very happy and losing 3lb a week, eating 1400 cals and feeling fine.
Research has been under going for about 7 weeks

Will tolerance eventually happen?
Reading a lot on here where other RS need higher doses and even stacking

RS is feeling very excited about all the possibilities but also wanting to follow the "if it ain't broken don't fix it" philosophy too
Everyone’s results will vary. I know some people who have lost all their weight never going over 5mg. And I know of others who have gone as high as 30 mg. I think some people titrate up too much too soon because they’re not getting results fast enough. Also, it’s normal to have fluctuations in ‘feels’. Some days you may still get hungry; it doesn’t mean the med isn’t working. We are supposed to get hungry; it’s just that we don’t always recognize true hunger signals in our modern, food everywhere society.

Also, as the newness wears off, people may feel they have a developed a tolerance rather than realizing this is their new normal. I remember how mind-blowing my first dose was with the near-immediate shut off of food noise and it was like, “is this how ‘normal’ people feel?!” Now I’m just used to it. Consider yourself lucky and think of all the $$ you’re saving being a super-responder!